Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00185. Family breakfast?

00185. Family breakfast?

A little over a week passed by and the deadline for Fisk was almost up. From Theo’s surveillance it didn't look like Fisk would take the deal but it didn't matter too much. If Fisk wanted to keep trying to be a crime lord, Theo would shut him down before long since he was proactive when it came to threats. Even if Fisk wasn’t really a threat to him in the grand scheme of things.

Theo instead turned his attention to the Mars project while he waited for Tao to finish up the magic items to contain the infinity stones. He transported Hashirama at least five times a day to produce plant life around the staging area. They weren't even halfway done yet, but at least the plants and trees had no issue surviving.

Since water was basically taken care of and he was working on oxygen with Hashirama. Theo decided to also start collecting what else would be needed to heat up the planet which is greenhouse gases. Sure they were already using magic to do it in a small area, but that took a lot of time to make and Mars was massive compared to what it covered.

Theo thought about it for a while and after talking with a few people he came up with a solution that could help the Earth and Mars at the same time. Well it would take a while to do properly, but with the help of magic it was possible.

The plan was to build a magic device that collected pollution from manufacturing plants, power plants and other places that produced large amounts of greenhouse gases. They would then be installed in place and hidden with magic so normal people couldn't find them. It would help reduce carbon emissions around the planet and Theo could send those to Mars through the device.

It would take a lot of work, but a few masters of the mystic arts liked the idea and already started work on some prototypes. As for the more complicated part, Tao would be in charge of creating the receiver device which would be placed on the opposite side of Mars from where the forest was being planted.

While it wasn't perfect and would definitely take a while, it was better than nuking the planet to heat it up. Well, they wouldn't nuke the whole planet, but Theo didn’t want to deal with that mess. Besides he would also be helping the Earth at the same time, so this was a better solution overall.

Whether or not he created even smaller devices to help with smaller pollution producers like transport ships. Well, Theo would need to think about it because there were millions of places he already planned to target and the devices took time to make.

With not much for Theo himself to do towards the project and having already completed his training for the night. Theo decided to call it an early day and head to bed. After a shower and swapping with his clone, Theo fell asleep quickly, only to be woken up before his alarm by someone poking his cheek.

Theo opened his eyes slowly to see Milly's smiling face looming right in front of him in the dim light of his bedroom. She poked him again as she said, “Get up, we need your help to make breakfast.”

“We?” Theo asked as he sat up in his bed to see Issac standing behind Milly.

Milly pulled back from leaning over Theo’s bed as she said, “Issac and I wanted to make breakfast for mom and dad.”

“And you need my help?”

Both of them nodded before Milly said, “We've never used the stove before so we need your help.”

Theo focused on them both for a moment before he asked, “So you want me to cook?”

“Yeah. Can you? Pleaseeee.” Milly said as Issac nodded in agreement and said, “Please, big brother.”

Theo smiled at his siblings as he said, “Sure, but I am not doing everything alone. Both of you are going to help.”

Milly and Issac both nodded seriously as Theo started to get out of bed. As he did he looked at his alarm clock and froze since it was over an hour and a half before he normally got up. He glanced at his helpers as he asked, “Why did you wake me up so early?

“We wanna make pancakes.” Milly said.

“Pancakes don't take that long to make.” Theo let out a sigh before he laid back down in his bed.

“Don't go back to sleep, you promised to help us.” Milly said with a pout.

Theo glanced at Milly as he said, “If I wake up at my normal time I can easily make pancakes before mom and dad are up. So I am gonna go back to sleep until then.”

Theo rolled over in his bed and snuggled back up in his blankets as Milly shared a look with Issac. A moment later both of them climbed into Theo’s bed with him. As they ruined the blanket burrito he just turned himself into he asked, “What are you two doing?”

“Waiting for you to cook breakfast.” Milly said as she tried to steal more of the blankets.

Theo let out another sigh as he was snuggled in between Milly and Issac. It didn’t take long for Theo to fall back asleep until Milly's arm smacked him in the face and woke him back up. Milly was sprawled out like a starfish next to him, no longer under the blankets with one arm and leg on top of him. Theo glanced on his other side to find Issac somehow wrapped in the blankets as half his body hung off the bed and only still on the bed because of the blankets Theo was laying on.

Theo removed Milly's arm from his face before he glanced at his alarm to find about an hour had passed. Since he doubted he would get that last thirty minutes of sleep he reached over for his alarm and turned it off. He was just thinking about getting out of bed when Milly's arm swung back over and hit him in the face again.

