Chapter 77
Chapter 77 - Xixi's Request
Yang Yiwanted to have a foot in the Sahara Publishing House, or strictly speaking, inthe Sahara online bookstore. Of course, it was certainly not something a smallmanager like Mr. Lu can decide. Mr. Lu asked his boss for advice in fear. Then,the negotiation was postponed and the boss personally got into action.
After seeingoff the guests, Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.
At thistime, Xixi, who was hiding on one side and peeking from the sofa, came runningand asked her father to hug her.
Yang Yi doteda little on the little girl. After all, for so many years, no matter whether itis blood relation or sentiment, she has been the closest person to him. Hepicked up Xixi and let her sit on his strong arm.
“Papa,do you have a lot of money?” Xixi, with her soft voice and small soft hand,asked as she grabbed and played with her father’s cheek.
Yang Yi isfull of muscles, but when his daughter grabbed him like this, the steel will turninto molten iron, and the tough guy can’t escape being surrounded by her soft fingers.
“Um,there’s some money. What’s the matter? Does my Xixi want to be papa's littlehousekeeper?” Yang Yi laughed happily and said, showing gentleness thatwas not like him!
“No, no!”The little girl wiggled her butt and waved her hands and explained, “Xixiwants Papa to give Mama some money. Mama is so pitiful!”
At thismoment, Yang Yi was unable to understand what this all about. And regardlesswhether Mo Fei wants his money or not, Yang Yi giving money to Mo Fei, wouldn'tthat just be crazy?
This womanhas too much money, not to mention the luxury house, it was unknown how muchmoney she has saved over the years!
When Yang Yithought about his own six-figure savings, he was secretly amused in his heart. Perhapsthe other party’s money was dozens or even hundreds of times that of his own.
“Why doyou say that your mother is pitiful?” Yang Yi asked puzzledly.
“On TV,Mama is so pitiful and she has been bullied!” Xixi pouted her mouth andsaid, “Auntie also said that Mama worked very hard, but the bad guy on TVsaid Mama didn’t.”
Xixi'sthinking was still naive. She held her father by the hand, looked at her fatherpitifully with her big eyes, and begged, “Papa, you give Mama some money,so that Mama will not be so sad, okay? She can also spend more time with Xixi!“
Yang Yifinally understood the ins and outs of the problem. He smiled helplessly, reachedout his hand to rub the little girl's head. Today, he didn’t braid her hair, itfelt soft and smooth, and felt particularly good!
“Yourmother, how should I put it… She isn't actually working for money.” YangYi thought about it for a while and said, “Your mother likes singing, soshe wants to try again and return to the stage she is familiar with.”
Xixi lookedat his father confused, trying to understand what her father said.
Yang Yi alsotried to use simple words to explain: “So in this process, she may becriticized, or questioned by others, but this is a process that your mother hasto bear! It’s like if Xixi wants to eat delicious Tiramisu, she will have towait for her father to cook it for a long time!”
“ThenXixi won’t eat Tiramisu, Xixi will eat cupcakes!” The little girl didn’tunderstand at all. She said anxiously, “Xixi doesn't want Mama to bescolded.”
As she wastalking, she became misty-eyed. The little girl’s skin was fair and light, so itwas easy to see the changes. Her eyes immediately became red and was on theverge of crying, making people, who saw her, felt sorry for her.
Yang Yihurriedly comforted: “Okay, okay, Xixi, don’t worry, Papa will find a way,and will not let your mother stay sad.”
“Really?”Xixi immediately cheered up with tears in her eyes and asked happily, “Is Papagoing to help Mama?”
In fact, shewas subconsciously thinking about the problem of money. At that time, Yang Yitook her to the bank to withdraw money, and since seeing is believing, shethought that her father, who had so much money, could definitely help hermother.
“Ofcourse! If I don’t help your mother, who else can?” Yang Yi smiledfaintly. Although he was calm, his eyes shone with confidence.
Of course, YangYi wasn't thinking about money. He has actually started to choose the rightsongs for Mo Fei. With such a large music library from his previous life, YangYi wasn't at all worried about whether he can “write" songs for Mo Fei!
He alsocontributed more than a dozen of sales of Mo Fei’s new album - He bought awhole shelf full of Mo Fei’s new album from a music shop. However, when he cameback to listen to it, he was able to understand why Mo Fei's comeback had been sobad in the media.
In the newalbum, except for a few excellent old songs, the eight new songs, including thetitle song, were of poor quality! Maybe Yang Yi’s criteria was very strict, butYang Yi thought that if Mo Fei wasn’t Xixi’s mother, he would never buy such analbum!
But Mo Fei’svoice and singing were still impeccable. Yang Yi even thought that Mo Fei waseven better than before she retired. Maybe because she has more experience,maybe because she has been practicing persistently over the years, or it may bethe accumulation of various aspects.
Yang Yibelieved that as long as there are good songs, Mo Fei would certainly make asensation!@@novelbin@@
Of course,there was still a problem!
Mo Fei’sprevious attitude has given Yang Yi the wrong impression: Mo Fei didn't wanthim to meddle in her career. If he offers to write songs for her, with herstubborn character, she certainly will not be willing!
From God’s perspective,this idea of Yang Yi was obviously a misunderstanding, but who made Mo Fei alsohold a relatively old understanding of Yang Yi? As soon as Yang Yi mentioned MoFei’s work, Mo Fei would become somewhat sensitive.
Of course,Yang Yi also has a concern, that is, if he writes songs for Mo Fei, will Mo Feiget suspicious again?
Yang Yi hasdemonstrated three skills that the previous Yang Yi never had before: Makingcoffee, writing and cooking. All of which Mo Fei can barely accept!
But when itcomes to music, Mo Fei is an expert herself. Will she not know that music isnot learned in a few years? Yang Yi not only resisted the entertainmentindustry, but also showed that he knew nothing about music. At this time, if hesuddenly produced several well-produced songs, how could Mo Fei not doubt it?
Therefore,Yang Yi has always been concealing it. At most, when he was alone, or afterXixi sleeps, he would play the guitar, plays his favorite songs in his previouslife, or learns some excellent music works in this world.
He dared notshow it in front of Mo Fei!
In thefuture, it may be possible to gradually let Mo Fei “see” his musicaltalent, but it may take a process to naturally accept it.
But now,Yang Yi decided to write songs for Mo Fei with the secondary account “MuLi'ang”!
For thisreason, Yang Yi has also closed the private information entry of Mu Li'ang, thisstage name, on the Copyright Organization. Except for Chen Yijie of Tianxiangand others who know who Mu Li'ang is, it would be difficult for others, or MoFei, to find out who is the person who wrote her song!
This is goingto be fun!
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