Life Drain System

Chapter 72 - Into Town

    The leader then spoke up. "Clearly this is something above us, so put out your hands and we will take you with us to speak with our Patriarch." 

    Reluctantly Yueliang put his hands being his hands in front of himself, and the leader starts wrapping his hands in some rope like cord, then the leader continues. "The tiger goes in front, you will be in the middle with me." He says as everyone gets into a dual file line and starts following the tiger.


      "If I may, what are your names?  I do not know what to call you." Yueliang asks.

      "You have no need to know, we will not be talking much, now keep walking if you what you say is true. Just know if we find you are deceiving us, both you and your follower will die painfully." The mystery leader replies.

    They continue walking for a few more minutes then Yueliang thinks to himself. 'Well this is boring, I guess I should talk to Shen Hu. May as well see what he thinks of our situation, or if we are even going the right way. I really do love soul communication, it is so useful.' Yueliang smiles for an instant then goes back to his calm one, however not before the leader notices and keeps his daggers drawn from then on.

    Yue notices this action out of the corner of his eyes, but decides to just leave it for now. "So Shen Hu, what do you think of our situation? Also are we even going the right way, it feels different then the path you took me on."

    "Honestly, they could be taking us on a round about path so that we do not know where there town is, or maybe they really moved. Either way, I do not really trust these people, especially not since they bound you and are keeping their weapons drawn towards both of us. Why do you ask? Are we going to fight them?" Shen Hu asks excitedly.

    "No, not yet, however that does not mean I am not thinking about it. By the way, just for future reference, these people are not cannibals right? If they are that would have been good information to have a while ago."

    "Cannibal? .... Oh right, that is what humans call them. Sorry to disappoint, however that would be a no. While not much is known about them, they are known to be very respectful of the dead, and honorable people. Although like anyone else, who knows what would happen if they were starving and there was nothing edible around. Of course first impressions may make them seem to be worse in this case. However I guess we will see soon enough." Shen Hu answers while chuckling a little to himself at the pretty absurd possibility of that happening.

    "Well then I guess since there is no reason to fight them for now, may as well continue following them until we arrive. By the way, is there a source of entertainment people of this world use or no?"

    "Now that you mention it, yes. First off would probably be music, then as your world would call it medieval sports and games, and then there is the magic games. There are also other things, such as competitions and what not as well. Are you perhaps interested in any of these?" The tiger asks feeling like there is more to this question.

    "Yes actually, while I am interested in all of them, I would more so like to focus on a few for now. Although, tell me more about these magic games."

    "Well there are different types, let's see. There are the control type one where you move or do certain things with mana that requires a lot more control. Those are actually kind of fun, anyways, then there are force type games as well. To explain one of them, the two sides would be of equal abilities, they using a certain spell, a minature fortress will be made on each side, and then using mana with or without depending on rules set, you try to breach the fortress while protecting your own." 

    "That sounds like a fun one, could we try that one later? I would love to learn it." Yueliang smiles.

    "Of course, and actually it is funny that you should mention that. You see, in this world, it is actually a common way for mage practitioners to settle disputes between themselves. Thus it is actually a must learn game for most mages."

      "This world is becoming more interesting by the day. Either way, could you tell me of some more?"

      "Sure. So while there is not really much more I could really tell you about the magic games without showing you, there are the others still. Let us see for the medieval games and sports there are: cards, board games, there are ball games, a few others. Then the real sports such as: jousting, archery, spear throwing, dueling, sword fighting, fencing, equestrian sports, and so much more." Shen Hu replies.

    "That sounds like fun, hmm, what about a challenging game that requires the mind?"

    "I think I know just the thing. While I am not certain how much use of your mind it takes, it does test your control and perception of magic, as well as speed and strategy. From your world there is a game called battleship right? I saw it in your memories well this game is kind of similar, yet not. For instance one difference being there are no turns just like in a real war.

    So you take a box with a divider in the middle, take of the lid, placing your troops or naval units inside. Then you put the lid back on, so that neither side can see your units, or where you place them. Now once that occurs both opponents close their eyes, focusing on their mana and searching the inside of the box. Using their mana to see, attack the enemy, and move their own units, and protecting them. This is one of the major tests of your abilities as a mage, and while being quite fun, it is also used to test disciples in mage towers as well." Shen Hu explains.@@novelbin@@

    "Okay, you seriously have to show me this game later. I most definitely cannot wait to play this. Speaking of which, what is it called?" Yueliang asks.

    "As far as I know, there is not an official name, however it does have a nickname being 'Magic Trials'." Shen Hu replies and then continues. "Oh look ahead, it seems we are about to arrive."

    "So it seems. This should be have quite the fun climax to yet another of our fun excursions." Yueliang replies while thinking to himself. 'I wonder why these people are so silent, I guess less risk of letting the enemy play mind games or getting to you. Hopefully this place will be fun or at least interesting.'

    "Alright, we have arrived, number 2 run over and inform the king, that we have a visitor looking for him. Ask him what he wants us to do with them?" The leader of the group said, and one of the swordsman swiftly left after nodding in acknowledgment. The leader of the group then continued. "Alright everyone you may rest on the chairs before you until we get our instructions." 

      'Well seems like a nice place so far, buildings made of rocks, chairs made of chiseled stone as well. At least they were kind enough to build a canopy so their people can sit in the shade, although due to it being made of cloth, it still lets some sun through. This place truly seems designed to keep the body tried and tested, healthy and well. However for lazy or non physical trainers, this place would probably seem painful, uncomfortable, and barbaric.' Yueliang thought to himself while looking around.

    Seeing number 2 run towards them, Yueliang stood up figuring it is time to move again.

    "Number 1, I was not able to meet with the king, however the second in command did say if it seems that it could be important, get them to the tavern. In which case someone will be sent to the tavern tomorrow morning to give instructions. Otherwise do with them as you see fit, so long as it does not cause trouble for our people." The woman known as number 2 explains in her soft voice.

    "Well done Number 2, alright everyone, it seems we will be taking them to the tavern, and staying there for the night. Now Yueliang, do you have money? If not you will be sleeping outside, of course still watched, so do not think you can run free just yet." Number 1 asks.

    "I can pay my way, do not worry." Yueliang said with a calm yet confident tone.

    "The reason I ask is, it can be get pretty expensive. You need at least 5 Large Silver Coins per night."

    "Pft, sorry I expected you to say gold or higher currency when you said expensive." Yueliang said both honestly and trying to hint at them that he is not some peasant.

    "Alright, we shall see if the words you speak are true soon enough, the tavern is just up the street a little ways." Number 1 said as he turns and starts walking still holding the cord that is tied around Yueliangs' wrists. The others falling in line quickly, and the other swordsman guiding the tiger to the front.

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P. S. (Author Note)

Thank you all for your support these months since I began writing. While I know I am not the best of writers, I am certainly working on it. Also if I do mess up on somethings, I apologize as I have epilepsy, so please bear with me as I am trying my best. I will work on fixing what I can when I am able, if you would like mistakes fixed that have not been yet, then please post the error and the location in chapter comments. Thank you again for your support.

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