Chapter 75
TN: Minorchange: Mo Fei's song "Feel Like Strangers" changed to "Sentiment with Stranger"
Chapter 75 - Delicious Food and Beauty
Since Mo Feiwas coming, Yang Yi didn't intend to open the shop. Anyway, there were only afew customers a day. So, he took off the signboard early, closed the door andwent upstairs.
Yang Yi knewthat Mo Fei has been so busy that she hasn't even eaten regularly for the pasttwo months, and her appetite wasn't very good, so he didn’t plan to prepare afew dishes to deal with it.
When Mo Feiarrived with Xixi, Yang Yi was busy in the kitchen, wearing an apron andcarrying a spatula.
“AndXiaojuan?” Yang Yi asked in surprise.
Mo Feicurled her lips and said ill-humoredly, “It's just us. Do you think anyonewould enjoy your cooking? Xiaojuan has an appointment. I don’t know whichhandsome guy took her heart away!”
This woman, whenfacing Yang Yi, seemed to gradually put down the defense in her heart. Herfrown and smile were full of charm. She no longer put on a cold expression likebefore.
“Papa,it smells good!” Xixi couldn't wait to take off her small leather bootsand walked ahead in her slippers. When she got to the second floor, she sniffedwith her nose like a puppy and said with sparkling eyes, “Is it time fordinner?”
Yang Yi tookMo Fei’s bag, walked in last, and said with a smile, “Not yet. We stillhave to wait. The delicious food still needs some time to be prepared!”
However,only a few minutes after Yang Yi got into the kitchen, he came out again,carrying a plate of strawberries with frost. The bright red strawberry made MoFei and Xixi's index fingers move, but the core of the strawberry was hollowedout, and they were curious about what the white thing inside it were. (TN: [食指大动] made the index finger move - Chinese idiom thatmeans there was something delicious.)
“Whatis this?” Mo Fei couldn’t help asking.
“Thisis called Chilled Strawberry with Condensed Milk!” Yang Yi smiled andsaid, “I specifically picked this kind of big strawberry, cut off thestalk, hollowed out the middle, then pour condensed milk into it, and finallyput it in the refrigerator to freeze it. It’s completely natural, and handmadedessert. Try it first!” (TN: It looks like this. Here)
After YangYi put the plate down, he returned to the kitchen, but behind him, the two, onebig and one small, who's eyes were shining, couldn't wait to start eating.
“Ah,it’s so cold!” Vague sound of shouting could be heard.
“Delicious,so yummy!” Xixi gasped, but still cried with joy.
“It’ssweet and sour!” Mo Fei’s voice was as happy as a child's.
Yang Yi wascooking in the kitchen when he vaguely heard them. He couldn’t help smiling.
Finally, itwas time for dinner. Just when Mo Fei and Xixi longed to see the dishes on thetable, Yang Yi filled them with porridge that he had carefully cooked.
“Whatis this?” Mo Fei reacted, looking at the porridge with yellow, black, redand other colorful ingredients, and asked in some bewilderment. (TN: It lookslike this. Here)
“Thisis multi-grain porridge.” Yang Yi said, “It contains pumpkins, blackbeans, glutinous rice, rice, millet and peanuts, and then boiled thin. It meltsin your mouth, and it especially nourishes the stomach!”
Xixicouldn’t wait to take a small spoon and secretly take a small bite, and shejust happened to eat her favorite peanuts. The little girl blinked her eyes andsaid with delight, “Delicious!”
“Xixi!You can’t be so rude. Wait for your father to sit down before you start eating!”Mo Fei attached great importance to etiquette and immediately put on a straightface to educate.
Xixi had toobediently put her two small hands on her lap and sat down solemnly. She made aface and stuck out her tongue at her father, as if secretly complaining to herfather about her mother being strict.
Yang Yi didn'tmind it and smiled, and he continued to explain, but kept it simple, becauseXixi couldn't help but want to eat quickly!
“Thetheme of today’s meal is 'To enjoy delicious foods'. If you want to enjoy deliciousfoods, you have to whet your appetite first. Then, I recommend this plate of Sweetand Sour Squid. It is a reproduction of Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat, but thebase ingredient is the more elastic and chewy squid!”
“Thisis Stuffed Tofu. Although it looks like ordinary tofu, it’s stuffed withcarrots and shiitake mushrooms.”
“Theseare Xixi’s favorite Soda Chicken Wings (similar to Coke Chicken Wings, and forthe sake of differentiation, it will be called Coke Chicken Wings). It was onlyslightly fried in oil, so it's not very hot.”
