Chapter 6: Mining And Cavern Moles
Chapter 6: Mining And Cavern Moles
{Mine and submit 150 pieces of stygian ore within the next seven days to the foreman. Failure to complete the quest in seven days would result in -50exp in all classes and 20 lashes from a chain whip}
+20 NORMAL EXP, ????)
Such a small reward for such a massive task, if it was someone else other than a slave, a quest like this would net those thousands of exp, not just the measly amount that he was being offered. The thing about being a slave is that unless specified by your master, you only receive 1% of the normal exp other uploads or players would gain upon completing the quest. Honestly it made Rezar have the urge to hit something, thankfully he could let of some steam by banging at rocks.
Rezar had no intention of going too far from his newly acquired home, apart from having a sense of safety, he should also be able to keep an eye on it and react on time should anyone of hid very dangerous neighbors decide that it's a good idea to rob him.
With his mining passive skill a little bit higher than the norm, he was able to rely on it to quickly find an ore vein. Now his basic instinct would have had him hammering away at the area around the ore vein, but Rezar was not just after the ore, he needed stone blocks to build up a wall. So it would be better to mine around the vein, or preferably mine an area without a vein so as not to mess up the ore once it's been mined.
Looking at the clear rock face in front of him, Rezar did not hold back as he raised the pick and brought it onto the surface with a crisp ding. His hands vibrated a bit as the pick seemed to shake within his grasp, but he didn't let that stop him as he brought the pick down onto the surface of the cavern wall, again and again, and again. With a mining a basic level 3 mining skill, it took Rezar no less than four hours to have multiple misshapen size of stone blocks that he could use. He was feeling tired, but he had no intention stopping yet.
*ting!* *ting!* *ting!*
(You Have Mined One Piece Of Stygian Ore/ Mining Skill+1)
(You Have Mined A Piece Of Copper Ore/ Mining Skill+0)
(You Have Mined Two Pieces Of Stygian Ore/ Mining Skill+1)
His incessant banging of the cavern wall no matter how gentle had drawn the attention of some of the monsters that lived close to him, yet none of them seemed that willing to bother him, so all Rezar had to do was be careful and focus on what lay in front of him.
He had been mining for the better part of eight hours, so much so that he had mined past stone and discovered a vein of stygian ore, quickly followed by a copper vein. Copper was considered a low and somewhat worthless material in the mine, after all this was a stygian mine, and even the system recognized copper as an ore that had no uses, refusing to give Rezar any sort of experience to his mining skill.
Each skill had a percentage to complete before it gets to the next level, assuming you're not willing to use your skill points to level said skill up. Without the capabilities of being able to see and manage his stat page, Rezar was unable to track his skill progression, so he had no idea how much percentage was left for it to get to the next level. Either way Rezar this was as good a point to stop, he already had everything he wanted.
(27 Pieces Of Stygian Ore, 58 Pieces Of Copper Ore, 1 Obsidian Diamond)
He had gone past his quota for the day by seven, to deliver a hundred and fifty pieces of ore in seven days, Rezar had to mine at least twenty pieces of stygian ore a day, and honestly if he had been placed in the same mining area as other slaves, it would have been hard to reach this number even if we worked hard all day.
Those other parts had more slaves which mean less ore to mine as it was basically a war for resource with barely anyone of them having the courage to go deeper for fear of encountering monsters that would take their lives.
But in Rezar's case, he was the only one here, and as such, there was more than enough stygian ore for him. He was getting twice the gains for less than half the work, proper management of his time and he would be working much lesser than everybody else in the mine, free to pursue other hobbies should they arise.
With that out of the way, Rezar began the tedious job of moving heavy slabs of rocks across a fifteen meter distance. It was back breaking work, and it took Rezar another two hours to have fully moved all the rocks and lined them on both sides of his open tarp, which now that he thought about it, looked more like a canopy in front of a stall.
The blocks were to uneven to be stacked on top of each other, so Rezar for lack of a better judgment and nothing to do, decided to take it upon himself and carve or rather sculpt the entire gathering of meter wide boulders into smaller blocks or bricks and stack himself a proper wall. After all he had a massive amount of time on his hands to be doing nothing; there shouldn't be anything wrong with making a wall.
But all of that would be a dealt with later, for now he was incredibly hungry. So he went into his cave got himself a piece of hard bread and dried meat. He made sure to ration the meat, this was practically the only delicacy he had, regardless of its tough and chewy texture, Rezar was going to ration it as best as he could.
(You Have Achieved A Milestone Having Spent Five Hours Working Hard. +1 To Power, +1 To Defense +10 Normal Exp)
(Power And Defense Are Now Tier 1, Speed Automatically Raised By +1)
This was something Rezar remembered, milestones were like a lesser form of traits. Basically traits came about based on characteristics and style of game play, most milestones lead to the bestowal of traits as they come about by achieving things that are considered notable by the system. The thing is no can keep track of milestones or traits, and that's because it's always different for each individual.
Someone might achieve a milestone for walking a kilometer while his neighbor would probably have to walk twenty or thirty kilometers before he could get a milestone alert with the same reward.
Honestly no one knew how the milestones were calculated, but Rezar reckoned that perhaps it was based on actions, traits, and what can be considered an achievement for a person with such a trait.
For example his (Son of Death) trait made him heavily aligned with magic, plus being a son of death probably meant something along the lines of causing death, or causing havoc, but here he was a slave and doing honest work, something that quite frankly isn't what you would expect from a son of death. Hence the hard work milestone, which can also, built one seeing as it was measured by hours of work.
Either way there was quite a lot to think about, and his head was filled with an inordinate amount of thoughts. But Rezar just laid back on his animal bed spread placed on hay and closed his eyes to the world, his bones aching and muscles exhausted. For a first day he didn't feel like he had done too bad, so terrible situation or not Rezar went to sleep with a smile on his face and the smug feeling of achievement.
However even as he slept, he was completely unaware of the black beady eyes staring at him in the dark with sinister intentions.
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