House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 - The Scandal Erupts

Just whenYang Yi was about to write a song for Mo Fei, Mo Fei, who had always been cleanand had no gossip news, was suddenly involved in a scandal.

“Lovebetween an older woman and a younger man? Mo Fei was exposed to be in love withJu Jie!”

The news wasspread through an entertainment media with its own web portal.

In fact,this kind of news is not surprising. There are often all kinds of gossip, orrumors. Only those small newspapers that specialize in spreading gossip willcompete to report those rumors that do not have real evidence.

But thistime was different. The photos have been revealed on the website, and it's notjust one or two. Although it was a sneak shot, one can clearly see Ju Jie and MoFei talking closely.

What’s more,in the last photo, one can see Ju Jie "hugging" Mo Fei!

if thisisn't a real evidence, then what is?

Immediately,the major media and gossip tabloids reprinted. The media was fine, but the gossiptabloids have no integrity at all!

“Shocking!The beautiful queen of song unexpectedly did such a thing with a youngerman!” This was the title of an entertainment tabloid in Guangdong Province.It has similar style to UC shock department in Yang Yi’s previous life. It wassaid that after it was printed, the sales volume increased greatly.

“When frustratedin the music scene, Mo Fei fell into the trap of love?”

“Disappointed,Mo Fei, the golden flower, was also picked!”

Mo Fei, whohad been silent for a long time because of her album, has once again made theheadlines of the major media. This news was really too hot, no matter whether itwas a fan of Mo Fei or not, people who had known Mo Fei’s brilliance, allenjoyed talking about it.

The suddensurge in popularity has unexpectedly added fuel to the sales of Mo Fei’s newalbum!

But Mo Fei wasn'thappy to see this scene. After hearing about the news from Mo Xiaojuan, sherushed back to Jiangcheng in anger and rushed directly to Sister Ling’s office.

“Why didyou do this?” Mo Fei asked angrily, gritting her teeth.

“Whatdid I do?” Sister Ling pretended to be innocent.

But Mo Feididn’t buy it. She clutched the back of the chair tightly and said,“Sister Ling, we’ve been working together for seven or eight years. Yourbest way of creating hype, don't I know it? But we always agreed that I won’t touch these,so why use me?”

“Useyou?” At this moment, Niu Meiling stopped pretending anymore. She ignored MoFei’s frown and lit a slender cigarette, took a puff, and then said leisurely,“Mo Fei, how old are you? why can’t you tell the good from the bad? Did I useyou, or did I help you?”

Withoutwaiting for Mo Fei to respond, she threw out a piece of data and motioned to MoFei: “Look at the sales volume of your album. This is thanks to the factthat you've been hot in these two days. Otherwise, where would you get the morethan 200,000 increase in data?”

In the lastweek, with the exception to the individual BT comparison, normal album saleswill enter a weak period, so will Mo Fei’s. Before the increase in sales, therewere only five or six thousand a day. Suddenly, it increased to more than100,000 per day, which was obviously quite surprising.

“But Idon’t need it!” Mo Fei said coldly, “I don’t need such a result. Evenif I lose, I will lose fair and square.”

Mo Fei’scharacter is very straightforward, or it can be said that it is a pure streamin the entertainment industry. She wants real results, there is no room for alittle sand in her eyes! (TN: A metaphor which means cannot tolerateunreasonable and unfair things.)

“Mo Fei!You have to understand!” Niu Meiling snapped and said, “Now, you areno longer the top star in the past. You can’t even get into the front line! Thecompany has thrown you so many resources, but your achievements are not as goodas those of others. Song Yun and Han Fei'er, their last album results arebetter than you, right? Why are you so arrogant? Why don’t you listen to thecompany’s arrangement?”

Mo Fei wasshocked. She looked at the opposite party blankly, and suddenly felt that this SisterLing, who had once liked and understood her, was a little unfamiliar!

In fact, NiuMeiling also realized that her tone was a little heavy and accidentally shoutedout the fire in her heart. After all, she was a one of the biggest businesspersonsin the entertainment industry, and she soon controlled her temper.