Theo laid there for a few more moments before he decided to wake his siblings up. Theo chose Milly first because she was the one who woke him up. Theo sat up in bed before he leaned towards Milly, lifted her shirt and used a tickle attack. Milly was very ticklish so within a moment she started to squirm and wiggle around. Not even a few seconds passed before she started to giggle before she woke up.

Theo stopped his attack once she woke up and groggily looked around. Theo then pulled Issac back onto the bed before he launched another tickle attack. Issac didn't squirm or wiggle like Milly though. No Issac instead rolled away from Theo and his fingers, right off the bed along with the blankets. There was a soft thud after he hit the floor and a moment later he sat up and looked around in confusion.

Theo chuckled to himself for a moment before he got up and said, “Both of you make my bed while I get changed.”

Milly yawned before she asked, “Why do we have to make your bed?”

“Because you both ruined it.”

Milly in her still sleepy state glanced over the bed to find all the blankets and Issac missing before she noticed the top of his head by the side of the bed. She crawled over to find him and all the blankets on the floor. By the time Theo stepped out of his closet Milly and Issac were up and his bed… Well the blankets were at least back on it.

Theo shook his head since he knew he would need to fix it again later. He headed upstairs with his siblings in tow before he started delegating them each tasks they needed to do. Theo himself oversaw them and also started work on the pancake batter.

After Theo finished the batter, he left it off to the side to sit while he started brewing a fresh pot of coffee for his parents. Once that was going he took the baking sheet lined up with bacon Milly created and placed it in the oven to cook. Then checked in with Issac who just finished cracking eggs into a bowl.

Theo took that bowl and placed it next to the stove top before he grabbed a skillet and started to heat it up with some butter in it. Once the butter was melted, Theo gave the eggs a quick beating before he poured them in the skillet. As they cooked he moved them around constantly as he made them into scrambled eggs. Just before they finished cooking he added seasoning before he pulled them off the heat.

Milly took that skillet and handed him a new one as Issac placed the bowl of pancake batter next to Theo along with a large ice cream scoop and spatula. Milly and Issac worked on setting the kitchen table as Theo started to make pancakes. As he finished the first batch the smell of bacon started to waft throughout the kitchen and into the rest of the house along with the coffee that was brewing.

After the second batch of pancakes Theo checked on the bacon to find it almost finished, so he waited before he started more pancakes. After a few minutes he pulled out the bacon and turned down the oven before he placed the completed pancakes inside it to stay warm.

As Theo started on another batch of pancakes, Milly placed the bacon onto a paper lined plate as Issac started to wash the dirty dishes. The three of them worked seamlessly together for the next ten minutes before a camera flash filled the room. Everyone turned to find Jacob with his phone in his hands as he smiled at them and said, “Smile.”

Jacob ended up taking a bunch more photos as Daniel walked into the kitchen and said, “Thanks for making breakfast this morning kids.”

“Yeah, thanks a lot. This was a nice surprise.” Jacob said as he put his phone down and started to make a cup of coffee.

“You're welcome.” Theo said as he started on another batch of pancakes.

Milly smiled at her mom and gave her a hug as she said, “You're welcome mom.”

Issac followed suit and did the same thing before Theo had them take the pancakes out of the oven and put them on the kitchen table. After Theo finished the last batch of pancakes, he sat down at the table to eat with his family. Their meal was mostly quiet as they ate while both Daniel and Jacob praised the kids for their cooking.

Afterwards as they cleaned up the rest of the dishes Milly asked, “Dad, can you teach me and Issac how to bake again tonight?”

Jacob sipped his coffee before he said, “I don't see why not… How about I show you how to make cheesecake.”

“Okay!” Milly and Issac said together excitedly as Theo felt something was slightly off.

After a few more minutes Jacob and Daniel left the kitchen to go get ready since they were still in their pajamas. After they left, Milly high fived Issac before she said, “I told you it would work.”

Theo turned to glare at them as he asked, “You told Issac what would work exactly?”

“Nothing!” Milly quickly shook her head as Issac nodded in agreement.

“Did you do all of this just for dad to bake sweets?” Theo asked with narrowed eyes.

Milly shared a glance with Issac before she said, “Nooooooo.”

Issac nodded in agreement before he said, “I think dad just called me, I should go.”

“Me too.” Milly said before they both bolted out of the kitchen.

Theo stood there stunned for a few moments as he realized his siblings used him to get some sweets… Theo could only shake his head at the antics of his siblings as he turned around to finish the dishes.

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