I am Succubus!

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

I took a day off from having sex with clients for the day, relegating myself to clerical duties and other menial tasks around Tsuki instead. From a very young age, it had been drilled into my head that if I wanted to understand how to manage something, I needed to be good at it. This also made me a much better teacher, too. If I had one thing to thank my parents about, it was their Spartan sense of discipline. The only reason the other succubi on administrative duties learned quickly was, and not to toot my own horn too much, thanks in large part to me being able to teach them.

Still, no matter how many succubi I employed at Tsuki, we remained shorthanded. A little over a month had passed. The amount of patronage had only increased, and most succubi were booked weeks in advance. Even today, a line formed all the way out and around the corner of the building. Mr. Ishioka needed to get that second succubus brothel up and running soon.

Actually, was the plan to raise birth rates in Japan even working? Meh. Not my problem.

I was about to head into the back when the dark elf Shayle entered.

"Shayle? What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.

"Why else? To have sex with a succubus! It isn't as if I'm not allowed to, am I? Now, check me in so I can have my appointment!" Shayle hurried me.

I pulled up the logs, and Shayle was actually in the system. The succubus seeing to her sexual needs was Selene. Because why not? Even dark elven ladies needed to get their rocks off. I gave her the room number, and off she went to presumably bang or get banged by Selene. The merry elf whistled to herself as she ascended the stairs for some sexy time.

In Shayle's place, an unhappy customer stormed out in a huff. Never in my life would I have expected someone to look down in the dumps after having sex with a succubus. He left Tsuki grumbling to himself.

"Uhm… Queen Saeko? Are you busy at the moment?" a quiet voice asked from the hall.

The one who spoke was joined by three other worried succubi. 

"Oh, sure thing." I followed them to the break room wondering what it could possibly be about.

The group whispered amongst themselves, trying to figure out who should tell me. Eventually, they picked the one who called out to me earlier. She was a short, curly red-headed succubus with freckles from cheek to cheek. Her appearance was youthful, though not as much as Hana.

"You're Rina, right?" I spoke before she had a chance to.

"Y-Yes, Queen Saeko! Hehe… It's an honor that you know my name." Rina blushed and twiddled her thumbs.

"It's my job to know as the manager of Tsuki. Also, you don't have to call me 'queen' here. All of you can just call me Saeko. So, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Well… You saw that client leaving earlier, didn't you? It wasn't me! My clients are very happy with me! It's actually one of our friends, Loralei. Please, don't be mad at her, but… we think Lora… erm… has gotten bored of having sex," she explained.

I blinked absentmindedly at them.

"Back up for a second. Bored of sex? Is that even possible for a succubus?" I asked.

"That's what we're saying!" another succubus, this one with long blue hair, exclaimed.

"We thought she was sick or something!" Rina added. "I know you're really busy as the queen and manager, but would you check on Lora for us?"

"Hmmm. I've never done therapy for a succubus before. I'll help though. Loralei is one of us. It sounds like she's a good friend of yours, too. Leave her to me!"

The relief washing over them was palpable. All the worry from a second had vanished, but now that they put their trust in me, I had to see it through. Rina told me the room number where Loralei met with clients. I went up to see her, but not without a little offering in the form of a box of chocolates from the convenience store.

It took me by surprise how nervous I got when I reached the door to Loralei's room. I swallowed my hesitation and knocked a few times.

"Loralei? It's me, Saeko! Are you free?" I hollered.

"Queen Saeko?" Loralei gasped, sounding distracted by something. "Just a sec, please!"

Maybe Loralei needed to get dressed and cleaned up. Her client did just leave not too long ago. I waited for maybe five minutes and began to wonder what was taking so long. Ten minutes went by, and I felt like I was getting disrespected.

"Am I good to come in?" I asked.

"I need a few more minutes!" Loralei exclaimed.

My feet tapped impatiently. I gave ten additional minutes before I got fed up.

"You're seriously going to just leave your queen hanging? I'm coming in!" I yelled.

When I entered, Loralei panicked from the desk. I thought she was busy this whole time. She was actually in the middle of playing a video game and hadn't even gotten dressed. An entire PC battle station had been set up in here. The trash bin was stuffed full of empty bags of chips and soda cans. It smelled like some shut-in gamer's bedroom.

"Err… I can explain— Shit, I just died! Sorry, Queen Saeko! Can this wait?" Loralei asked, returning her attention to the game.

"No, it can't wait! You made me wait outside for half an hour!" I boomed and flew over to disconnect the power cord.