“Is itnot for your own good that the company made such arrangements?” NiuMeiling’s voice softened, as if that Sister Ling had come back. “Mo Fei,you should understand that Sister Ling also wants to strive for better resultsfor you, so that you won’t be laughed at!”

“Butwhy didn’t you discuss it with me beforehand?” Mo Fei was still bitter.

“If Idiscussed it with you, would you agree?” Niu Meiling waved her hand andsaid with a smile, “So Sister Ling can only act first and ask later, andthe effect seems to be ok!”

But Mo Feireally didn’t like this feeling. She bit her lower lip and said, “I want toclarify it with the reporter!”

She added:“What if Xixi see it. I don’t want her to think that her mother is such anunscrupulous person who would do anything for success!”

“Clarificationis fine, but not now!” But Niu Meiling’s attitude was sometimes hard and sometimessoft. “Mo Fei, you have to understand Sister Ling’s difficulties, and waita few more days, and then clarify it after this week, okay? Regard it as SisterLing begging you!”

Having saidthat, how could Mo Fei continue stand up to the other party? After all, SisterLing was kind to her!

When shecame out of Sister Ling’s office, Mo Fei met the other protagonist in the scandal,Ju Jie!

Ju Jie canbe said to be high-spirited these days. He also benefited from this scandal andreceived a lot of attention, as if he had move from being third-tier small starto second-tier. He was so proud of himself that he even sprayed more cologne!

But Mo Feidid not give him a good look this time, and kept a cold face. She completelyignored Ju Jie’s greeting, and walked away in hostility.

“Like Icare!” After Mo Fei left, Ju Jie turned around disdainfully and pushed thedoor in. “Aunt Ling, I think I’m in a hot state now. Otherwise, we shouldstrike while the iron is hot and arrange an album for me…”


Coming outof the company, despite the hot summer, Mo Fei was cold as before. She got intothe car driven by Mo Xiaojuan.

“Sister,where are we going?” Mo Xiaojuan asked gingerly.

“Go toYang…” Mo Fei suddenly stopped. She hesitated for a moment, then withdrawher previous remark and said, “Go home. I’m tired.”

When Mo Feigot home, she curled up wearily on the sofa. Seeing this, Aunt Zhu, the nanny,quickly hide back to her nanny’s room.

Mo Feihesitated for a while before taking out her cellphone and dialing Yang Yi’snumber.

The cellphonerang for a long time before Yang Yi got through.

“Hello?”Yang Yi’s voice was very calm.

Mo Fei wassilent for a moment and then said, “Don’t believe the scandal in thenewspaper.”


Mo Feisuddenly felt a little aggrieved: “It was the hype arranged by thecompany, and I didn’t know about it.”

“Iknow.” Yang Yi still answered calmly.

But the morehe did, the more flustered Mo Fei became, and she said angrily, “You’rejealous!”

“I'mnot.” Yang Yi answered after a while.

Well, thistime it was a lie. Yang Yi was really jealous, although he didn't know whatthat feeling is. Anyway, after reading the news, he felt stuffy in his heart.

But whatYang Yi said before is true! He knew it was hype, and he could see it from thephoto. Yang Yi’s sharp eyes can distinguish whether it was a real hug or misplacement!

However, inspite of this, looking at the headlines of those news, Yang Yi felt very upset.

And then hereally wanted to cut that kid in two!

In hisprevious life, all those that provoked him would not be left with a completecorpse.

But Mo Fei’sphone call and explanation made him feel better again. Of course, with hischaracter, it’s hard to show it.

“You are!”Mo Fei thought that Yang Yi had become indifferent. She felt extremely wronged,and has taken a weeping voice. It’s not her fault!

“Well,I’m not really jealous. Don’t worry.” Yang Yi had a headache and had to coaxher like Xixi.

“I’vetold you everything, you mustn’t be jealous.” Mo Fei pouted her mouth andsaid very earnestly.

“Well,I’m not jealous.”

“You are!”This silly Scorpio…@@novelbin@@



TN: One ofthe many personalities of a Scorpio is that they are easily gets jealous (as anadult), thus it was used here.

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