Monster Breeder

137. Golden Hour Shenanigans (R-18)

137. Golden Hour Shenanigans (R-18)

Alright, I can see the sky brightening; it’s time for golden hour shenanigans! First up is human:

Human Marks – One

Human Cock







Jonny Saffron




Slightly Curved

Average Retractable


It’s a simple mark tree. Probably the simplest. But having a free cock I can modify with Paternal Malleability? Priceless.

Know what? Today feels like a nut-up or shut-up day. Maybe the girls will enjoy playing with them, and I’ve got plenty of defensive marks to keep them from becoming a liability.

Balls – Y! Big, big Y!

For the first time in my life, my balls drop. A soft, hairless, scaly scrotum forms beneath my cock, the dangling nut-sack covering my clit and vulva.

*Profane Marks – None!*

Impish Profane Sight

Impish Stature

Impish Dark Magic

Impish Cock


Nothing to see here.

*Avian Marks – None*

Harpy Sight

Wings (Harpy, Rainbird)

Bloodwing Air-Dodge

Rain Pellets

Tailfeathers (Harpy, Rainbird)

Harpy Matron Form

Harpy Matron Fertility

Harpy Matron Longevity

Rainbird Aviation

Harpy Talons

Harpy Lightweight

Harpy Matron Lightweight

Harpy Air Magic

Harpy Matron Air Magic

Rainbird Water Magic

Lesser Siren Voice

Lesser Siren Enchanting Melody

Lesser Siren Charm Resistance

Bloodwing Blood Magic

Bloodwing Cock


I’m refunding Harpy Air Magic, Rainbird Water Magic, and Harpy Sight. None of them are essential on the battlefield and I have a ton of Multitasking focuses to manipulate menus on the fly, so reselecting them will be a snap if I get into a pinch. I prefer to leave my options open in case I run into a niche case where Charm Resistance or Enchanting Melody become necessary.

Blood Magic at least has a defensive application that allows me to control my own bleeding, so I’m sticking with that. I know I said basically the opposite yesterday, but I’m allowed to change my mind!

But the real reason my opinion changed is because of my new mark tree...

*Swarm Marks – None*

Compound Eyes (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Summon Goggles (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Antennae (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Abdomen (S. Bee, M. Hornet)



Sweet Treat

Murder Egg Shot

Wings (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Buzz Propelled

Extra Arms (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Murder Hornet Exoskeleton

Murder Hornet Disguise

Venom Dart (S. Bee, M. Hornet)

Sweet Bee Wax


Hornet Wings plus Harpy Lightweight equals basic flight, which is what I wanted to save my Avian marks for in the past. Today, I can grab more harpy features at my leisure and amalgamate them as necessary.

*Lake Marks – None*

Naiad Water Breathing

Froglin Skin

Froggin Webbed Digits

Froglin Legs

Froglin Leap

Froglin Stature

Froglin Mouth

Froglin Prehensile Tongue

Froglin Water Magic


All good. That prehensile tongue is one of my all-time favorite selections already!

*Darkling Marks – None*

Darkling Sight

Wicked Weaver Profane Sight

Webling (B, BW, J, WW) Body

Black Widow Ovipositor

Servitor Egg Production

Webling (B, BW, J) Silk

Jumper Jump

Wicked Weaver Weaving

Wicked Weaver Perversion Rod

Webling (B, BW, J, WW) Fangs

Black Widow Venom

Burrower Acidic Venom

Jumper Aphrodisiac Venom

Wicked Weaver Vampiric Drain

Webling (BW, J, WW) Spider Climb

Webling Black Widow Scythes

Webling Black Widow Incubation Milk

Webling Burrower Tremor Sense

Wicked Weaver Webling Dark Magic

I’ll refund yesterday’s selections: Webling Jumper Aphrodisiac Venom, and Webling Burrower Tremor Sense. Their usage is narrow, and I like flexibility.

