Chapter 209-211
Chapter 209-211
It was another one of the Justice League’s bonding events, which they had from time to time. This time, it was to go camping off the coast of California together with other members. Beast Boy, Cyborg, and all four Robins were surfing the waves as they went from unofficial members to full-fledged members. Leading the Teen Titans was now their job for the Justice League.
There were a few fliers like Starfire, Stargirl, and Supergirl in the air playing tag and a volleyball net was set up with the normal human strength members playing there. Raven and the other lowkey people were lounging in chairs. She was reading a book with a pitcher of ice-cold sweet tea on the table next to her. It was a heavy mix of heroines I had and hadn’t had sex with right now.
I made it my job to make sure everyone was having a good time. I kept the grills stocked while Tony Stark and Booster Gold handled them. Peter and Sophia were on kid-watching duty. Booster Gold wasn’t from the future, but his made-up backstory involved him coming from the future. He was rich enough to afford the fancy gadgets to play hero.
Almost everyone grabbing a hotdog or hamburger chose Tony after the few people made the mistake of choosing Booster Gold’s food. The single instance of someone puking at the lump of coal he served them that was also somehow undercooked as well should have made someone kick him off the second grill but no one did. Booster went mostly ignored as he kept making off-timed quips and put himself down as the butt of the joke.
I was the only one laughing at his situation but I was fifty feet away talking to someone else as I kept my senses open, possibly the only person paying attention to Booster Gold at all at the moment. Hours passed as I kept up the logistic part of the camping, bringing in several campers to wash off the ocean salt and dozens of tents for everyone to sleep in.
A good portion of the heroes left leaving behind only the more outgoing members who had the time to waste on things like this. Me, Booster, Beast Boy, and Tim Drake(who was gay) were the only men left while over a dozen heroines stayed behind around the campfire I started during the day. Making smores, grilling hotdogs, and staring at the fire someone got the bright idea to play never have I ever.
It’s a game where someone will say they’ve never done something, and if a person has done that thing they have to drink. It started off tame, then started to ramp up when Beast Boy asked if anyone had ever kissed a girl before but with more than half the girls left here drinking it started them asking more raunchy questions. “Never have I ever… Gave a blowjob.”
About half of the girls drank and Booster tried to stealthily drink as well as Tim. Everyone laser focused on him so he had to respond. “Hey, I’m willing to try anything once. It was back in college and I was very drunk and dared into it and the guy gave me a blowjob too!” After getting super defensive the questions went back to normal for a few before becoming even more wild.
Someone found my weakness and everyone focused on that. First, it started with a moderate number of people they slept with. Ten then twenty. About half drank at the ten with most dropping out at the twenty. Thirty, forty, and fifty, and only one other girl was left drinking with me. At one hundred I was the only one left drinking and they kept asking. Two hundred, three… Four. The questions started to get more specific like the amount of partners I had sex with at one time. Finally, Supergirl got curious enough to ask outright. “How many?
I thought about it for a moment before I realized even with an almost perfect memory I had lost count and needed to calculate now. “Recently I spent the better part of two weeks impregnating all the Amazons… The total count there was 4837.” Only the sounds of the fire crackling and popping could be heard until Boost Gold asked the very obvious question. “How!?”
I explained the logistics behind it. If it was only one Amazon at a time, even at five minutes a piece it would have taken twenty days and that was if I didn’t need to convince any of them and they were all willing and waiting in a line. No, it was a mixture of having sex with multiple women at a time and using the USS on those who only wanted to have children. At the very least they’d get a few orgasms, become stronger, and have two children out of the deal.
I would normally not kiss and tell but the Amazons gave no shits about things like that. Soon Diana’s mother would alert her to the situation that happened and I wanted to get ahead of her PR spin if she wanted to label me a sexual assaulter… Sure, I did have sex with all of them but I didn’t force a single one, all of them had that desire to have children inside them.