Finally,when Yang Yi finished, the Queen nodded with satisfaction, waved her chopsticksand said, “Let’s eat!”
Xixi had beencraving and couldn't stop swallowing her saliva. Hearing the words, she grabbeda small spoon happily and began to delectably eat the porridge.
“Delicious!Sweet. Xixi likes it! ” Xixi probably ate the pumpkin and said vaguely,“It’s better than aunt’s cooking!”
Mo Fei said withsome seriousness, “No talking while eating, Yang Xiaoxi. How many times doyou want Mama to say it?” (TN: Similar to don't talk while your mouth isfull.)
Yang Yi pickedup a piece of Coke chicken wings for his daughter and put it on the small platein front of her. He advised, “It doesn’t matter, it’s just a meal. What’sthe matter with talking?”
“Ofcourse, it matters. Xixi is a girl. How can she talk like those old men, sprayingsaliva while eating?” Mo Fei objected. She laid down her chopsticks andargued seriously.@@novelbin@@
Well, ifthere's going to be a quarrel, there I won't be able to eat.
Yang Yihurriedly shut his mouth and just repeatedly picked up food for them. Xixi was smalland couldn’t stand up to picked up the food. Yang Yi just did what Mo Fei originallydoes, and while convenient, he also served Mo Fei the soft and smooth tofu andSweet and Sour Squid… (TN: Mo Fei was usually the one that help Xixi witheating)
Actually, MoFei was not used to others picking up food for her. She has been raised to bevery independent since she was a child. She even resists the hospitality ofothers.
But thistime it was a little different. It was Yang Yi who was picking up food for her.
She didn't knowwhy, but a wonderful feeling lingered in her heart.
Is it a sweetfeeling? Is it happiness? Or something else? Mo Fei couldn't clearly tell.
So, shehesitated for a moment, stayed silent, and didn't reject it.
“Actually…It’s because his cooking is so delicious!” Mo Fei, in her heart, made anexcuse for herself. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given him face!”
Yang Yi’s cooking,of course, was full of color and flavor. After eating so much, Mo Fei and Xixi werefull and very satisfied, sitting on the chair, unwilling to move. Finally, YangYi tidied up the tableware, and then suggested, “Let’s go for a walk aroundthe dam!”
“No, I can'tgo.” Mo Fei shook her head.
“What'sthe matter? Now it's night, there are basically no one around the dam, and thewind is comfortable.” Yang Yi urged, “Go for a walk. Just relax. I’lldrive you back later.”
Xixi was intrigued.She stretched out her arms high to attract her father’s attention, and thencried, “I’m going too, I’m going too!”
“Allright, then…” Mo Fei hesitated and agreed.
As the gentlenight wind blew through the Grand Canal, three figures, two big and one small, appearedon the dark river dam. Yang Yi walked behind, carefully protecting the two in front,and Xixi was in front walking cheerfully, but her small hand was pulled by MoFei.
Jiang Dam wasvery spacious, and also has a section of protective fence, but Mo Fei was stillnot at ease.
In fact,this was the first time that Yang Yi and Mo Fei have gone out together. Were itnot for the constant laughter of Xixi, the atmosphere might be a littleawkward.
But in spiteof this, Mo Fei and Yang Yi still didn't know how to talk to each other, andthey remained silent.
It was stillYang Yi who broke the silence, he said: “I quite like your song “Sentimentwith Stranger”.”
In the dark,the water of the Grand Canal gently hit the dam. The sound of the water wassoothing. Mo Fei turned her head and saw Yang Yi’s bright eyes in the night.
As if they understoodeach other's thought, Mo Fei said softly, “Why don’t I sing it to younow?”
“Butthere is no accompaniment.” Yang Yi said with some regret.
“The darkcold night rain… can’t get through my heart / like this old way… can’t wait forthe appointed person / can never rush away, the brand of deep affection…” MoFei’s ethereal voice, with its own melody, has already sung softly.
Yang Yi shuthis mouth and listened quietly.
Xixi, wholikes her mother’s singing most, was no longer naughty. She obediently followedher mother’s pace, as if she was also following her mother’s rhythm.
“…Yousaid that this road was a bit dark / but you don't want to accompany me / the onlyconcern left is indifference / and I can only carry this sadness alone…”
Mo Fei’ssinging, weighed down with sorrow and weary, was like drinking an intoxicatingred wine. Yang Yi listened somewhat intoxicated.
Yang Yi watchedMo Fei's beautiful figure in the dark. This quiet and beautiful woman, like anorchid in an empty valley, made people feel pity. He can’t help but have somereverie…
Sentimentwith stranger, so, what kind of road are the two people taking now?
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