*Draconic Marks – None*

Kobold Claws

Lizardman Claws

Kobold Scales

Lizardman Scales

Kobold Stature

Lizardman Stature

Kobold Hemipenis

Lizardman Hemipenis

Kobold Inner Heat

Lizardman Inner Spark


Unfortunately, I can’t upgrade Inner Heat even during golden hour. I need another mark to… hold on. I got another Slime Mark from Brenda's evolution!

*Selected Slime Mutability!*

*Temporarily Transfer a Slime Mark to another Type?*














Selected Draconic!


Selected Lizardman Inner Spark!


Refunded Kobold Inner Heat!


As I was saying, I’m a fucking genius.

That mark refunded from Inner Heat will disappear when the sun fully rises, but I get to keep Inner Spark. I click my tongue and feel the snap of discharging energy. If I had really, really bad breath, could I ignite the gas?

*Slime Marks – None*

Slime Constitution

Slime Core

Slime Constitution (Jl, Fz, Pk, Lg, Sm, Rd, Gr)

Slime Malleability

Slime Malleability (Jl, Fz, Pk, Lg, Sm, Rd, Gr)

Slime Mutability

Slime Amalgamation

Slime Mutability (Jl, Fz, Pk, Lg, Sm, Rd, Gr)

Slime Hair / Legs / Arms / Stature / Body

(Rd, Pk, St, Gr) Slime Hair / Legs / Arms / Stature / Body

Stone Ooze Body

Green Slime Acid Resistance

Jellyfish Slime Tentacles

Fuzzy Slime Flesh Shaping

Large Slime Stature

Symbiont Body

Symbiont Amalgamation

Fuzzy Slime Fur

Pink Slime Restoration

Small Swarm Slime Multitasking

Red Slime Blood Magic

Stone Ooze Skin


Then refund Mutability and the first tier Slime Hair. Acid Resistance is good, and I noticed having Green Slime Hair unlocks Jellyfish Slime Tentacles. That might be an interesting combo.

Unlocking Slime Body simplifies the branch progression if I’m looking to go full Slime. I’m pretty sure Symbiont Amalgamation only works if I’m becoming the Symbiont and merging with someone else. I mean, I’m not saying ‘no.’

I guess it’s more a question of resource allocation. Is it better for me to merge with one powerful partner to become an uber warrior, or do we spit up to cover more ground? Megan, Suka, and Cottontail are probably worth a lot of marks if I want to think about them as potential Symbiont hosts. Even Aello would be useful—free Matron Form—if I wanted to be a pervy old vulture, that is.

Alright, fine, Acid Resistance gets refunded. That leaves me three floating Slime Marks to go super-Alex should the need arise.


*Mer Marks – None*

Mermaid Sight

Fishman Sight

Mermaid Gills

Fishman Gills

Mermaid Fins

Mermaid Depth Resistance

Fishman Depth Resistance

Mermaid Water Magic

Mermaid Ovipositor

Cancer Claws

Cancer Legs

Cancer Slippery Foam Magic

Cancer Summon Armor

Fishman Cock

Fishman Head

Fishman Summon Spear

I’m refunding Mermaid Water Magic now I have several alternate sources for the spell.

Selected Cancer Slippery Foam Magic!

I swear I’m not just thinking of sexy applications. Honest.

*Goblinoid Marks – One*

Goblin Ears

Goblinoid Ears (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)

Goblin Gut

Goblinoid Gut (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)

Goblin Nails

Hobgoblin Nails

Goblin Stature

Hobgoblin Stature

Orc Stature

Orc Strength

Ogre Stature

Ogre Strength

Ogre Toughness

Goblin Cock

Goblinoid Cock (Hob, Orc, Ogre)

Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner

Goblin Apprentice Quick Study

Goblin Apprentice Summon Spectacles

Summon Club (Hobgoblin, Orc, Ogre)

Herbalist Herbal Medicine

Herbalist Herbal Amplification


Refund Goblin Gut and Orc Stature. I have a plan regarding the latter. Move along.

