Life Drain System

Chapter 73 - Meeting

    "Alright, we shall see if the words you speak are true soon enough, the tavern is just up the street a little ways." Number 1 said as he turns and starts walking still holding the cord that is tied around Yueliangs' wrists. The others falling in line quickly, and the other swordsman guiding the tiger to the front.

    The group gradually makes their way to the tavern while Yueliang notices. 'Woah, I just noticed that there is a lot of space between each structure. I guess, most likely for more working out maybe?'


---- A Few Moments Later ----

    *Click *Creak 

    The door sounds as Number 1 twists the handle and opens the door to the tavern saying. "Alright, everyone head in." As he finished speaking, everyone started walking into the tavern hall that appeared to be made of stone and metal. 

    "Tavern Owner, I would like 1 room for the 2 ladies, then 2 rooms for these 4 men. As for myself and the this one, do you have a more secured room?" Number 1 asks with a slightly sinister smile.

    The tavern owner looks at the young man with little worry of what will happen to him in there. Then she continues speaking with a very serious voice glaring at number 1. "Of course, however that room is more expensive. The other three rooms rooms come to a total of 1 platinum 5 large gold coins. As for the 4th room it will be 2 platinum, thus coming to a grand total of 3 platinum and 5 large gold coins. Of course you would not come here with out the appropriate coin right?"

    Feeling quite nervous, Number 1 quickly started saying. "Who would come to your esteemed establishment in such a dishonorable way. Of c - course everyone knows not to offend the business owners of our town. Hehe" Number one quickly thumbed through his bag grabbing 15 large gold coins and 2 platinum coins, before placing them on the counter before the frightening lady.

    "Hello miss tavern owner. It is nice to meet you milady. Truly it is not everyday one gets to meet someone as beautiful and talented as you." Yueliang said with a smile, as it was custom in his old world to greet people properly, although he did add a bit more flair than needed. 

    Hearing Yueliang speak, Number 1 quickly raised his hand before the esteemed lady could speak, while saying to the esteemed lady. "I apologize for his rudeness, I will quickly punish him." 

    "Put your hand down immediately. While he may have spoken not knowing our customs, he is certainly not rude. I like this young man, what is your name little guest?" She asks.

    "My apologies for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Yueliang. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance milady." Yueliang bows slightly.

    "Quite the silver tongue you have my little guest. You may call me Qing." Qing says while handing the four keys to each group, one to Number 2 of the ladies, one to a pair of men, another to the other pair, and finally the last key to Number 1.

      "By the way, if you do not mind my asking, why do you call me little guest? We seem to be around the same age right? I thought you were about 21." Yueliang asks with curiosity all over his face.@@novelbin@@

      Surprised by his question and comment, she replies. "Why thank you. I am actually a little older, however by our customs, those with strength are referred to with reverence while those with little to none, are referred to as such."

      "I do not mean offence when I say this, however how can you say I have little to no strength before testing it out for yourself? While I am not certain that I am stronger than you, I can certainly say the opposite about those beside me." Yueliang innocently smiles.

      "Surprising to no end it seems..." She mumbles then continues aloud. "Well since you seem to want to try our strength for yourself, let us head outside near the stables."

      "..." Number 1 and the rest of his group give a dumbfounded expression.

      "Gladly." Yue replies.

      While walking outside followed by Yueliang, and Shen Hu, Qing asks. "I have been wondering, you say you are stronger, yet I see you tied up, care to explain?"

      "If it pleases sister, then as you wish big sister Qing. I came here from a town I created in hopes of making a trade route or at least some friends. Thus when I came across this group from your town, I wanted to make a peaceful impression so as to not seem to be an enemy. Was I wrong in doing so?"

    "You call me big sister, why? Also, yes, you were wrong, with our people strength and intelligence are the factors that determine your social standing. If you want to have respect you must create it with your own hands." Qing replies.

    "Well the world I come from, that is how we address others, with sister, brother, aunt, or uncle. It seems you do not do that here, please do not take offence." 

    "You say your world..."

    "Oh right, I guess I did not mention, I am an other worlder. While I am not strong enough to travel the vastness of space on my own, that does not mean I do not have other means in which to do so." 

    "Hmm, well I look forward to seeing your 'other worldly' abilities." She responds not quite believing it. While he may be strange, there was nothing about him that really shouts other worlder to her.

    Yueliang and Qing along with Shen Hu all arrived at the stables, while the others were still lagging behind presumably from the shock of seeing an esteemed person treating what they perceived an insect like a fellow person. 


    Qing and Shen Hu look to see what the sound came from, and see the cord falling to the ground, while Yueliang rubs his wrists saying with a nonchalant. "So how are we doing this? Hand to hand, weapons, or something else?" 

    "Hmm, well I will use hand to hand fighting. While weapons have their uses, it is nothing a person cannot do without training. However if you would like to use a weapon or something feel free little guest."

    "You know, you can stop taunting me milady. I will follow your lead and use hand to hand. Obviously no magic either, since I hear your people do not like crutches." Yueliang said as he got into a basic stance pulsing the chi through his body, thinking to himself. 'I did say no magic, however nothing about chi which is also used in body cultivation.'

    Seeing this, Lady Qing chuckled a little before getting into her own stance. And then as if reading their minds Shen Hu roared signaling the start of the match with the two opponents being 6 meters from one another. Hearing the roar many of the towns people started gathering, to see what was going on, and at the same time the two opponents dash towards each other.

      In the blink of an eye the two arrived before each other, each with an arm back, however Qing was faster. As Yueliang throws his left fist forward towards her right shoulder, she already landed one hit on his abs and is about to launch another. Fortunately he had chi pulsing through his body and quickly used it for defense.

      While he had the vitality to have his body stronger than steel, she is currently about the same strength level as him. Thus he felt quite the unease, as she was not even a real cultivator, thus her realm was slightly lower than his. However due to her years of practice and experience, she was stronger and better in almost every way.

      Seeing her speed, and knowing she most likely had more stamina than him, Yueliang only had a few choices...

      "Still surprising me, that was a full strength hit, yet you took it without moving." Qing said, not letting herself get distracted and landed two more hits, while he only got her once so far.

      Yueliang thinks to himself. 'Clearly this is not working, if I am not careful I will lose out due to her. Then, oh, I know just the thing. I should try using chi to make a blade around my hand, while attacking and defending. If that does not work, then I will figure it out afterward.' 

      Still only about 10 - 20 seconds into the fight, numerous hits have landed on both, of course more were landing on Yueliang. Although in his attempt to fight back, he begins using some of the chi surrounding him to make a blade around his fingers and arm while uncurling his fist. He then raises his arm feeling more pain from the attacks and slashes down towards Qings' right sholder again.

      Seeing his movement, although she seems to think it would be useless against her, she raises her right arm as if to counter it, while throwing her left fist at his abdomen.

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