Chapter 254 – Through the Eyes of Another: The Mission Impossible of the Lone Chieftess
Chapter 254 – Through the Eyes of Another: The Mission Impossible of the Lone Chieftess
Connor falls into step beside me shortly after I pass through the gate. A quick glance over my shoulder reveals that his escorts intend to join us, at least for now. Daki engages them in conversation, particularly with the physical fighters like the half-blood Wolfkin archer and the pure-blood Leopardkin greatsword wielder.
He better not get any funny ideas. His mate is a kind and understanding soul but they are still fresh.
Eh, who am I kidding? These amazing girls would twist him into a pretzel the instant they detected any improper intentions. They already have Alastair, and there’s no doubt they will ever settle for less. As rude as it may sound, with a literal demigod in the frame, it’s simply a fact. Moreover, I can sense how loyal these females are, which is a rather peculiar thing to perceive.
At least I’ll be able to learn more about this mental connection we all now share. Practice is more than welcome.
Returning my attention to the front, I find Al’s father still throwing looks back at the high stone walls surrounding the village. He notices me watching him and smiles wryly.
“These are quite impressive compared to the old palisade. Must have taken a long time to construct,” he comments.
Snorting, I shake my head. “I already told you this is all thanks to your son. Do you think our community would be able to learn enough in four years to start building with this kind of material? And without upgrading our houses?”
“A powerful Hero, savvy business manager, and also a legendary builder?” Connor whistles lightly. “Do the titles ever end?”
I let out a quiet chuckle. “I don’t think they will. But, if he was here, he would tell you that it wasn’t his doing but the Oreads who follow him and you should be thankful to them. It’s a silly excuse considering that he is the one who earned their respect and deference.”
“So, he’s good with people.” He nods to himself.
“Teachers usually are,” I add.
“Heard a bit about that but the women seem intent on not talking too much about him. Unless you ask what they think of him. Hours can pass and you might not get to the half of it.” Connor rolls his eyes but I catch the corner of his mouth lift a tad.
“I can imagine.” I wave off a group of younglings who recognize him and speed away to announce the news. “And I guess they want Alastair to be the one to fill you in on his life from the point your paths split. They might be worried that you two won’t have enough to talk about and reconnect if they spill everything. And none of us would ever cause him such discomfort.”
He hums. “Us. So, you really are part of this… arrangement.”
My sudden glare makes him flinch a bit. For a seasoned soldier with numerous dangerous and lethal operations under his belt, including a lot of righteous or not murder, he is way too twitchy around females. It’s a miracle he bagged a Beastkin. Though, I shouldn’t be too hard on them considering that fact I looked up to him for a while too.
Thankfully, my eyes were opened in time. I don’t even want to think about the future where I meet Al while already being part of a relationship. Sure, I would have no issue leaving it, neither would the other Beastkin, but I know he would be extremely hesitant, worrying that he ruined a family by accident.
I would have missed such a strong, decisive, assertive, handsome, rough—
Alright, stop it. Not the moment.
They couldn’t have chosen a worse time to show up. I was this close…
Growling in annoyance, I whip my head forward again, not caring to correct the fact that I’m not snarling at him. At least partially.
“Don’t you dare try preaching about monogamy or some other idiotic shit if you want to reach the house on your own legs,” I answer him.
His hands shoot into the air immediately. “Never did, never will. Just not sure how to properly put this into words. The numbers seem… high. Even for Beastkin standards.”
“Harem, clan, family, tribe, entourage, household, call it whatever you like. There are enough terms across all the races to find one you deem suitable,” I reply. “And it’s only natural for someone this powerful, influential, and significant to gather a huge retinue behind him. Even kings form homes counting up to dozens.”
“He’s viewed as equal to a king?” Connor lets out a snicker. “That sounds somewhat insane.”
“Equal?” I raise an amused brow at him. “Not in a thousand years. Kings watch over their tiny domains. He is an emperor and the whole realm is his playground, all the races his beloved subjects. He is a God on the rise.”
He still has a hard time believing such bold claims but it’s understandable. Until he sees the truth for himself, it must sound like the mad ramblings of a cultist. There isn’t a single person who doesn’t worship Alastair. Save for his enemies.