Which was most likely a curse or part of the divine blood in their veins. I’d need to do more research on the little blood I took from a few dozen of them and from Wonder Woman’s mother herself. One thing led to another and the situation switched again with the girls targeting the boys and making sure they were passed out drunk before they all attacked me.
We ended up in a mess of tangled limbs as I ticked another two off my list as Stargirl and Supergirl had drank the least out of the group. The woman interested in me was nothing new but Kara’s Kryptonian DNA must have made her more resistant to my otherworldly beauty. She was more interested in the experience than my beauty and after I drew an orgasm out of her before I had one myself she took it as a challenge.
I could turn off my need to cum and she wasn’t even half as strong as her cousin Superman. I made it a competition as well though. I weakened myself down to her and gave myself the ability to become tired if enough effort was put in to tire me. Stargirl was already out of it after just a half dozen orgasms but Kara took her defeat slowly. We had sex until the others started waking up and I didn’t want to be interrupted so teleported us to one of my homes.
Slowly I made Kara realize the futileness of her attempt to fight me sexually. Days went by as I made slow passionate love to her turning her slight curiosity into an almost addiction for me. I couldn’t help but smile at what I accomplished, one of the strongest alien women on the planet was now one of my women. Right now she wasn’t ready for children, she might not be for another decade, but soon. Soon I’d help Krypton rebuild its numbers two children at a time. When I got around to bedding her older clone, Powergirl, that number would increase to four children at a time.
Chapter 210
Tony Stark’s Point of View
Batman said that there was more room in the defense budget for automatic defenses and I was a shew in to get the contract. It was hard not to smirk at everyone in smug satisfaction knowing that I was the most scientifically inclined Justice League member. Sure, we had to go through the song and dance of listening to the other members but I was ninety-nine percent sure I was going to win.
I made my way inside the room and the smirk fell off my face the moment I noticed that smug bastard Danny Storm was there. Shouldn’t he be off fucking some bimbo or lazing about on a mission he could solve in a minute with his bullshit superpowers? I disliked the man tremendously and he had never shown any inclination towards making robots so I wasn’t sure why he had even bothered to show up.
I waited as everyone started to give their speeches. Starting with Batman. “I’ve gone for the basic built-in turret design that the Watchtower is currently using with an added twist. The more important areas will be guarded by these specialized turrets that can fire fast solidifying foam to lock people in place to stop them from doing damage.”
He flipped through several PowerPoint pictures of his possible design as well as the blueprint schematics to create them. If someone had perfect memory they could quickly memorize those turret designs for themselves but I think with a few days of work I could improve upon the design. He kept going on with his presentation but everyone knew he was only giving it because there needed to be a baseline.
“The normal turrets spread throughout the base at key locations will be made out of normal materials. That is with a steel and secondary adamantium composite. The ones deeper in protecting the key areas will be made out of a vibranium casing while the center will be pure adamantium. These will be on the expensive side which is why the budget for these is twice the amount as the previous defense budget and there are far fewer turrets as the stronger turrets are protecting the more key areas.”
That was a fine plan, if I had taken part in creating the Watchtower's defenses it would have had more automated suits of armor to protect them but I was busy designing the rocket to get the Watchtower up in space. Reed Richards went next. I was surprised to see him here until I thought about his situation. He was more disheveled than I’d ever seen him. That would be the fact that he was ousted from his own company and hadn’t been able to throw money around like he had in the past.
Point blank he probably needed this job to acquire the funding needed to continue his research and experiments. He was shaky in his speech, he most likely didn’t have to sell a product for over a decade now and it showed. “I–... I’d just like to thank you for the opportunity to accept this defense contract.” Reed at least had a better set-up than Batman did. “I’m thinking robots. Robots that can integrate themselves with a new AI system. The robots will appear human but can grow in size when threatened.”
Reed started to ramble at this point as the planned defense contract he had set up started to rapidly shift. “We could convert all the important rooms into anti-gravity chambers with only the robots being immune to the effect because they’d be magnetized to the floor. If the threats were more severe we could put in teleportation arrays that would chase the intruders and attempt to teleport them into holding cells… That… Would need to be completely designed from scratch though as I just figured out dimensional transportation and would need to rework it to work on teleporting to known locations… The budget seems a bit small though and the timeframe also seems too small… Give me a second to rework my defense plans.”
