On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Ninety-Seven – Blood and Bravery

Side One Hundred And Ninety-Seven – Blood and Bravery

First - Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata, The Tengokusentou, Tokyo

As her new sword, Claíomh Solais, hit the ground, Hinata was overcome by a wave of exhaustion. Even so, her exultation was a match for it, the exuberance of using such power still shocking her. Water fell down like rain, the water from the lake bounding the Tengokusentou showering down, forming brilliant rainbows, even as steam rose.

“The grounds…” Hinata heard a pained cry from Nozomi-san, and did feel a little guilty for a second, as the beautiful gardens of the Tengokusentou now had another burned furrow through it, a number of old shrubs and trees blackened and dying. Sorry again Asha, but…

The Chosen that had commanded the colossus of water was now nothing more than a smouldering ruin, the beam of golden light Hinata had wielded through her new sword having effortlessly dispatched him. Motes of golden-tinged indigo light were floating in the air, clashing with the dark blue sparks of Miyu’s Dance, and the surroundings felt off, somehow, almost tingly.

I don’t have a way to describe it, but… it’s somehow both wrong and reassuring at the same time. Reaching down with numb fingers, Hinata grasped her treasured sword, admiring the beautiful knotwork decorations and shimmer of the blade itself. It seems I’ m not feeling bad about… about killing that man. Is it because I’m used to it now, or…

Setting that aside, she made a quip, perhaps not even realising herself that she was struggling inside. “Now I match with Shaeula! I have a Faerie sword too! Although… I don’t know how to fight with it, and I doubt I can use that beam of light any time soon again. The blade feels empty…”

At the blast, which had rocked the battlefield, everyone on both sides of the bloody skirmish had halted, transfixed. Now, as the rainbows died down, and Hinata’s words filled the silence, the momentary freeze in hostilities broke, and chaos ensued once again.

“Do not be so arrogant.” Taṇhā sniffed, tossing her head, even as her flames surged out. Now the water giant had fallen, its wielder slain, she was free to turn her attention to another foe. White robes burned, and metal melted, and the smell of cooked flesh filled the air, and the sounds of screaming howled out, only to be cut off as Taṇhā made a displeased expression. “Disgusting. Part of a greater whole, and quite unsuitable for my use. Barely even a drop to quench my thirst.” Blinking, she suddenly realised her attitude might have seemed cruel, so her smile softened, but Hinata paid it no mind.

I’m well used to Taṇhā now, and it seems wrong to judge a Goddess by our standards. Especially as she’s on our side. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t trust that, but since she has the wager with Akio, which she’s destined to lose… she’ll be bound to us irrevocably soon enough. I can hardly wait!

Seeing Hinata smiling knowingly at her, Taṇhā retorted, which amused Hinata further. “That sword, do not be too proud of it. It is merely a replica. Many are the works of the Pantheons that are recreated in lower Worlds, given to champions and heroes. Compared to the weapons my father wields, it is a triviality.”

“So, I’m a hero or a champion, am I?” Hinata teased, pouring out more golden dust. The situation seemed to be stabilising, with two of the three Chosen the Church of True Revelation brought having perished, and a great number of the dignitaries already evacuated. It was then that Hinata noticed Mayumi was still there, poor Katana with her, looking around constantly, clearly on edge. Seeing that, Hinata pouted angrily.

“What the hell are you still doing here, Mayumi?” Hinata shouted, even as her golden powder, the Midas Touch, as she called it, was eating away at the lungs and internal organs of some of the remaining terrorists, painfully finishing them. “You need to retreat along with the others!”

Mayumi nodded, her eyes wide, shocked at the carnage. “I know, but… what of Miyu-san? She’s still inside…”

“The Dance continues.” Taṇhā gestured to the faint blue tinge overlaying the Tengokusentou grounds, which was spreading and intensifying slowly. “Besides… I have sealed the abilities of those fools who schemed against us with Abrogation. It shall not endure long, but we are almost finished here. And any enemies who seek to do her harm will suffer…”

Indeed, the ordinary fanatics who remained in the grounds had collapsed, their weapons and explosives useless with their bodies constantly damaged by Miyu’s darkness element. Only the strongest of the Judges were continuing the battle, and even as Hinata watched, Koga-san, Michiru’s flamboyant father, threw a handful of dangerous powder into the face of one, who screamed, and as he fell, he was quickly dispatched, Koga-san showing no mercy and breaking his neck.