“But, you will learn all about that in time,” I continue, leading us through the main square. “Returning to the main point, you better not make it awkward for him just because you are both from a different world with different customs. Both of you had to make some concessions to acclimate to Naharren. And while he has accepted that he is capable of loving many females simultaneously, hearing about it from the father he always respected and obeyed will undoubtedly make him relive the internal struggle over that notion in the past. And he doesn’t need to second-guess himself.”
“I can at least promise to do my best.” Connor sighs with a self-depreciative note, his gaze dropping to the ground.
“No.” I spin around and grab him by the collar, surprising the Human man greatly. “You won’t do your best. You will do it right. Because for all that tough and incredible exterior built on the power of his character, deep down, he completely takes after your heart. I won’t let you hurt him with thoughtless words and remarks, undoing all the effort he put into finding his own comfort amongst his dearest partners. Hate me all you want, but it is my duty as one of the mates he gifted with his love to protect his happiness. Are we understood?”
A few silent seconds pass between us as we stare each other in the eyes from up close before he makes a slow nod. Letting go, I fix his clothes so he returns to Ayumi somewhat presentable at the very least and smack him on the back to go on.
Unfortunately, he freezes after just a few steps. “What the hell is… that?”
I look where his gaze has stopped and smirk. “An inactive transfer gate one of my sister-mates constructed before they left the village. As soon as she sets up another one, we’ll be able to use it to visit the Dwarves to trade. And many other places someday in the future.”
“No, not that.” He waves his arm frantically and points to the side. “That.”
Following the gesture, I find the object of his attention. “Ah. That.”
What Connor is focused on is the second stone statue standing on top of a thick pedestal, just like his own likeness but on the other end of the magical arch. It represents a naked Human at the peak of his physique who rests his right hand atop the head of a kneeling motherly female Foxkin with a newborn in her arms, his left hand positioned in front of his heart, his palm set vertically in an universal gesture of meditation or prayer most monks and priests use. He wears a compassionate smile while looking down at the woman.
“Obviously, that’s a monument to your son, Sir Carter.” Daki and the others catch up, pausing behind us as he explains. “Two of our village’s heroes standing watch over the community and the gate that’s going to connect it with the bigger world. And to remind everyone of all we have received.”
He gazes upon the depiction with an awe almost as intense as the female mercenaries, who proudly hold their fists to their chests while pushing their faces up. Connor just blinks a few times before letting out a quiet chuckle.
“It’s… impressive.” The man examines the statue carefully, spending most time studying the figure’s noble face. “I’ve been in a few museums in my time but the artist truly put so much work to emphasize the model’s almost divine anatomy that master sculptors back home would cry in jealousy.”
In a flash, four sets of eyes snap towards him.
“Emphasize?” The Wolfkin frowns. “There is not the slightest hint of exaggeration in this masterpiece.”
“It’s the most accurate and perfect portrayal of Master Alastair in the form of a stone figure we have ever seen,” the Leopardkin adds with a somewhat shy tone, her eyes shining as she adores the depiction.
The others nod repeatedly, equally reverent and perhaps offended by the very suggestion that this art piece doesn’t align with the pure greatness of the one they respect and admire.
“They are right,” I chime in before Connor unintentionally makes it worse. “I have personally watched over its creation by consulting my memories to ensure that every single detail, from a single hair atop his head to the smallest nail at his toes, aligns with the original without the barest deviation. Everything you see is as is.”
“Everything?” His gaze wanders south until it reaches the statue’s waist, only partially obstructed by the kneeling female’s long ears.
“Do you take me for a liar?” I snort at him.
He groans and rubs his eyes. “This is the second time I’ve been flashed with my son’s nudes. At least the previous one was kind of shielded where it should be. I really hope it doesn’t become a norm wherever we go.”
The girls share a giggle, tilting their heads to catch a better peek at their favorite part, no doubt. Judging by how they bite into their lips, it’s been a while since they had a chance to gaze upon the real thing. One of them sneaks a glance my way with a clear hint of jealousy in her sharp eyes, though with no malice or any other negative feelings. It’s a surprise that it comes from their leader, the Wolfkin, but in the end, she’s a healthy female like all of us.