Reed pulled a notepad out of nowhere and began scribbling down the new plans and ideas entering his head. There was a small chance he might get the contract instead of me if he could tamp his attitude down and come up with a plan right now that is. He shouted out ‘Microbots!’ and began scribbling down more ideas as he mumbled something about getting a hold of Pym particles.”
I pointed to Danny next. “We should save the best for last. Let’s see his plan next then I’ll go.” I couldn’t help but sneer at the self-assured smirk he had on his face. He put down a cube that projected an image in the middle of the room. “Good evening everyone and thank you, Tony. There’s no reason for us to wait and figure out who will get the contract when I’m already here.” He smirked in my direction and I scratched my head with my middle finger in his direction.
“I’d like to present to you. Magi-golem armor mark-3.” A sleek-looking set of robotic armor appeared on the hologram screen as it flipped through several actual situations they’d been put through. “Bigger, stronger, and with all the bells and whistles the previous sets had in one, these new golem armors can do everything.” The robots began to cloak as Danny spoke up.
“From stealth.” The visual switched to a wide area of units going invisible. “Stealth for a large group.” A large barrier was formed to stop a missile from hitting the troops. “Large-scale magical support as each is equivalent to a tier six magician and each can work in tandem with each other synergistically. A distress call for help and you’ll have more suits there in seconds as they teleport to the location to work together.”
Many attacks were shown on the next robot. “They are almost impervious to all physical damage as well as immune to most magical and elemental damage as well.” A person climbed out of the robot and my eyes widened as I thought they weren’t manned. “They can function fully autonomously but can also have a human pilot. While inside the suit functions as a space and divers suit up to everything inside the known universe. A normal human can survive being tossed into the sun in one of these armors.”
It thankfully didn’t cut to a clip of him throwing someone into the sun but he continued. “And last but not least. I’ll give them to the Watchtower for free as they’re made already. For the safety of the world, I’ll only take the tax cut the project would provide from the amount being changed to a donation. On top of that… I’ll add in three Godslayer armors to protect the more important areas. They’re ramped-up suits of armor at nearly the same strength as Superman.”
He smirked and I couldn’t help but feel my asshole pucker as he went in for the deathkill. “Not only will it protect the Watchtower. But they can also be used for convenience or protection for members on the planet as well. Every single Magi-golem armor can teleport which would allow the Justice League to rapidly get to locations they needed to much more quickly. If a member needed an extra helping hand all they had to do was ask and they’d have a suit of the extremely durable armor show up to either wear or work as their backup.”
I knew he had won but now I was curious as well. “Do you have the specs for these robots?” His smug smirk as he clicked the last button and showed the robot's specifications compared to the bleeding edge suit I had just made for myself which had cost me over twenty-five billion to make and the mass-produced suits beat it in almost every category. The fucking golems could even self-repair faster than my own nanobot suit and he was just giving them away… Now I was curious about the Godslayer specs.
Chapter 211
3rd Person Point of View
Who was The Light? The Light was a collective of villains whose spoken purpose was the evolution of humanity. Their definition of evolution was heavily skewed, with many members taking the survival of the fittest perspective for humanity and actively attempting to kill as many humans as they could when they got the chance to.
The more calm-minded and intelligent of the members could guide the hot-headed members to serve their true purpose, which was for the members of The Light to live above everyone else. Queen Bee and Deathstroke were the first members to leave. Someone managed to impregnate Queen Bee and Deathstroke was making far too much money as a mercenary to bother with the chump change The Light was bringing in and paying him.
The next two to leave was Ra’s Al Ghul after he had his madness cured and the purpose became less and less clear with each member that left. Next was Lex who had funded the organization, thankfully leaving behind his bases for them to use. That’s how the evil members came across the weather control device. The idea of using it for destruction was there but with so many members still looking to fulfill their original purpose they didn’t follow through with the plan.