“Yes, and Miyu should be dancing towards the exit.” Hinata nodded. “But… she’s important to Akio, to us. And… she’s my friend.” Hinata winked at Mayumi, who shrugged.

“I get it. I do!” She was panicked, her face pale and her breath coming fast, her trauma of being kidnapped only a short while ago resurfacing. “She’s my friend too! Which is why I’m worried… I don’t want… nobody should have to…” The usually talkative and pushy Mayumi was struggling for words. Seeing that, Hinata smiled softly, even as her fading metal element was supporting Taṇhā in battling the final Chosen the Church had brought. I get it. You’ve changed. But… don’t change too much. Don’t lose your fire.

If anything else, that was what Hinata hated the most about the fools that had kidnapped Mayumi and uncle Kira. They had no chance of victory, and had only succeeded in causing Mayumi mental anguish. Just like these idiots here. Don’t they know how powerful Taṇhā is? No, I guess they wouldn’t do…

“I shall be finished soon.” Taṇhā promised, an expression of disgust on her face as she battled the last enemy that still threatened them. The man, wearing white robes chased with gold and carrying an ornate, ancient looking sword, similar to a Roman gladius, was hard-pressed, dodging Taṇhā’s flames, though again that was causing further devastation to the poor grounds. “Then I shall deal with our other guests.”

Unlucky them. Though of course, Hinata had no sympathy for the members of the Ruby Group and their schemes. “I’ll go.” Hinata promised. “I’m exhausted, but I should be enough to handle things. Besides, if they turn on Miyu, they’ll take a hit from her Dance. Besides, you won’t lose to that last idiot, will you?”

Kazumi wanted to argue, not liking Hinata charging into danger, but seeing Hinata holding Claíomh Solais, and seeing the destruction her Divine Favour had wrought, she was unable to insist. Hinata saw her internal struggle, and smiled impishly. I know you’re jealous, Kazumi. But… maybe one day a Favour suitable for you will be found.

“Lose? To a feeble lapdog of the Throne, using borrowed power?” Taṇhā almost seemed insulted. “You called me here to ensure all would be safe, and I shall see that done.” At her words, the man in white narrowed his eyes, perhaps understanding some Japanese. At her words, energy surged from him, and he cried out in English.

“Descend, Angel! Shine the light of the Ninth Heaven…”

No.” Taṇhā declared, a great flaming arm forming above her. With a swatting gesture, the blazing arm crashed down, and the unearthly form of the Angel that was shimmering into existence shattered, mercifully only half-seen, and the Judge was also crushed, letting out a strangled cry as he was pounded into the ground, limbs breaking, blood spilling and flesh tearing. As the great flaming arm dissipated, Taṇhā spoke harsh words. “I am almost insulted. An Angel? Even were it to manifest in full, I should have crushed it and torn off its false wings. But a mere summoned shadow? Pathetic.”

Hinata winced, and she wasn’t the only one. Kazumi also looked away at the grizzly scene. There’s another crater in the grounds… I think…

Nozomi-san and Arisa-chan were frozen, though at least they had acquitted themselves passably in their first true battle. Both of them were staring at the devastated gardens, tears in their eyes, but Hinata had no time to let them grieve. “All right then. We’ve won here.” Hinata changed the subject, glancing around at the situation. Armoured buses had pulled up, and Fujiwara Security and members of Koga-san’s underground team were making sure that the nobility and guests were boarding, to be taken to the Fujiwara and Ichijou estates until this whole mess was sorted out. Makes sense, those are the safest places now.

Mayumi and her bodyguard, Katana, had remained behind, as had Nozomi-san and Arisa-chan, who Hinata was pleased to see had acquitted themselves well. Even the fragile Nozomi-san fought. I guess their hard training as Adamant members has worked wonders. But then… she glanced at Taṇhā, no, Shiro, and remembered their conversations about Adamant and the intent of forming it.