*Forest Marks – One*

Mandragora Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis (Sundew, Pitcher, F. Dryad)

Twisted Treefolk Twisted Apple

Twisted Treefolk Roots

Pitcher Treefolk Vines

Sundew Trap Tendrils

Flower Dryad Thorn Whip

Cactus Needles

Mandragora Plant Growth Magic

Plant Growth Magic (Sundew, Pitcher, F. Dryad, Cactus)

Twisted Treefolk Bark Skin

Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic

Treefolk Cock (Twisted, Sundew, F. Dryad, Cactus)

Pitcher Treefolk Stomach Acid

Sundew Trap Sweat

Flower Dryad Fecund Aura

Cactus Water Magic


Oh, here we go.

*Selected Mandragora Photosynthesis!*


*Refunded Pitcher Treefolk Vines!*


*Selected Sundew Trap Tendrils!*


*Refunded Mandragora Photosynthesis!*


*Selected Cactus Plant Growth Magic!*


*Refunded Mandragora Plant Growth Magic!*

Bank one mark for emergencies. Done.

As for my choices, I feel like Sundew Trap Tendrils have the most potential uses between Pitcher Vines, Thorn Whip, and Trap Tendrils. I can use the glue tips to latch onto objects and swing from them, tie up weak hostiles I’m trying not to kill, or make them acidic and use it as a weapon. Upgrading a first tier Plant growth to second tier Cactus Plant Growth was a no-brainer (the spells’ effectiveness stacks), but I chose Cactus over the others because I feel like I might be able to line the Fuzzy folk pit traps with cactuses and do stuff like that in addition to accessing burn-salving aloe.

That reminds me, I need to make sure Gabby and Isabella work together on some Herbalism projects later.

Before looking at my next mark tree, I confirm Power Bond has reselected Suka and therefore given me Flame Magic. Yep!

*Canine Marks – Four*

Wolf Nose

Wolf Nose (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Nose

Wolf Claws

Wolf Claws (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Claws

Wolf Tail

Wolf Tail (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Tail

Wolf Legs

Wolf Rush

Wolf Legs (Dire, Cinder)

Cinderwolf Rush

Wolf Lord’s Legs

Wolf Jaws

Wolf Jaws (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Jaws

Cinderwolf Ember Magic

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Magic

L.F. Flame Control

L.F. Flame Sculpting

L.F. Flame Sense

L.F. Speed

L.F. Flamestep

Wolf Cock

Wolf Cock (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Cock

Finally. I kept four Canine marks in reserve for today’s golden hour to do this:

*Selected Wolf Claws!*


*Selected Wolf Tail!*


*Selected Wolf Legs!*


*Selected Wolf Jaws!*

I check the menu even as my body roils to assume a new monstrous shape, Slime Amalgamation struggling to make it all work.

Bastard! I fucking knew it!

*Canine Marks – None*

Wolf Nose

Wolf Nose (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Nose

Wolf Claws

Wolf Strength

Wolf Claws (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Strength (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Claws

Wolf Lord’s Strength

Wolf Tail

Wolf Toughness

Wolf Tail (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Toughness (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Tail

Wolf Lord’s Toughness

Wolf Legs

Wolf Rush

Wolf Legs (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Rush (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Legs

Wolf Lord Rush

Wolf Jaws

Wolf Shape

Wolf Jaws (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Shape (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Jaws

Wolf Lord’s Shape

Cinderwolf Ember Magic

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Magic

L.F. Flame Control

L.F. Flame Sculpting

L.F. Flame Sense

L.F. Speed

L.F. Flamestep

Wolf Cock

Wolf Cock (Dire, Cinder)

Wolf Lord’s Cock


I had to temporarily use Slime Amalgamation for my body to accept all those physical modifications on top of my current selection, but it was worth it. I’m so God Beast damned pissed. The Canine mark tree has been teasing me for fucking days with this shit!

It’s like how Slime Body was hidden until Brenda unlocked it by momentarily giving me Slime Hair/Arms/Legs/Stature all at once. That's what spurred me to try this out today, though I already knew some menu options are hidden under multiple requirements needing to be simultaneously equipped. Turns out I had to go full wolf mods to unlock everything, but here we are!