At least until the Brain and Vandal Savage went missing, one captured the other killed and harvested for his newly acquired Kryptonian DNA. The only heads left were Ultra-Humanite, Gretchen Goode, Black Manta, and Clarion the Witch Boy… The only member strong enough to stop Clarion is Gretchen and her focus on the evolution of humanity was entirely not for humanity's sake.
Klarion killed Black Manta and Ultra-Humanite then skulked off with the weather manipulation device leaving only Gretchen to lead The Light. She focused all her attention on misdirecting the Justice League from the true culprit. That was why their magically inclined members couldn’t find the perpetrator. Klarion strengthened the natural disasters resulting in casualties never seen from those events.
Tens of thousands of US citizens died while the death toll for the world reached the hundreds of thousands. Once again Klarion took more lives than any other threat to humanity, his goal solely focused on death and destruction as he carried out attack after attack at seemingly random locations. So how did Klarion get caught?
It was members of the Teen Titans. How? Out of sheer luck they were completing a mission in a location where Klarion was performing the strengthening ritual for the heat wave he was going to create that would raise the temperature of the area above a hundred and fifty degrees which would have resulted in the highest casualties yet.
I looked at my phone and stood up from the lounge chair I was lying in before exchanging my shorts for my hero costume. They finally found out who was causing the disasters and it was an all hands on deck as they pinged his location. I teleported over and saw that about twenty Teen Titans were laid out on the ground being pressed down with a spell as more portals began to open. He began to monolog as I started to prepare a counterspell for his strengthening magic to weaken the heatwave. “You’re too late Justice losers. In mere moments I’ll finish this spell and doom this entire region to damnation as the crops and animals die off.”
He cackled maniacly as I finished my counterspell. It wasn’t even anything too difficult as I just reversed the effect his spell would have on the weather machine. He wouldn’t even know his spell didn’t work unless he paid attention to the news and didn’t see the lack of coverage as only a very few elderly died. He’d think he won as his spell finished and he attempted to escape.
That’s when I locked the area down with anti-teleportation golems. The hundreds of Justice League members flooding in from just beyond the border to deal with him felt… Unsatisfying… The world was heavily skewed towards justice now and the few villains left weren’t global threats but closer to common criminals. The world was finally boring enough for me to leave my loved ones without the risk of someone targeting them while I was gone.
Sure, someone could target them. It would be a fast route to death for them though. Any woman I slept with at this point was in the top one percent of superheroes on the planet reaching mid-superhuman strength and had the variety of spells and powers to defend themselves from just about every criminal left… Except for this fucker right here they’re going to give a slap on the wrist, try to keep jailed only for him to easily escape and possibly kill millions more in the future.
I made my decision as I made a teleportation zone right next to him and flung him in with superspeed before I followed him in and closed the portal leaving hundreds confused at what just happened. It happened at a speed that only speedsters and Kryptonians could notice and they’d have to explain what I just did to everyone. Klarion's brain rattled in his head as I didn’t give him a chance to defeat me.
While he was still stunned I reached over and touched him. Klarion the Witch Boy rapidly changed and became Klarion the Witch Girl before growing in size and becoming Klarion the Witch Woman. His, or rather her mind felt clarity for all of a single second before I let him know he was going to be fundamentally changed from now on. Killing him would only return him to the primordial where he’d recover and return.
He was a Lord of Chaos, which made him a Chaos Primordial. They were harder to kill than gods yet by altering them they can be changed, turned into something different… Which is what I wished for, he was stuck in that petulant child mindset for hundreds of years. Changing him into a girl and aging him up would give him a completely different view of life. I just had to lock in the change as his entire being could be reverted back as changing a primordial was akin to changing a law of nature.
As I pulled out a syringe of the USS I couldn’t help but smirk. Well, if multiple mindblowing orgasms don’t change her perspective, I don’t know what will.
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