House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 - Sahara Online Bookstore?

Aftersending off Mo Fei, Yang Yi received new guests the next day.

The deputymanager of the Copyright Department of Qiyue and the managers of severalpublishing houses accompanied by him came to Yang Yi’s coffee shop. This time,Yang Yi no longer invited them to drink the best coffee, such as Blue Mountainand Mandheling he had collected. He simply served them mocha mixed with milkand sugar, which unexpectedly got a lot of praise.

Obviously, flatterywas very important!

Yang Yismiled but didn't speak, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

When itcomes to negotiation, Yang Yi was not very skillful, and his best helper, GuoZiyi, although this little fatty has finished the college entrance examination,he laughingly gave Yang Yi a phone call, and then followed his classmates to doa graduation tour. Naturally, he couldn't count on him.

However,although Yang Yi knows nothing about negotiation, he has brought a magicalskill from his previous life! In addition, as soon as the negotiations started,he put on an air of confidence and asked several publishing houses to show himthe conditions they had drawn up through sealed-bidding. (TN: sealed bidding - theywill put their condition, without the others knowing what it is, on a sealedenvelope and Yang Yi choose the best one.)

“I hopethat we can all be honest. I will choose the final publishing house accordingto your conditions, and then conduct detailed discussion, so as to avoidwasting everyone’s time.” Yang Yi finally said with a smile.

The managersof the publishing house looked at each other, it was the first time they hadmet such an author!

“ManagerHuang, isn't it a problem to do it like this?” One of the managerscouldn’t help asking the person from Qiyue.

“Ithink so too!” Another manager agreed.

Deputy ManagerHuang of the Copyright Department of Qiyue shook his head with a wry smile andsaid, “I think it's OK… Ahem. It's like this, because we have negotiatedwith Mr. Yang Yi that on the transaction of physical publishing copyright, hereserved the right to make the final decision, so let’s talk about it inaccordance with Mr. Yang Yi’s request…”

“Everyonecan think about it. If you don’t want to participate in this bid, it doesn’tmatter. Even if we can’t make a deal, our friendship will not disappear!”Yang Yi also has the appearance of not compromising.

He didn'tknow what conditions the other party could give, but Yang Yi believed in onetruth, that is, as long as his book, whether it was “Soldier Assault”or “Drawing Sword”, is physically published, it will definitely sellwell.

This hasbeen tested by the market in his previous life!

In the eraof rampant piracy, for "Drawing Sword", which was published in the new century,to sell more than 400,000 copies in 6 to 7 years, showed how valuable it is!

In thisworld that has a strong copyright awareness, Yang Yi can already foresee theprospect of a leap in sales of his two so-called “ReadNovelFulls” andphysical books.

So, he hasthe confidence to negotiate without the fear of others flipping the table!

Sure enough,after the managers of several publishing houses looked at each other, themanager who shouted the most picked up the paper and pen first, and the othersswarmed in, almost competing for it.

There was nothingto talk about the selection process of the sealed bidding. In the end, Yang Yipicked up an envelope and, like a broker on the stock exchange, said aloud:“Sahara Publishing House, Mr. Lu, congratulations. Next, we can talk inmore detail!”

A thin manwith disheveled hair stood up in surprise. He raised his hand and said,“I, I am Mr. Lu!”

However,Yang Yi’s choice caused an uproar in the audience, including Deputy ManagerHuang of Qiyue, who was also surprised.

“Haveyou made a mistake?” The manager who shouted the most just now popped outagain, and he exclaimed angrily, “What conditions did Sahara gave you? Idon’t believe that a small publishing house like them can give better conditionsthan our big publishing house.”

“This,I’m sorry, it’s not convenient to disclose it to you.” Yang Yi refusedwith a smile.

Deputy ManagerHuang couldn't help standing up and said, “Mr. Yang Yi, although it is notsuitable for me to interrupt at this time, could you consider it again? Interms of scale, Sahara is indeed smaller than the other three, and even if itgives you better conditions at present, in the long run, the benefits it givesyou in terms of sales can hardly be compared with those of the other three.”

“Thatis, this is just short-term!” The other three managers all joined in.

Actually, whenthat skinny Mr. Lu saw that the other three competitors, he had little hope,but now that he had been chosen, he seemed as happy as if he had drawn aprize-winning ticket!

But now thatDeputy Manager Huang and others said so, he got nervous again, fearing that theduck at his mouth would fly again. He hurriedly said, “Although ourpublishing house is small, we are very sincere, Mr. Yang. We can talk about theconditions we just wrote!”

Yang Yiraised her hand to calm them down. He said faintly, “In fact, the reasonwhy I chose Sahara is not only because the condition they offer are verysincere, but also because they have an advantage that the other three do nothave.” @@novelbin@@

At themoment, everyone was completely confused. Wasn’t Sahara smaller than the otherthree?

“What?”The one who shouted the most couldn't help asking.

“Saharahas one more channel to sell physical books than you do, that is, the onlinechannel.” Yang Yi said faintly.

In fact,Yang Yi wasn't calm, because there is only small sign of online shopping in thisworld, and there are no big websites like Taobao in his previous lives.

Yang Yi wassurprised by the prospect of Sahara Publishing House. Their boss set up awebsite for online sales of physical books, where readers can pay for books byregistered mail or bank transfer, and then send the books to the readersthrough bookstores.

This modelis very similar to 99 and Dangdang in Yang Yi's previous life! (TN: 99 and Dangdangis an online shopping store)

It can besaid that it is the prototype of online bookstore!

“What’sthe difference between this and online novels? Ha ha, such online sales can'tsell several copies in a month, and readers have to bother to mail the paymentfor the book. It's not as good as us. Our publishing house is related toseveral large chain bookstores in China and in the Far East…” There arealways people who are still stuck in the old mode of thinking, and they laughat Yang Yi’s choice.

But YangYi’s choice didn't change. He calmly said sorry to the other parties.

Finally,only Yang Yi and that Mr. Lu were left in the coffee shop. Everyone else left inanger. Even Deputy Manager Huang smiled bitterly, arched his hand at Yang Yi,and then followed after them.

DeputyManager Huang thought that the profit from the sales of Yang Yi’s physicalbooks was harmless, and he has to deal well with these publishers. After all,online literature at present was still weak. The publishing house has a lot ofresources, and Qiyue still has a lot of things to cooperate with the other parties.(TN: Just reasons why DM Huang left and not stay)

“Then,we…” Mr. Lu, with disheveled hair, was a little uncomfortable and darednot touch the new coffee Yang Yi had brought him, he said nervously.

“So,let's talk about it. Tell me the conditions needed for me to buy shares in yourpublishing house.” Yang Yi waved his hand and said with a smile.

Thismomentum immediately frightened Mr. Lu.

What would Mr.Lu feel if he learned that Yang Yi’s savings were less than several hundredthousand, but he still wanted to become a shareholder in other's publishinghouse…


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