“Let’s move it. We are starting to gather a crowd.” I give Connor a gentle push.
He will certainly appreciate the change of scenery anyway. And I don’t want Ayumi to learn of his arrival from some random passersby before we get there. If she’s going to make a scene, and she definitely will, it’s better to confine it to the privacy of their home.
Not that the people wouldn’t be happy for her. Quite the opposite. I’m afraid they would encourage her. And that wouldn’t end well.
At least for Connor.
His escorts decide to stay around the plaza for now, intent on examining the likeness from up close. I warn them to keep their hands to themselves before we part ways. Other than that, it’s certainly a good decision. They don’t need to keep watch in front of Ayumi’s house. Connor is as safe in the village as he can be.
With the exception of one feline predator that has a craving for his meat.
The closer we get to the place, the more resistance he puts up. It’s obviously not a conscious action. He can’t help but worry and get extremely nervous with the familiar cottage in sight. His body is equally ecstatic and terrified to head towards it, undecided at which emotion should fully take over.
Not that I blame him. Four years with no contact and he must be expecting the worst. Or rather, his stupid brain is fluctuating between ensuring him that the female of his life is still waiting for her beloved, planning to do so until she draws her final breath, and the same female now hating his guts for leaving her on her own for so long, no longer wishing to ever see him again in front of her.
It’s pathetic how our silly minds work, especially paired with all those emotions and hormones.
That’s why I make use of all the strength Alastair has shared with me to keep the stiff male moving forward. I’m surprised there are no drag marks over the dust beneath his feet with how much he protests.
Giving him one last smack on the back, I send Connor stumbling forward and pass him as he regains his balance a short distance from the entrance. Throwing him a serious look over my shoulder, I knock on the door and wait. Ayumi’s muffled voice makes my ear twitch as she bumbles her way to us.
Soon enough, the fine Catkin woman unlocks the house and shows up at the doorstep. “Oh. Chieftess. How may I help you?”
She has a warm smile on her sweet muzzle, glancing to the sides to see if she can get a bit more familiar than that, spotting no one.
I match her smile with a grin of my own and rest a hand atop her shoulder. “There’s one thing you can do for me. We had a delivery with your name on it. I already verified that the packaging is undamaged, but I think checking the contents should be up to you.”
Ayumi tilts her head confusedly. “I don’t remember requesting anythi—”
Her response is broken by what sounds like a diminutive choking noise released the very moment I step aside. She stills in a blink, unblinking herself, her eyes widening to the limits of Beastkin constitution. Even quicker, her pupils dilate so much they almost wholly replace her irises, two deep black spots threatening to completely fill her sockets as they expand into a glimmering abyss.
Ayumi’s legs tremble, and before I can react, her knees forget what their role is, folding under her weight and letting their owner crash into the ground with a faint thud. In the matter of a second or even less, her feline visage contorts into something resembling a snarl, but the incredibly loud and unrestrained wail that leaves her lips as she grasps her heart and doubles over makes it obvious fury is the last thing on her mind right now.
Her violent reaction finally breaks Connor out of his stupor and he lunges ahead, dropping to his knees in front of his beloved. He grabs her shoulders and lifts them so her forehead doesn’t rest on the dirty ground, instead finding purchase on his chest. His arms gently wrap around her as she continues to cry her eyes out from unfiltered relief. I don’t need to share any special connection with her to know exactly how she feels.
For a good while, they stay like that, the air filled with heavy sobs that slowly fade into more controlled sniffles. Even though Ayumi is getting better, it doesn’t look like she’ll be able to move anytime soon. Nor does she want to do that, her fingers practically tearing into Connor’s vest as she desperately tries to pull him closer and closer, no matter the fact that he is literally pressed against her.
Leaning down, I whisper into his ear, “Get her inside.”
Struggling a little, he does attempt to lift them both so I help him a bit from behind. It’s now his turn to drag a person as anything below the waist still refuses to work for Ayumi, her feet grazing over the wooden floor as she is being moved, perhaps even unaware that anything other than them embracing is happening. With some effort, we reach the guest room and they stop in the middle.