The PC went black, and Loralei went white.

"Ahhh! Come on! I was about to make a comeback!" Loralei complained.

I couldn't believe I had to pull an angry mother move on one of my subjects. The grieving succubus before me was a tan-skinned woman with long brown hair dyed platinum towards the tips. She was about as tall as myself. There was an air of casualness about her, like a gyaru crossed with a skateboarder.

"Your friends are worried about you. They said you're getting tired of sex?" I asked.

"Ugh. When I opened up to them, I didn't think they'd bring it up to you. Yeah, I'm starting to get bored of sex. What about it? Not like I'm avoiding it entirely. I drain enough to be sated, and I've been doing my job," Loralei explained as if confronted with a chore.

"Let me guess. You like video games more?"

"How did you…" She glanced back at the currently dead computer. "Gaming is just so much more exciting! I get a bigger thrill out of it than sex. Really, I'm fine. Me not being horny all the time might be unusual, sure. But I haven't been causing any problems."

Aside from the unsatisfied client that stormed off earlier.

"Who was your latest client? He didn't look very happy," I said.

"Meh. Don't mind him. My shtick is little different from the other girls. Dudes want the good feel of playing games, fucking me at the same time, or just lying together in bed to game away like we're a couple. Sometimes I suck 'em off under the desk while they play on the computer. We got the deed done, but he was getting all pissy when I told him what to do to get better in this FPS shooter. That's when he bolted," Loralei explained with a shrug.

"You were basically backseat gaming until he got pissed off…"

"Listen… if he's always keeping his crosshair so low, then his rank will keep reflecting that." She scoffed.

This succubus could give that shut-in god Dokuko a run for his money as a gamer. It seemed like Loralei got tired of being naked and started getting dressed. She threw on a baggy black shirt, a light pair of pants, and slipped on some bunny slippers. Very casual. Comfy and practical.

"Can, uh… Can I go back to playing games now? I got half an hour before my next client gets here," Loralei said impatiently.

"Not so fast. I actually want to know your secret— not gaming. I mean becoming indifferent about sex. It's great, don't get me wrong! Nothing gets me going more than… ahem. My problem is that all the sex has been getting me in situations that might… get me in trouble," I explained.

"Wow." She plopped down on the bed and picked up a Switch. "You're just gonna lay that on me, huh? Saeko, you're my queen. I'm not sure if I'm cut out to give you therapy. What I can tell you though, is that it just happened. One day, I started liking games more than sex."

I should have figured it was too much to hope for a simple solution. Loralei found something that really interested her. Video games.

"Alright, well… Obviously, there's nothing wrong with you. I'll let your friends know, and just try not to worry them again." I was about to leave until Loralei grabbed my hand.

"Queen Saeko, wait! It's not that I want to give up on sex though. If there's a way to get that thrill back, I wouldn't mind trying," Loralei said.

"How about this then? Tomorrow, we start helping each other. I want to control my sex drive because it's causing me trouble. You want to get back into sex. We're two succubi with a problem that the other is going through."

"Now I'm kind of getting nervous… Queen Beatrice never would have cared. I'm glad you're our queen now!" She beamed.

Having agreed to give each other a hand, I walked out feeling pretty good about myself as the queen succubus. As soon as the door shut though, Loralei booted up the computer again and it was back to gaming. Well, some things needed time to fix.

When I reported to Loralei's friends, they were relieved that nothing was wrong about her. However, that didn't assuage the worry they had for her. After all, a succubus not interested in sex was still highly unusual. Hearing that Loralei and I would be helping each other eased their minds though.

As lunch rolled around, I wanted to explore the block that Tsuki was on. People were practically shoulder to shoulder walking around. Fortunately, I was able to fly. I spotted a ramen restaurant and figured a big helping bowl would make for a nice lunch. Lucky for me, I got here before the rush and earned myself a table.

To my utter surprise, however, a familiar face sat on another table across from me.

"K-Koga?" I stammered.

"Oh. Hey, Saeko! Funny meeting you here," Koga exclaimed, picking up his bowl of ramen to join me at my table.

"I, er… I actually work near here, and I'm on my lunch break. Maybe you know the place? Tsuki?"

Koga stared blankly at me. A few seconds went by, and—

"You work at Tsuki?!" Koga exclaimed in utter shock. "Wait… That succubus brothel the government's been advertising everywhere about?"

"Yeeaaahh… I don't just work there. I'm the director. I'm surprised you didn't know until now. Figured guys would be clamoring over themselves just to get some action with succubi," I said.

