00186. A job offer?
00186. A job offer?
Ezekiel portaled into a science lab he purchased a while ago. When he originally purchased it from Osborn, he gave the people working there a month long vacation while he settled everything. When they came back and started working again, Ezekiel had a decent idea on what they were all doing so he basically left them alone to do their own thing.
While he planned to help out Connors with a body and to help out Otto with the AI for his arms. He was gonna wait for a bit until they were farther along in their projects. Well that and he kinda forgot about the both of them since he had so much other stuff he was focused on. He had a few safeguards in place that would warn him if they started getting close to starting certain experiments. But otherwise he left them alone until he got a call from Curt Connors who asked to see him.
Ezekiel stepped out into a clean and tidy work space and glanced around for a moment before he saw a man focused on the display from his electron microscope. Ezekiel walked over to the man and looked over his shoulder at the screen for a few moments before he said, “Kinda looks like an impressionist painting.”
The man in the chair jumped out of his seat as he turned around and asked, “Who are you and how did you get in here?”
Ezekiel stepped back and smiled as he said, “I'm Ezekiel. You just called me because you wanted to show me something.”
Ezekiel gestured to the screen as he asked, “Is this it?”
“I just called you five minutes ago, how did you get here so fast… Actually how did you get in this room? Only I should have access to this part of the lab.” The man said as he studied Ezekiel.
Ezekiel smirked as he said, “It's one of the perks of owning the building. Nothing is locked to me.”
“But I didn't hear the door open.”
Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “Maybe you missed it, you were pretty focused on that display.”
The man thought about it for a moment before he rubbed the back of his head and said, “You're probably right, I get distracted when I focus on my research.”
He quickly stuck out his hand a second later as he said, “Sorry, I should introduce myself properly. I'm Curtis Connors, people normally call me Curt or Dr. Connors.”
Ezekiel shook his hand as he said, “It's nice to meet you Dr. Connors.”
After they shook hands Ezekiel asked, “So why did you call me?”
“I had a breakthrough and wanted to ask for some more funding.” Connors said as he signaled for Ezekiel to follow him.
Connors led Ezekiel over to the other side of the lab where he kept a bunch of mice. He pulled out one of the cages to show a perfectly healthy white lab mouse as he said, “Take a look.”
Ezekiel glanced at the mouse for a few moments before he asked, “And what am I looking at exactly?”
“This mouse was originally missing its front right leg.” Connors said as he pulled out a folder and handed it over to Ezekiel.
Ezekiel opened it up to see a bunch of dense medical notes along with pictures. Ezekiel skipped over the notes and looked at the pictures which showed the mouse regrow its leg within a matter of days. Ezekiel checked the date of when the experiment was started before he asked, “Have you noticed any weird behaviors?”
Connors shook his head as he said, “So far everything is positive and there are no adverse side effects.”
Ezekiel closed the folder and handed it back to Connors as he said, “This is a good start… Dr. Connors, have you heard about Revival?”
Connors nodded his head as he said, “They help people with life threatening conditions and don't charge any money.”
Ezekiel nodded as he said, “That's correct. But they are also working on a lot of other stuff including a limb regeneration technique and cloning.”
Connors eyebrows raised and his mouth opened slightly at the news before he quickly asked, “How do you know that?”
“I own Revival and was the person who requested the research be done.” Ezekiel said with a hint of a smile.
Connors grabbed Ezekiel by the shoulder as he asked, “Could I possibly see their research on limb regeneration? I might be able to perfect my research so we can move on to human trials.”
Ezekiel removed Connors hand from his shoulder as he said, “It's a possibility, but I really don't want you to rush anything with this project.”
Before Connors could respond, Ezekiel cast a glance at Connors missing arm as he said, “I can understand why you would want to rush forward with this project… So how about I give you a reason to take it slowly instead?”
“What do you mean?” Connors asked as Ezekiel created a portal behind the man.
“Follow me and I'll show you.” Ezekiel said as he walked past Connors and into the portal. Connors turned around and froze in place at the sight of the portal.
Ezekiel smirked to himself before he said, “Come along now Dr. Connors, I don't have all day.”
Connors snapped out of shock and quickly followed Ezekiel through the portal before he asked, “What was that? Some kind of worm hole? Is that an innate power or is it technology based?”
“It was created with magic.” Ezekiel said as he led Connors into the medical facility.
Connor laughed for a moment before he asked, “Magic? That's a pretty good joke… But seriously how did you do that?”
“I already told you, magic.”
Connors didn't believe it but decided not to press the issue as he followed Ezekiel into a high tech lab with some equipment he'd never seen, let alone heard about before. Inside the lab a few people were working in front of some computers as a complex simulation ran on a main screen off to the side.