By now, Ayumi has managed to start breathing properly and her deep breaths are all that disrupt the silence of the cozy chamber. I lean over the doorframe and cross my arms, staying out of their sight and mind. Still, I have to remain just in case. It’s my duty as both the chieftess and Ayumi’s friend. Either of them can suffer a heart attack or faint at any moment with how emotional they are.
“C-Connor…” Ayumi finally whispers her first word since the sighting, her voice unsurprisingly cracking midway.
“Shhh…” Connor nuzzles his cheek into her ear. “You can scold me later… For now, let’s just…”
She chokes out a laugh and wraps him up in a hug so strong it makes the tough man grunt in pain.
Good. And deserved.
I’m such a lucky bitch to be able to just send a thought to my beloved and hear back from him at any time.
Someone should come up with a cheap way to talk when separated that doesn’t require finding a skilled Enchanter or living in a big city first.
After what seems like an eternity, Ayumi regains her footing and they draw back just enough to look at each other properly, their noses brushing together. No longer needing to hold herself up, she moves her palms to his cheeks, grazing them with her thumbs, and they both lean in to share an unhurried kiss that makes the air tremble with the intensity of her purring.
Better that than tearing her throat off by crying for hours.
But, what starts as a passionate but chaste exchange of deep love and care quickly changes into something more. The shift is negligible at first, the volume of the purrs rising as Ayumi pushes her muzzle more into Connor’s lips, clearly deepening their lovely connection.
Then comes the rest of the package.
One hand goes into his hair from behind, pulling him in. The other begins to roam and quest all over his chest, sharp nails tracing every edge and plane of the man’s masculine form. One leg locks around his knee, forcing him to retreat a step and slam his back into the nearby wall. The other pushes his thigh right between hers, where she lowers herself onto it, gyrating her hips back and forth.
As soon as Ayumi’s tongue withdraws from Connor’s mouth and starts giving his neck rather amorous licks while she’s inhaling his scent with the full capacity of her lungs, he realizes what’s going on.
“Ah… Ayumi…” He tries to grasp her shoulders but she totally overpowers him, digging her claws harder into her prey.
Letting out a snort, I push myself off the doorframe. “Oi.”
No reaction.
Connor’s eyes find mine as his lips twist into a wry smile, his hands raised in a pleading surrender as his only option. He might be strong for a Human, but he’s nowhere near the level of a mature Beastkin in heat. And with the musky scent starting to permeate through the air, there’s no doubt things are warming up.
“Get off him, you horny pussycat.” I tap Ayumi on the back, but she only bites into Connor’s neck in response, eliciting a rather unmanly moan from the male. “Alright. You left me with no choice.”
With a flick of my wrist, I summon a thick leather band with a metal clip. The preoccupied feline doesn’t even register the fact that I slide it around her neck and clasp it shut. Her partner watches with raised brows as a matching leash appears in my other hand. I lock the hooked end to the metal ring with a distinct click.
Giving it a testing pull, I produce no visible result.
Sighing heavily, I move back and put some meaning into the next tug, yanking the Catkin lady off her slightly uncomfortable Human mate. She yelps in shock, her nails tearing a few slits in his vest as she trips over her own feet and waves her arms not to fall. Succeeding at that, she sends her hands to her neck and grasps the collar, looking at it in shock.
“What?” Ayumi blinks dully at the offending band.
She spots the leash and her head snaps my way with a feral growl.
“Down, girl.” I pull the band harder. “Behave or I’ll ask Sirgia to make you a chastity belt, send it through their Nymph friend, and attune the lock to myself so you have to see me every single time you want to get your kitty petted.”
Her muzzle twists into an actual snarl this time, something that doesn’t appear often on her adorable face. “You don’t understa—”
“Oh, no, you don’t get to play that card with me anymore.” I laugh openly, staring back at her unflinchingly. “In case you forgot, I took a mate too. I know perfectly well how you feel. And I can smell it, whether I want or not. So, pipe it down or you don’t get any of your pipes cleaned today. Is that clear?”