It was Shiro’s idea to make sure that the training skewed towards the psychological, breaking their reluctance to fight and making them feel close-knit loyalty towards each other and more importantly, to us as leaders, and Akio above us. Yes, I wanted an absolutely loyal force, ones who would dedicate their lives to Akio, but… Shiro knew how to make that happen.

It seemed Taṇhā was looking elsewhere, and following her gaze back towards the Tengokusentou, Hinata was surprised to see Aimi-san, one of Akio’s dear friends who was in attendance, still hadn’t evacuated, despite having helped a number of other attendees to the buses. She was trying to cajole her boyfriend to move, the staffer from Fujiwara house that seemed to work under Hidemasa-san. He was standing, shellshocked, looking around, muttering quietly to himself. At this distance his words shouldn’t have been audible, but Hinata revelled in her newfound strengths and could hear easily.

“It… it shouldn’t be like this, Aimi…” he muttered, seeing the flames rising from the scorched gardens and the broken windows of the Tengokusentou and the scorched exteriors, that would take painstaking and costly efforts to repair. Though we’ll do it, of course. It’ll be restored to perfection. After all… we have to hold our mortal wedding ceremony here.

“I know… but… we have to go!” Aimi-san was tugging at his arm, her face pale. “We can’t do anything here.” Her Chirurgery-enhanced strength was in evidence, and he shifted, but his expression was lifeless.

“Hidemasa-sama… he said it was my chance! He promised… once this deal was done, he’d surely have his father’s praise. But… but…”

“Aimi!” Shiro called, Taṇhā letting her surface for a while. “What the hell are you still doing here? Get on the damn buses girl! Although…” Taṇhā took over. “It seems matters externally are resolved. Though our enemies suffer.”

Glancing around, Hinata saw it was true. The intensifying darkness element was still striking the fallen terrorists, and some had died under the onslaught. She walked over towards the two of them, Taṇhā and the others following, while Taṇhā explained further.

“Indeed, the princess says that it doesn’t matter how many trash mobs there are, Miyu’s AOE DOT cleans them out just fine. She has quite the colourful turn of phrase. I can hardly say I understand most of it, unfortunately.”

Hinata was likewise puzzled, but Aimi-san, despite the gravity of the situation, managed a brief giggle, seeming almost surprised she had. “She’s just talking game design. That means area of effect, so all enemies over an area, and DOT is damage over time.

“I see.” Hinata nodded, understanding. “Yes, the damage is accumulating as Miyu continues to Dance. As for trash… I understood that.” She glared around viciously, seeing the devastation. “They certainly were trash, human garbage.”

“No, I think you’re missing the point. Trash mobs are… no, never mind.” Aimi-san, close to tears, took a deep breath and once more tried to inspire her boyfriend to move. “It’ll be all right, come on, please!”

“I fear you are wasting your breath.” Taṇhā sighed. “The shock has momentarily broken him. How shameful, when young girls can resist and fight.” She glanced at Arisa-chan, who flushed a little at her praise, but she held her weapon at the ready as she was taught.

“It’s not that.” Hinata shook her head. Koga-san was coming over, likely to evacuate them, as they were the last group remaining other than Miyu and Michiru, and their enemies. “It’s the betrayal. It’s obvious now I think about it.”

“No. No!” the man shouted suddenly, waving his arms madly, despite Aimi-san’s efforts to calm him down. “Hidemasa-sama couldn’t have known, he wouldn’t abandon me to this… you lie!” He raised a hand with a snarl, and was going to swing a fist at Hinata, only for Koga-san to grab his wrist in a vice-grip.

“You shouldn’t threaten Hinata ojou-chan, else you can’t handle the consequences.” The big man in his suit smiled cheerfully, and Hinata would have thought him rather comedic, if she hadn’t seen him use his martial arts and hidden weapons to kill a number of armed opponents, without any shred of mercy. Not that I disapprove. Mercy is a luxury for the unassailably powerful, and we certainly are not invincible, even with Taṇhā here.