Connors was the first one to speak as he asked a question about the data being displayed on the screen. Both people turned around as Orochimaru said, “That's correct. We are in the process of...”
Ezekiel interrupted him as he said, “You guys can talk after I leave.”
Ezekiel pointed at Connors as he said, “This is Dr. Curt Connors and he is here for a new body.”
“What new body?” Connors asked in confusion.
“I told you, I am gonna give you a reason to take your research slow and steady.”
Ezekiel pointed at each person in the room as he introduced them quickly before he said, “Alright, I have other things I need to do. Just call me once he is ready to leave so I can send him home.”
“Wait where are you going and what did you mean by new body?” Connors asked as he looked at Ezekiel.
“Just ask them about it. I have something else to do.” Ezekiel said before his afterimage faded away.
Connors glanced at the other people in the room as he asked, “What did he mean by new body?”
Orochimaru licked his lips with his snake like tongue before he was smacked by Tobirama who said, “Stop doing that, it's creepy.”
After Ezekiel left he created a portal back to the laboratory building but this time went to the other lab. Inside he found a slightly more chaotic workshop but otherwise more clean then Tony's personal lab. The lab itself was currently empty so Ezekiel pulled out his tablet to check the lab's security to find out where Dr. Otto Octavius was.
The security logs and video showed he arrived at the lab earlier today and that he had yet to leave. With that information Ezekiel decided to take a look around before he went to find Otto who was probably taking a break.
The lab itself wasn't so bad, but there seemed to be a lot of projects all over the place in different stages of being worked on. Ezekiel started to wonder if Otto already completed his robotic arms before he found the iconic harness only half finished in one corner of the lab. It was hooked up to a computer so Ezekiel decided to check it out.
On the computer itself was diagnostic software for the harness along with the basics for a control program. Ezekiel glanced over the diagnostic program for a few moments before he turned his attention to the software for the arms. At a glance he could tell it was bare bones and worse than that, it was bad. Sure it wasn't even close to being finished, but Ezekiel couldn't stand how bad it was and wanted to delete it all and start the code over from scratch.
As Ezekiel looked over the code the lab door opened up and two people walked in. The first one was a man about average height with brown hair and eyes. He was pudgy with a bowl cut and thick black framed glass that rested on his large nose.
Next to him was a woman with long brown hair tied into a braid that stopped at the middle of her back. She had bright blue eyes with a smile to match and was currently holding hands with the man.
Ezekiel heard the door open up and as the couple walked in he turned around and asked, “Who wrote this code?”
Both people froze as they looked at Ezekiel for a moment before the man said with some pride, “I did.”
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow as he asked, “Where exactly did you learn how to code?”
“I taught myself.” The man said smugly.
“That explains a lot… You suck at it and you need to hire someone else to do it.”
The man flushed with a bit of anger as he said, “Everyone I hired turned out to be idiots, so I decided to do it myself.”
“I'm not sure what they created for you, but I doubt it's as bad as this crap.” Ezekiel said as he pointed at the code displayed on the computer.
The man moved closer to Ezekiel and the computer as he said, “Everything they created was a hundred times worse than that.”
Ezekiel rolled his eyes as he said, “I doubt that. I know a ten year old who can program better than this garbage.”
The man got up into Ezekiel's face before he said, “I would like to see you do better.”
“Easy, just watch and I'll show you what proper coding looks like.” Ezekiel said before he turned towards the computer and opened a new text editor before he started to type.
Ezekiel’s fingers flew across the keyboard at incredible speed as he typed away. Within twenty minutes he had already recreated something similar to the code he called garbage. Except his code was neatly done without a bunch of extra lines of redundant code or garbage code and accomplished the same results as the old code. Ezekiel finished up and double checked his code before he turned back to the man and woman behind him.
The man looked at the code in excitement for a few moments before he turned to Ezekiel and said, “You're hired.”
Ezekiel smirked at that as he said, “You don't even know who I am.”
“Oh…” The man said as he seemed to realize something before he asked, “Who are you and how did you get into my lab? Also, do you want a job? It pays well.”
Ezekiel chuckled before he said, “I'm Ezekiel. As for how I entered your lab… I own the building and fund your research.”
The man thought about it for a few moments before he nodded his head and said, “Yes, yes. I remember you sent me an email after you bought this place from Norman.”
The man stuck out his hand as he said, “I'm Dr. Otto Octavius and this is my wife Rosalie.”
Ezekiel shook hands with Otto as he said, “Good to finally meet you both.”
After they shook hands Otto asked, “So about that job offer?”
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