Fucking third tier Strength and Toughness, both from the Wolf Lord, no less! I had access to them the. Whole. Fucking. Time. All that testing I did previously didn’t amount to anything because of some dumb extra prerequisite that nobody told me about!


“Alex, are you well? You’re scaring the help,” Spindle says from my side, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Everyone has long since got up and started their business while I was engrossed in my menu options, except Sue cowering between my six legs with my cock in her trembling ass. Oh, shit.

*Refunded Wolf Claws!*


*Refunded Wolf Tail!*


*Refunded Wolf Legs!*


*Refunded Wolf Jaws!*

“Sue, are you okay? I didn’t mean to frighten you.” I go to hug her, still embedded in her depths, and hesitate—but she doesn’t flinch away from me, so I wrap her in a four-armed embrace.

“T-that’s alwight, Alex. I knew you wewren’t angwy with me. It was a bit scawy, being at the mewrcy of a powewful monster, that’s all. Maybe a little hot too as long as nothing bad happens, if we’wre being honest.”

“Phew.” No lasting psychological harm done. I give her a kiss that she sweetly reciprocates. She’s such a good girl.

Right as I’m resuming my plowing to bust a nut before anything distracts me, Spindle asks, “What, prey tell, so disturbed you, Alex, if she may inquire?”

“One sec,” I’m not getting sidetracked. A few more slaps of my thighs against Sue’s ample ass, her sphincter clenching delightfully hard on my shaft as I slide in and out using her natural Froglin lubricant slime, has me blowing a hefty load in the girl’s rear. “Enjoy a light breakfast,” I say, squeezing the Froglin’s creamy pale bosom as I let her go, though she’s in no rush to pull off my shaft. Instead, Sue lingers to catch every last spurt of cream I’m depositing inside her bottom.

Anyway, I explain the situation to Spindle. I’m not sure what I expect her to say, but she’s a smart spider and I value her opinion.

“A warning,” the Webling begins, “Do not blindly trust the strength of your enemy.”

I blink in surprise. “You know something, Spindle?”

“Call it a hunch. She doesn’t have experience with this type of monster, and she doesn’t understand the true nature of Echidna magic. It may function as you expect. However, Spindle’s intuition has pit her against the Sheikh with the intention of exploiting a certain possible angle. Monster names matter. She is ‘Wicked.’ Suka is ‘Lesser’ for being a Flamestalker who hasn’t hunted worthy prey. The bespectacled one is ‘Apprenticed’ before graduating to something greater.” I nod in understanding. “She will leave you with a question. What is he Lord of?”

“‘What is he Lord of?’” I repeat, confused.

The Wicked Weaver waves mysteriously while sauntering away, leaving me to my introspection as Sue finally eases herself off my cock with a satisfying shlorp to go about her day.

The Wolf Lord. Leadership type evolutions. A Lord of wolves. A Wolf Lord’s Strength.


I’ve got a bad feeling about that selection now, so I take another look at my other options.

There’s no ‘Lesser’ designation in the menu like there is in Suka’s evolution name, the same with Lucinia’s Lesser Siren evolution. ‘Lesser’ monsters seem to have the magic of their third tier form without the increase of base physical attributes. With that in mind, I don’t feel bad about taking the safe bet.

*Refunded Cinderwolf Ember Magic!*

*Selected Lupine Flamestalker Flame Control!*

*Selected Lupine Flamestalker Flame Sculpting!*


*Selected Lupine Flamestalker Flame Sense!*


*Selected Lupine Flamestalker Speed!*


*Selected Lupine Flamestalker Flamestep!*

Oh, yes! This is going to be incredible! Just wait until that Elder bastard gets a load of me! HAHAHAHA!!!

*Fuzzy Marks – Three*

Rodent Nose (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)

Denki Nezumi Nose

Rodent Ears (Bunny, Mouse)

Mouse Predator Sense

Denki Nezumi Ears

D.N. Radar

Rodent Stature (Bunny, Mouse)

Rodent Stature (Bunny Patron, Dormouse Matron)

Rodent Fertility / Potency (B.P., D.M.)