Taking a few breaths to control herself, she still glares at me firmly. “Codae, please—”
“Chieftess,” I correct her. “I’m here today to tend to my responsibilities as the leader of this community. And that responsibility is you. It’s early in the day, and the moment you pounce on him, we both know he won’t be able to lift a finger for at least twelve hours if not more. Plus, you don’t want Noah to walk in on you two. Or do you wish for the first thing he sees when he’s back for dinner to be your ass bouncing atop his long-lost father as you stare him down like some kind of a sex-crazed lust-fiend whose life goal is to suck males dry?”
She flinches a little and drops her gaze to the ground. “No…”
Exhaling quietly, I step closer and ruffle through her hair. “I guessed as much. And you did ask me to help. So, I’ll do my best. No matter how much you curse me.”
Her eyes meet mine, filled with determination. “Any rude thing I utter towards you, know that I truly don’t mean it. And thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“As I said, it’s my duty.” I smirk at her. “Towards a friend and a female in need.”
Ayumi giggles faintly and gives me a delicate hug, leaning into my ear. “I’ll need to tell my son you deserve a big reward for being such a good girl as soon as he comes back too.”
A shudder passes through my body as a jolt runs down my spine, my tail standing up and puffing out to the extremely vivid image that suddenly takes over my eyesight.
The creak of a door makes it pop and I push myself away, stuffing both the collar and the leash into my spatial storage without a second of hesitation. Soon after, we hear the patter of smaller feet on the floor that quickly head in our direction.
“I’m home, Mom! Do you need any help with di—”
Noah appears in the doorway, his face snapping up at the only other male in the room, making him miss the doorstep. He comes crashing down onto his front, the self-propelled cart flying out of his hand and bouncing away into some corner. The boy doesn’t let out a single groan even though his knees and elbows must have scraped hard against the wood, his eyes locked on the man who dons a charming smile.
“Damn, who is this tall and handsome guy?” Connor chuckles with some trouble, his voice hardly cooperating with him. “Have you perhaps seen my son, Noah? A bundle of feline joy about this tall, always disappearing somewhere when his mother needs him to peel potatoes.”
Noah launches himself off the floor and slams into his dad, evoking a considerable oomph from the returning parent. Ayumi shows up behind her son and hugs them both, trapping the sniffling boy between them. But, those sniffles don’t last long and he wriggles his way out, using his forearms to wipe off any tears that have escaped his eyes earlier.
“You good, buddy?” Connor descends into a crouch, caressing his son’s fluffy ears. “It’s okay to cry a little, you know?”
“Big Bro said I’m a man now. And men don’t cry. They look after their moms to make them feel safe and happy,” he responds, still fighting the pesky droplets.
His father’s expression betrays how hard this statement hits him right in the heart, just like the fact that his two children have already met and established a rather healthy relationship.
“Oh, of course. Though, men do cry sometimes. Like when they are happy.” He grins as a few lines trail down his own cheeks. “So, did you look after Mom properly while Dad was out?”
“I did!” Noah grins back, pretty much forcing his eyes shut. “Mom! Tell Dad how much I helped! I cleaned my own room every week! I washed the food before every dinner! I went to bed when you told me to! Well… Sometimes…”
Ayumi laughs daintily and pulls his chubby cheek. “You were and are an amazing man, Noah. I hope you can still be one even with your father back at home. I liked it a lot when your older brother was here with us and I might have gotten used to two capable men always present by my side. Oh, what should I do?”
“Don’t worry, Mom! You can’t turn from a man back to a boy! Right, Dad?” He looks at the other man eagerly.
Connor shakes his head in amusement, standing up. “Definitely not. Once a man, always a man. Besides, girls like a good man, isn’t that right?”
The girl in question rolls her eyes. “They certainly do. Especially a clean man.”
Noah glances down at his dusty hands and sprints out of the room. “Be right back!”
All three of us share a chuckle. Ayumi and Connor find each other’s gaze and once more lose themselves in their powerful bond. She moves closer, her hand slowly hovering towards his chest, soon changing its mind and dipping dangerously low. He doesn’t notice it yet, too busy admiring his mate’s enchanting eyes, but the follow-up is more than obvious.