For a second Aimi-san’s boyfriend fought in his iron grip, before lucidity came back into his eyes. Realising who he had nearly struck, his face went pale with horror, and he stammered an apology. “Fuku… Takatsukasa-sama… forgive me. I would never…”

Hinata tossed her head dismissively. “Don’t pay it any mind. You are clearly distraught. With Kazumi at my side, you could never have touched me anyway, and even if you did strike me, I am far beyond you now.” It wasn’t a boast or a statement of pride, merely objective fact.

“No, no… my disrespect…” he babbled, and Hinata turned to Aimi-san.

“Sorry about this. We really didn’t want to drag you into trouble. You should go with the evacuations. You too Mayumi.”

Mayumi shook her head. “No, I feel safer here with you. I’ll stay.” Katana seemed to disagree, but held her silence.

“The threat from the rabble that follow the so-called Throne are dealt with, true, but the poisoned fangs of these so-called serpents remain. We must take some alive, to see just what they have schemed.” Taṇhā declared, and Hinata agreed.

“Yeah. It’s obvious… this wasn’t some spur-of-the-moment effort to extort or humiliate the nobility, as we suspected… now, Koga-san, you should come with us. Michiru is still in danger.”

The big man looked troubled, before he shook his head. “Sorry Hinata ojou-chan, but my duty is to Shige-dono and the other VIP’s, your grandfather too. They must be protected. Michiru is a Koga, and bodyguard to Miyu ojou-chan. She will gladly lay her life down to protect her, and would scorn me for abandoning my duties. After all… this attack was well planned. If I was running it, I’d have a backup plan to attack the survivors as they fled. So I need to be there.”

Hinata thought that made sense, even if it was rather cold. “But… surely the Church hasn’t got the Chosen to throw more away like this?” Hinata was feeling impatient, the conversation, while quick, was delaying their rescue of Miyu.

“Measuring the resources of the wretched Pantheon is foolish. They have their ways. The losses will not sting them near as much as it would if we were to suffer them. Now…” She narrowed her crimson eyes, and for a moment, Aimi-san’s boyfriend gawped at her, stunned, before Aimi-san gripped his arm fiercely, with all her new enhanced strength, and pinched him savagely.

He yelped, and his head suddenly cleared. “Oh, sorry Aimi. I got… distracted. No, that’s not the point…”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find out just what the conspiracy was here, and rescue the Tengokusentou. Mayumi… I still think you should go.”

“No! I only feel safe when I’m with you or Akio-kun…” she insisted, and Hinata froze, before a wicked grin crossed her face.

“I see. So that’s how it is. I’ll do my best to protect you then, Mayumi, as my dear friend, but… Miyu comes first.”

“I know.” Mayumi pouted. “She’s got a lot of value, and… it’s not from her birth.”

Hearing her say that, Koga-san was surprised, but he didn’t comment. He merely bowed, urging Aimi-san and her boyfriend towards the last of the buses. “I shouldn’t let you go, ojou-chan. If any of you get hurt, Shige-dono, Kira-dono and Itsuki-dono will have my head, but… please, look after Michiru for me, and make sure Miyu ojou-chan gets out safely. It’s been interesting watching her change, and…”

He glanced at Nozomi-san and Arisu-san, taking in their under-armour and weapons with a professional eye, before checking out Mayumi and Katana, and lastly Hinata herself and Kazumi. “…it seems times are changing as well. Some for the worse, but…” He grinned then, and it was cheeky and infectious, making him look younger. “…I always did admire Motoko ojou-chan and her stance on the beauty of combat. It seems she is not alone in that.” He winked, before ushering Aimi-san and her troubled boyfriend towards the last of the evacuation vehicles.

“All right then.” Hinata declared, the blue glow around them an indication that Miyu was still dancing. “Don’t regret this.” she warned Mayumi, who shrugged, standing close behind her.

“You two…” Taṇhā allowed Shiro to speak to Nozomi-san and Arisa-chan. “Good job so far, I know it’s not easy, this is your first real combat mission, excluding boring Level grinding in Aki’s Territory. And you probably feel sick, feel hurt… but look around. This place is yours! And enemies would rob you of it! But… with your own hands, no matter how red they get, you’re determined to hold onto what you love! Good!” With those stirring words, the two calmed down, and it even had an effect to reduce Mayumi’s nerves.

