136. Taking Stock (R-18)
136. Taking Stock (R-18)
I find Sue in her pond finishing up with Megan and Gale as expected. Wait, Suka, Isabella, and Cottontail are here too? Huh, this bunny and this mouse look a little familiar—oh, I must recognize them from the southern breeding chamber when I went looking for Cottontail days ago. Good times! Everyone is exhausted like they ran a marathon.
Yeah, it looks like they were up to some wild shit without me around, but whatever. I’m wiped and it’s time for bed. Hey! That’s Moka and Chris… they look… Oh. Oh!
Scooping up Sue in my arms and tossing Moka and Chris on the pile, I tell the others it’s time for bed, “More fun tomorrow. I know it’s been exciting having all these new playmates and powers, but all the toys will still be there when the sun rises.”
They don’t protest too much as they follow me to a spot in the pavilion that I staked out earlier. Flou’s three bodies provide furry ‘waterbeds’ atop the floor matting for us to sleep on. Dura resting on her side serves at the headboard.
Gabby waddles into view, bowlegged from all the ‘punishment’ she received tonight. “T-t-that’s!!!”
“I know. But what does it mean?”
The Goblin Apprentice—and soon to be much more—points with a shaking finger at Chris and Moka, who I picked up because of their recent changes.
“Playmate Bunnies!”
Yes, both Moka and Chris were wearing outfits resembling Cottontail’s when I found them. A strapless corset teddy, bowtie, white collar, white cuffs, and black sheer pantyhose. They’re a couple of inches taller (all in the legs), slightly more curvaceous around the hips, waist, and thighs, with their breasts a single size larger. Moka’s outfit is shiny gold to compliment her delicious chocolate complexion whereas Chris’s is black in contrast to her white fur and hair.
“Yes, but how, why, and what does it mean for us and them?”
Gabby composes herself, adjusts her spectacles, and contemplates the answers to my questions. “We previously speculated on the requirements for the Playmate evolution, and I mentioned individuals may not be suited to certain paths. While the latter remains true, as for the former, I suspect we’ll have more Playmates in the future if we have the perfect storm of circumstances to instigate that evolution—despite it never being seen before according to the Book of Monsters. I can’t possibly speculate on the chances of more Showbunny Stage Magicians.”
“Hmm, but Moka was a Dust Bunny before. Does this mean she lost those powers?”
“Ah. While I did say that only Goblins and Slimes can proceed down multiple evolutionary paths, that doesn't mean other monsters can’t benefit from a… let’s say ‘convoluted’ route. Moka’s third tier potential, for example, goes as follows: Matron (if there isn’t another Fuzzy Matron nearby already), some form of Greater Bun (a generic third tier like March Hare), an Earth Magic Bunny, or a third tier Playmate varietal. When it comes time for her to evolve, she’ll ascend along the highest path she qualifies for that she’s naturally attuned to. What that will be, or if she will ever reach that point, I cannot say. What I can say, however, is that she’ll have access to her Playmate Outfit as an Earth Bunny or her Dust powers as a Playmate.”
Hmm. In other words, I doesn’t matter whether I think of her as a Dust Bunny with Playmate powers or as a Playmate with Dust powers. It only differentiates when she evolves to third tier, and she can’t evolve multiple paths the way Gabby and the Slimes can. Chris, of course, only has Playmate abilities.
“Mind if Spindle borrows this? She wants a fluffy pillow,” the Webling says, snapping me from my mental fugue while gesturing at Chris, the angora bunny girl.
“Wha?” Chris asks, awaking from her stupor, confused and rightly scared by the Wicked Weaver.
“Knock yourself out,” Megan replies as she stumbles over, then turns to me as Spindle abducts a protesting Chris—crawling up onto the ceiling to watch over the Sweet Bee larvae while cuddling the gagged fluffy bunny—and says, “More importantly, who’s getting Cottontail tonight?”
I shrug. “I was going to spoon Sue… if that’s fine?”