Rodent Longevity (B.P., D.M.)

Rodent Strength (B.P., D.M.)

Denki Nezumi Stature

D.N. Electric Absorption

D.N. Electric Regeneration

D.N. Battery Cheeks

D.N. Energizer

D.N. Thunder Crash

Rodent Tail (Bunny, Mouse, Playmate, D.B.)

Mouse Balance

Playmate Anal Lube

Showbunny Stage Magician Tail

Showbunny Anal Adaptations

Denki Nezumi Tail

Denki Nezumi Agility

Rodent Legs (Bunny, Mouse, Playmate)

Bunny Hop

Good Digger

Lucky Rabbit Foot

(BP, SSM) Legs

Luck Magic

Rodent Cock (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)

Bunny Patron Cock

Bunny Stamina

(BP, SSM) Stamina

Rodent Earth Magic (Mole-man, Dust Bunny)

Bunny Patron Earth Magic

Mole-man Claws

Mole-man Summon Shovel

Bunny Patron Summon Carrot

Bunny Playmate Outfit

Showbunny Stage Magician Outfit

Showbunny Hat

Showbunny Performer’s Body


The final boss of golden hour. Fuck, there’s so much I want. Bunny Patron Strength, D.N. Radar, Showbunny Performer’s Body is probably really good, but so is Denki Nezumi Agility, and then there’s Megan’s entire suite of electric magic manipulation abilities.


Well, let’s start with a straight upgrade.

*Selected Mouse Ears!*


*Selected Denki Nezumi Ears!*


*Selected D.N. Radar!*


*Refunded Mouse Ears!*


*Refunded Denki Nezumi Ears!*


*Refunded Mouse Predator Sense!*

*Refunded Playmate Legs!*

*Refunded Showbunny Stage Magician Legs!*

*Refunded Lucky Rabbit Foot!*

I probably won’t feel it in effect until my next fight, but a third tier version of Predator Sense should help with my battlefield awareness.

That leaves me with a whopping six Fuzzy marks! It feels like riches, but they can’t get me everything I want. I’m not sure what I’ll need, exactly, so let’s bank the remainder.

I’m still riding high from all those Flamestalker abilities.

*Selected Racial Marks – Forty-Three*

Harpy Lightweight

Harpy Matron Air Magic

Bloodwing Blood Magic

Fishman Summon Spear

Cancer Summon Armor

Ogress Strength

Ogress Toughness

Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner

Bunny Patron Stamina

Bunny Patron Earth Magic

Slime Core

Jellyfish Slime Constitution

Slime Amalgamation

Green Slime Hair

Pink Slime Restoration

Small Swarm Slime Multitasking

Red Slime Blood Magic

Pitcher Treefolk Photosynthesis

Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic

Wicked Weaver Profane Sight

Wicked Weaver Webling Fangs

Wicked Weaver Webling Dark Magic

Lizardman Scales

Lizardman Inner Spark

Impish Dark Magic

Luck Magic

D.N. Radar

Human Cock

Murder Hornet Wings

Sweet Bee Extra Arms

Murder Hornet Venom Dart

Froglin Prehensile Tongue

Froglin Water Magic

Cancer Slippery Foam Magic

Flower Dryad Plant Growth Magic

Cactus Plant Growth Magic

Sundew Trap Tendrils

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Magic (Power Bond)

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Control

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Sculpting

Lupine Flamestalker Flame Sense

Lupine Flamestalker Speed

Lupine Flamestalker Flamestep

Available Marks for Day 6: Eighteen

Fuzzy Marks – Six

Forest Marks – One

Goblinoid Marks - Three

Slime Marks – Three

Avian Marks – Three

Darkling Marks – Two


I don’t know if I can take on a Wolf Lord with this loadout, but I’m confident in facing anything less than that. I’m loaded for bear! Not that I expect to fight any Ursa.

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