"Sorry, it just hit me all at once. I didn't really care to have sex with another succubus. I already have you. With Kana's blessing, too. So, does this mean… you… do it with a bunch of guys?" he asked.

"Yep. Not just men. Women, too." I nodded.

The guy looked devastated. Koga had essentially sugar daddying me for a bit, financially and sexually. It was his way to hook up with me after high school, and selfishly keep me from other men. To hear that I was actively sleeping around, especially as my job now, was probably a tough pill to swallow.

"Probably doesn't excite you the way it does Kana, huh?" I teased.

"Of course, it doesn't! But it's your decision and your life, not mine. One question though… If I want to have sex with you, do I have to make an appointment?" Koga asked.

"For the sake of my sanity, yes."

We ate together and caught up over what had been going on in our lives. Koga wanted to use the money he made from the stock market to open a gym. Being a heavier guy all his life got him thinking about encouraging others to help others pursue a more active lifestyle. Koga came through here to pick up some permits from the city hall, which was when made a stop by this restaurant since other places were packed.

Once again, I found myself facing someone with their shit together. I would never have considered opening a gym in Koga's position.

"What about you? Do anything fun as of late?" Koga turned the question on me now.

"Went to Elza, the other world, with Mio and Kana as a last minute vacation. Turned into a peace meeting with the light elves. Ceremonial though. I didn't do anything other than having lots of sex. Ugh. Man, I'm jealous of you. I wish I had something fun to do that isn't sex, but I can't think of anything that interests me! It's so bad, I've been putting out to Kameshiro just to be in his Dungeons & Dragon's group!" I groaned and put my head on the table.

"W-Wait, you're putting out… with Kameshiro?" He gasped.

Shit. That was supposed to be a secret.

"Okay, from the look on your face you don't want to talk about that. I won't pry. Listen, I'm actually getting the gym opened this month. Been working hard at it. Why don't you and Mio come by during the grand opening?" Koga suggested.

"Sure, I'd like that!" I smiled, thinking how I'd been needing some exercise other than from sex.

After I returned from lunch, the rest of the day at Tsuki went by without any issues. Loralei included. Her clients weren't leaving angry anymore. Mio and I got home after a long day of work and made tacos together with the groceries we had bought the other day. Once again, she tried topping my food with super spicy hot sauce, but I'd learned to keep an eye on her. That didn't stop her though.

A month into this, and we had pretty much gotten into the swing of our routine life. Nice apartment, nice job, and nice friends. We were extremely fortunate. I didn't want to take that for granted. Loralei genuinely asked me for help, so I had to give it my all for her.

"Hey, you still griping over finding a hobby, right? Why don't we find something to do together?" Mio suddenly suggested as we were watching T.V.

"You and me? We like totally different things though. Also, I feel like getting into a hobby with you is just going to devolve into sex." I eyed her.

"And you ain't getting fucked by Kameshiro at your geeky table game?" She flashed a teasing smirk.

"Fair… point…"

Having something to do with Mio obviously sounded fun. However, beyond just being succubi, our personalities and interests couldn't be farther apart. I also needed a hobby to distract me from sex, not to simply distract me.

What could we do that we weren't already doing anyway? At night after work, we played video games and read manga until bed. Once every weekend, Mio was busy with Asakura.

"So, whaddya wanna do? Hit me with a hobby. Anything!" Mio plopped down next to me.

"Hmm. Want to take up painting with me?" I suggested.

"Sounds boring."

"Okay… dance classes? I'm sure Tsukiji has a couple of those around," I said, recalling a flyer going around downtown at work today.

"Ain't feeling like dancing. Brain can't keep up with all the moves."

"...What about rock climbing?" I offered.

"Why climb rocks when we can fly?"

I slapped a hand to my face and sighed. Mio noticed my frustration, realized her mistake, and scooted closer to me.

"Okay, okay! Maybe I was too quick to shoot 'em down, but I still want to find something for us to do together. Something fun!" Mio hastily amended.

"What about you? Aside from Asakura, are there any hobbies you want to get into?" I said, taking it from a different angle.

Mio's eyes flicked to the ceiling in thought. She thought for a long time. The show we were watching on the television went to commercial break. In fact, I assumed she had fallen asleep.

"Uh. Mio?" I waved a hand in her face.

"I can't think of shit. I give up." Mio slumped into the couch.

"It's the thought that counts." I patted her on the head and giggled.

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