“You like her that much?” Megan asks, surprised. The Froglin in question flushes dark green and demurely places her webbed hands on her cheeks.
“Well, yeah. I mean, we’re talking about one night. She’s cute, and I want to give her a warm welcome to the family.” Plus, I’ll have a very lubricated place to put my morning wood.
The Denki Nezumi acquiesces with a nod, “Deal.”
With the negotiations finished smoothly, so smoothly we didn’t even discuss the details, the final arrangement goes as follows: Me using Dura’s bosom as a pillow, Gabby fitting herself in the hollow of Dura’s tummy with an Ogress arm for a blanket, Sue as my little spoon, Gale facing Sue with a Rainbird wing keeping the Froglin moist, Megan back-to-back with Gale spooning Cottontail, Jonny bookending Cottontail with Brenda in his arms and Bonny nestled between them, Suka spooning me from behind with Moka squeezed in between us, and Isabella spooning Suka from behind. Lucinia and Mulu stay together near Jonny, and Kani hunkers down at the foot of our ‘bed.’
Looking around, even the Fruit Nymphs have fucked themselves to sleep and attached themselves to affectionately snuggling groups. I’m proud of our crew for keeping pace with those nymphos.
Lois and the majority of the Warren gradually trickled off from the party to go underground along with a handful of former prisoners who can fit through the tunnels that they decided to trust. The Harpies have retreated to Gale’s nest in a tight cluster, their heads tucked under their wings along with whatever Fuzzy folk they managed to lure away from the Warren. I think I saw Douglas and Gretta retreat to the hut at some point. Olindia and Drosera have taken it upon themselves to serve as the ‘jailors’ for the remainder of the former prisoners—anyone who tries funny business late at night gets a tentacle up the butt or ends up in a sticky situation.
Spindle set up an alarm system to tip us off if enemies approach, not to mention the field of pit traps, so I’m not too concerned about the Kindergarten being watched over by Mother Heather.
Overall, I’m fully content as we all lay down together and drift off, my last conscious thoughts guiding my ovipositor cock into Sue’s pussy while we slowly grind one out to deposit my and Cottontail’s spawn at Megan’s instruction.
*Impregnation Successful – One Male Breeder Mark!*
“O-oh! Mmm, g-good mowrning, Alex,” Sue whispers to me over her shoulder.
You know it’s going to be a good day when you wake up with your morning wood already buried to the hilt in soft, slick Froglin ass. “Mmm, that’s nice.”
I kiss her on the neck and begin rolling my hips, enjoying the smooth in and out of her bubble butt’s cute little rosebud. Mentally, I take stock while using Sue’s rear to take the edge off waking with the sun.
*All Marks – Ninety Two!* |
*The Wolf Lord’s Toy | Three Canine Marks!* |
*Rainbird Bride | Three Avian Marks!* |
*Mermaid Bride | One Mer Mark!* |
*Married the Goblin Herbalist Apprentice | Three Goblinoid Marks!* |
*Fishman Slayer | One Mer Mark!* |
*Cancer Conquest | One Mer Mark!* |
*Pacified the Large Pink Jellyfish Slime | Four Slime Marks!* |
*Overcame the Moleman | Two Fuzzy Marks!* |
*Married the Showbunny Stage Magician | Three Fuzzy Marks!* |
*Ogress Layer | Two Goblinoid Marks!* |
*Hobbled the Hobgoblin | One Goblinoid Mark!* |
*Roasted the Twisted Apple Treefolk | Two Forest Marks!* |
*Barbequed the Pitcher Treefolk | One Forest Mark!* |
*Tamed the Lesser Lupine Flamestalker |
Two Canine Mark!* |
*Converted the Small Fuzzy Red Slime Swarm | Three Slime Marks!* |
*Denki Nezumi Bride | Two Fuzzy Mark!* |
*Trounced the Bunny Patron |
One Fuzzy Mark!* |
*Made the Lesser Siren Sing |
One Avian Mark!* |
*Bloodied the Bloodwing Harpy | One Avian Mark!* |
