Chapter 7: Dreams Of Death And Cavern Moles
Chapter 7: Dreams Of Death And Cavern Moles
The hallway was damp, humid, dry, and cold. It really didn't make much sense to Rezar, but the temperature of this hallway was hard to properly describe. It was changing rapidly, like the pages of a book being flipped by a frantic reader. The walls seemed to be made of some sort of polished grey stone, there were sectioned like bricks, and the seams in between them seemed to be glowing.
In the distance was a black door, it was about ten or so meters away and just seemed to be suspended right in the middle of the hallway, no frame and no hinges. The hallway on its own was about two feet wide, and for a door that was just about a meter and the half wide, it came as no surprise that its edges weren't touch the wall, but it was still incredibly spooky to see a door hanging in the air like that.
He turned his head to the side, there was another door, however this one was made of bleached white bones and skulls, even the skulls themselves were not normal as blood could be seen leaking out of the empty sockets and nose holes. Rezar turned to the black door and noticed one startling factor, it was also made of bones and skulls, and however the skulls and bones on it were decidedly not human. Orcs, dogs, lions, snakes, elves, winged beings like demons and angels, and they too bled the reddest of blood.
Rezar felt as if he had to make a choice between the black and white doors. It was crazy, he had no idea where he was, and to be honest he was not too conscious of his actions either. Was this a dream, a hallucination, or has he been eaten already by some monster in his sleep. He really couldn't tell, but the bottom line about this was the fact that no matter which door he chose, he couldn't help the feeling that he would be condemning himself and his soul to something he would never be able to take back.
But then again should his choices even matter, did he even have a soul, or was he just a billion neurons of programmable computer code being fucked with at the behest of another program. A soul was there even anything human about anymore, he was just code, a machine, a program. At this point things like love, hate, duty, friendship all those things could be programmed into his character and actions. How he was so sure he was in control, there was no telling, so how then can his choice really matter.
The way he saw it, light or dark all that was left to him was blood and death...if so then why make a choice, why cater to the whims of the system, to the whims of this fake ass afterlife called Elysium. It was supposed to be a paradise, a world that could bring all of your wildest fantasies to life and let you live on forever and ever enjoying and experiencing the finest of all lives.
But why then are there slave camps, prisons, wars, feuds, sickness, plague, betrayal and pain. This was no Elysium, just like the world he came from this was very much Hades, it was hell. And that's just what humanity does; turn everything beautiful into something terribly ugly and vulgar. This was no paradise, because if it was, why then did have to make a choice between darkness and more darkness, it didn't matter if one door was black and the other was white, there was both a path of blood.
So far he has been okay with what life he has been given, he just rolled with the punches accepting the fact that he was not a slave and there was nothing he could do about it. He just told himself he was okay and to just see the bright side in all of his fucking misfortunes, but seriously he was not okay! He wished he had someone who could hold him and tell him not to worry, that everything was going to be okay, that it would be fucking fine and he was not just condemned into an eternity of darkness and misery and gnashing of teeth and the wailing of voice.
This was a fucking death sentence of biblical proportions, and it wasn't his body dying, it was his mind, his sanity, his sense of being. But when it comes down to it Rezar wasn't exactly sure who he was, before this he had no idea who he was, what he loved, who he loved. All he knew was he fucked the mother of an enemy for revenge and as a result he was sentenced to living a hellish existence. When he thought about it, Rezar couldn't help but think that the old him was a total idiot.
But still what choice would he make, maybe by choosing one of those doors it would truly tell what kind of person he was, and what kind of person he would be. But he had no idea what both doors meant, ultimately he knew it was all just about death. But the thing is choosing either door meant he was choosing a version of himself as interpreted by Elysium.
How could he be really sure that either one of those doors would show who he really was, if that be the case then he'd rather not make a choice, this is who he chooses to be, he wouldn't let Elysium decide who he should or shouldn't be, he was just going to sit his ass down right here!
But even if he had decided not to make a choice, it didn't mean Elysium wouldn't be happy to make that choice for him. There was a loud creak from both sides of the hallway, Rezar felt his heart skip a beat, for the first time since he spawned in the Lobotar mines, and he truly and wholeheartedly felt fear.
On the white door blood human fingers of all age and sizes could be seen slowly pushing the door open. And on the black door, scaled claws, hairy paws, pristine fingers, and demonic hands pulled the black door open. They were both being pulled inward agonizingly slowly and with each inch opened, Rezar's heart pounded ever louder within his chest and ears like the stampede of a thousand war horses. He was stuck, his choice to be indecisive a few moments ago seemed to have sealed his fate as there was no anywhere to go, and then both doors were opened wide.
For a second nothing happened, and then slowly there was a loud rumble, and then roars and wails of hundred if not thousands of beings coming from both doors. And then the wind picked up, ruffling his white hair and his naked body. Rezar was shocked; he had on clothes, didn't he? But there was no more time to contemplate as out of the bowels of darkness contained within both doors; rivers of blood gushed out.
Within both rivers were the faces and forms of humans, beasts, demons, angels, elves, dwarves, beastmen, mermen, and every race that has walked the grounds of Elysium. And the crashed into him, swallowing him in a cascade of blood, fangs, claws, hands, talons, teeth, wings, and death, so much death, and when it seemed as if he couldn't hold on any longer, he woke up, and just in time too as a mole the size of a house cat flew towards his face, deadly claws outstretched.
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