Unfortunately, I no longer have a leash.
Fortunately, there’s something else.
Something Alastair left me to make it easier to care for the flowers he gathered for my home before his departure.
With another flick of my palm, a glass bottle with a wooden arch for the stopper appears in my hand. Taking aim, I pull the wooden tongue extending down from it a few times, sending two clouds of mist right at the side of Ayumi’s muzzle with a satisfying pssst pssst.
She jumps back with a hiss, holding her forearm in front of her face. It takes my all not to burst out laughing as she gapes at me in disbelief and bewilderment while wiping moisture off her fur and whiskers. Raising a challenging brow at her, I raise the bottle too and she ducks away, her tail flicking in annoyance.
Too bad. You gotta deal with it for now.
As Noah walks in, I hide the weapon behind my back. “You two should get the dinner going. There’s no better time to catch up than during a nice family meal. I’ll set the table with Noah and go check if the girls who escorted Connor here need anything.”
Ayumi squints at me but nods. “Fine. They are with Alastair too, right? Let them know to visit later today or tomorrow so I can thank them properly for their assistance.”
“They are his mercenaries, yes,” I answer, though I bet she’s not asking about their allegiance. “I’ll settle them down and let them rest for today so you can expect some guests in the morning. Don’t stay up late.”
She smirks at me while turning around and whispering to herself. “I’m not the one who will be staying up tonight…”
As the pair shuffles out of the room, I quickly kneel in front of Noah. “Young man, I have an extremely important mission for you.”
He glances at me curiously. “For me?”
“Yes. You are the only person who can make sure it succeeds.” I nod at him seriously. “Do you think a big man like yourself is up to the task?”
Noah straightens up. “Yes, Chieftess.”
“Great.” I grin with visible pride and bring the spray bottle forward. “Your job is to carefully watch over your dad from now on till you go to sleep. He is very tired after his journey and is barely standing on his feet. It’s okay when it’s just him, but you know how much your mom loves hugs. Unfortunately, if she leans on him too much, he might fall and hurt them both. That’s why, whenever you see his face turn weird, like he is looking around worriedly or uncomfortably, or his cheeks redden, you aim this at your mother’s nose and pull that little lever two times with your finger.”
I show him the tool and point at the important bits, waiting until he nods in understanding before continuing.
“Very good.” I hand the item over. “Give it a few test tries.”
Taking the bottle, he frowns in concentration, aims it around for a while, and releases two doses of the damp mist into the air. A cute giggle escapes his lips afterwards as his eyes sparkle with wonder.
“Perfect.” I pat him on the back. “Also, I have something nice for you. Consider it your reward since I know you’ll complete this mission without the tiniest trouble.”
Reaching behind my back, I act like I pull something from my pocket, bringing forward a purple slip of paper with silvery markings over the small rectangle.
“This is a goodnight charm. Place it on the wall closest to your bed before you tuck yourself in. It will ensure you have the best possible dreams that night and you will wake up full of energy the next morning,” I explain, giving him the simple talisman. “Now hide it somewhere safe and get started with your mission! Your father needs you!”
Noah hastily stuffs the purplish piece into his pants, stashing the magical talisman enchanted with an altered version of Hall of Serenity that instead of preventing all sounds from leaving the area seals it off from all the noise coming in. He then gives me a firm salute and sprints into the nearest doorway, disappearing behind a turn.
No longer than fifteen seconds later, a faint hiss comes from the kitchen.
Right after, he is sprinting back while chuckling to himself, his short frame flashing in the entrance to the room as he continues straight.
“Come back here, you little—” Ayumi’s heavy footsteps follow shortly, her figure zipping past the room too, her voice cutting off as they move into a different part of the house.
Can’t leave them alone for a single fucking minute.
But, their dignity is left in good hands, at least.
Snickering to myself, I sneak out of the cottage without getting spotted by the agitated feline. I have much better things to do than babysitting her thirsty ass. Like having a cultured conversation with four gorgeous females who definitely have a few tales of Alastair’s adventures that they are willing to share with their ally in love.
Maybe we can even lend each other a hand or two while we are all here.
What do you think?
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