“Oh, and as it’s now an official Adamant mission, do well and there might be a promotion in it for you. And if you accrue enough merits, Aki might even give you your new rank insignias and medals!”

Trust Shiro to cut through the tension. Although… Hinata exchanged a wry glance with Kazumi and Mayumi. They both noticed too. Nozomi-san actually looks happy about that. How odd… and Arisa-chan doesn’t look displeased.

Shaking her head, Hinata clutched Claíomh Solais tightly. “Come on, we need to help Miyu and Michiru, and make sure than we catch our treacherous serpents.”

“Indeed.” Taṇhā agreed, back in charge and ready to fight, her hair blazing with brilliant flames. “This Tengokusentou is a burrow infested with snakes, but we shall dig them out and skin them for our troubles…”

Quite the metaphor. With that they entered the battered Tengokusentou once more, feeling the pressure of Miyu’s darkness element intensifying…


Second – Fujiwara Miyu, The Tengokusentou, Tokyo

This is extremely troubling. Miyu continued to Dance the Departing Dusk, her muscles aching slightly, the flow of aether within her bubbling and boiling. Though I suppose I should be thankful for Akio-san’s hard training, making me Dance for hours and hours in his Territory. I am certainly far stronger now.

Beside her, Michiru stood, as resolute as ever, ready to protect her, and Miyu felt warm looking at her, even as she waved her custom fans that had been crafted to amplify her dance. Michiru, I want you to stay by my side forever. But… It was envious, seeing Motoko-san and Natsumi-san. I must remember to give Natsumi-san proper respect. After all, she is Akio-san’s fiancée, and thus the equal of any of us, and besides… she has shown that what I wish can actually come to pass…

“Are you sure we should remain, Miyu-sama?” Michiru asked for seemingly the twentieth time since the disaster of the Tengokusentou had begun. The sounds of breaking glass and explosions could be heard, and smoke was slowly starting to fill the grand hall, though by the volume at least whatever fires were burning could not be too serious. Michiru glanced at the executives of the Ruby Group, and the clearly ill-intentioned member of Kuwahara house was with them. On seeing him, it further reinforced her belief and determination.

Determined. Me? I was so pathetic and selfish, wishing for everyone to solve my problems for me, trusting that my status as Fujiwara Miyu meant I was owed that. Instead… Hinata-san and Akio-san tolerated my insubordination and selfishness, and have been endlessly patient with Michiru and I.

Thinking back to their first meeting, where Michiru had taken things too far as usual, the test Miyu had set for her guests not to include potentially killing Hinata-san with poisoned needles, she smiled, despite her worry and exhaustion. No, now I am proud I was chosen by Ame-no-Uzume, that my heartfelt joy and love of dancing was recognised by the Divine. I still loathe battle and danger, but…

Thinking again of Motoko-san and Natsumi-san, Miyu felt envy, but also great happiness for them. It touched her heart. She had always admired Motoko-san, as had almost all of the girls of Hanafubuki. Determined to carve her own path, hold onto her dreams which were something no daughter of high nobility like she could hope to possess, yet somehow still being as refined and elegant, as poised and as noble as any, more than most. Indeed, I think now her self-belief and determination is true nobility. Many of them have it as well, despite not being born to great families. Akio-san too…

No, she was jealous. Motoko-san and Natsumi-san were clearly in love with each other. Not… perhaps not in the way Miyu felt for Michiru, but love was love, and they, like Michiru and her, they never wished to be separated. And now they would never have to be. Marrying a man they loved, able to spend their lives together, obligations met…

But I can have that too. Michiru and I can. For Akio-san has quashed the horrors of an arranged marriage to a man I would have no wish to touch. She shuddered a little, but her Dance continued on unimpeded, a grace and beauty her master in Kyomai dance would surely praise. The inky blue of the darkness element continued to escalate, hanging heavy around her, dyeing the lanterns that lit the hall an eerie shade.

I feared and loathed men. My father, I barely ever spoke to him ever since I reached puberty, until just recently. Only grandfather… I love and respect him, but I also fear and sometimes hate him, for… my life is at his whim, and would have been at my husband’s. But I have my own ideals. Now… now I see there are men out there who respect women, who are not to be feared, although… Michiru was peering at her quizzically, and so Miyu knew her smile must be strange to her.