*Turned the Tables on a Black Widow Webling | Two Darkling Marks!* |
*Unearthed the Webling Burrower | One Darkling Mark!* |
*Kobold Bride | One Draconic Mark!* |
*Slaughtered the Lizardmen | One Draconic Mark* |
*Satisfied the Wicked Weaver Webling | Two Darkling Marks!* |
*Decapitated the Imp | One Profane Mark!* |
*Subdued the Harpy Matron | One Avian Mark!* |
*Playing For the Home Team! | One Human Mark!* |
*Fucked the Sundew Treefolk | One Forest Mark!* |
*Routed the Murder Hornets | Two Swarm Marks!* |
*Nursed the Sweet Bee Girl | One Swarm Mark!* |
*Froglin Blowjob | Two Lake Marks!* |
*Desert Rose Dryad Lover | Two Forest Marks!* |
*Swept up the Dust Bunny | One Fuzzy Mark!* |
*Made Love to the Dormouse Matron | One Fuzzy Mark!* |
*Green Stone Symbiont Lover | Three Slime Marks!* |
*Male Breeder Marks | Eighteen Marks!* |
*Female Breeder Marks | Fourteen Marks!* |
Up from sixty total marks yesterday! Decent progress, and I upgraded my harem’s strength massively, not to mention the establishment of Field Town as a power in the Region. Also, I feel less bad about including my Breeder marks in the lump sum now they’re making tangible contributions to my assets (see Power Bond).
One thing that immediately becomes clear from reviewing today’s progress is marking this as the turning point when I got more marks from ‘breeding’ my harem (and their subsequent evolutions) than exploration and combat. I figured this point would come eventually, but I wasn’t sure when the Region’s supply of new monsters would run ‘dry.’ True, Charlatan Forest had less ‘diversity’ than I expected due to the Elder’s twisted Hybridization ritual, but I could say the same of the desert biome. I’ll need to range further and continue breeding my monsters to maintain an influx of more marks.
I’d wondered if splitting up my harem into teams would lower my mark income at the cost of getting more done, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. They were pretty good about bringing their conquests home. The only thing I really missed out on—besides the boss monsters we’ll have to tackle later—was the Electric Eeling mark. Hopefully, that won’t be the last one of its kind I come across.
*Committed Large Pink Jellyfish Slime*
*Dedicated Small Fuzzy Red Slime Swarm*
*Devoted Green Stone Symbiont*
I’m ecstatic to see my Slime girls are doing well, though their designation as ‘pets’ remains somewhat problematic. While Brenda no longer needs my help managing her instincts, Flou and Olindia both would have a tougher time managing themselves without their bond to me influencing their Slime urges. Not to mention Brenda is more Jonny's spouse than mine alone. I suppose it doesn't matter what the stupid breeder menu says.
*Offspring – Twenty-Seven*
*Mermaids Two (Unborn)*
*Goblins One (Unborn)*
*Mandragora Five (Unborn)*
*Fuzzy Six (Unborn)*
*Draconic Two (Unborn)*
*Human – One (Unborn)*
Slime Core Human – One (Unborn)
*Nine Sweet Bees (Adopted)*
It counts adoptions? Well, I’d be more upset if it didn’t. Good for you, weird Echidna mark magic system! And holy God Beast did my number of offspring jump up! I wasn’t even trying (hard) to abuse the Breeder mark counter.
Huh, Slime Core Human—that’s my and Olindia’s offspring. Form of the Father still reigns supreme, but the Inorganic Womb apparently necessitates the offspring to have a Slime-type core. I see, Olindia can’t support a full human offspring but can create a Hybrid Human Slime Core to nurture. Food for thought. Even more curious, my menu is counting this as a natural-born hybrid. Fascinating stuff!
Alright, I can see the sky brightening, it’s time for golden hour shenanigans!
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