No, it is odd indeed to claim the man who made me realise is Akio-san. For I should be disgusted, he has claimed Motoko-san and Natsumi-san, Hinata-san and many more. But… his love is equal to the greed he displays. And… he does not see them as trophies or as prizes, or worse, as his toys… but he genuinely wants the best for them, for us… for me. Miyu had spoken with Shaeula often, the princess a revelation to her, of noble lineage but irreverent, teasing, playful yet kind and strong. Miyu hadn’t received Chirurgery yet, as they still didn’t want to risk disrupting her Divine Favour and how it worked. But… One day, if I become enough of a Fae like everyone else, Michiru too…

It was possible, supposedly, for two women, or even two men, of the Fae, to create offspring. It was odd to Miyu, but not unpleasant, though… I love Michiru, I want to be with her, but… her children? Perhaps it was her upbringing, or simply too ingrained within her, but… she couldn’t quite get over the hurdle that it seemed off somehow. She had broached the subject with Motoko-san and Natsumi-san, a shaming experience to be sure, but they had treated her kindly. They understood the appeal, but had no interest in each other that way. Apparently they had tried it, on the bed with Akio-san, but there had been no spark, and they found joy in his touch, but also in serving together.

That was a shock, but refreshing. For us sheltered daughters, to talk openly about such…

Despite everything, Miyu did want a lot of what the nobility considered happiness for a woman. Just… she wanted more. It was confusing to her, and to Michiru, though her bodyguard was also rather… submissive, in a way. She enjoyed Miyu taking the reins, but also… I believe Hinata-san called her a pervert, but Michiru is just… Michiru. Being so dominated physically by Akio-san that time had left a great impression on her mind, as had the favour they had been shown since.

That time I caught her in the bath, thinking about it, touching her most secret… Face scarlet, Miyu decided to dismiss that thought, concentrating on her dancing. It would all work out. Miyu believed that now. Whatever decision she reached, she would have the support of Hinata-san, and she would help her make her desired future come to pass.

But to be worthy of it… I need to work harder. Aether intensifying, Miyu suddenly felt more graceful, her dancing ever more elegant, harkening to the time Ame-no-Uzume danced to try and lure Amaterasu from her cave… I believe Akio-san would say I have just Ranked up, but… I have no way to check. Although…

Her blush was back, as she remembered the third Dance she had obtained recently. Akio-san had not observed her with his Eye recently, so he did not know of it, but Miyu knew instinctively. She had not tried it, not even with Michiru, for it was too embarrassing, but… No, later. It is powerful, but the… conditions… I hesitate to speak of it. Although…  Now she had effectively been in a true battle for the first time, Miyu had a different perspective, and resolved to unburden herself to Motoko-san and Natsumi-san, those she looked up to, about this and her other worries.

“They seem panicked.” Michiru pointed out, as they observed the cluster of Ruby Group executives, who had not fled, despite Miyu’s expectations. The conversation was in a mix of English, Japanese and Chinese, and she regretted neither she nor Michiru spoke more than a few words of Mandarin.

“It is understandable. I suspect they had no idea that a third force would strike here.” Miyu responded.

“We’re finished!” the Kuwahara traitor was saying, and Miyu felt relief for Shiraishi Nozomi-san, that she was now freed from a likely loveless marriage with his brother. Better to be broken-hearted now and know the truth, than a lifetime of misery. It enraged her, and her darkness element intensified. Hinata-san is right. I understand we are all beautiful, elegant, intelligent and refined, but… at what cost? But we can have both… she will see to that, with his aid.

“Shut up!” one of the red-clad men snapped back, also in Japanese, quite accented as though he was more used to speaking English. “This is a setback, but…”

There was a lot of Chinese said rapidly between several other groups, and Miyu picked out Sānchóng, Fujiwara Hidemasa and a few other words she recognised. Jīdū jiào tú? It sounds familiar.

Michiru must have recognised it. “I think they mean… churchgoers? In this context, Miyu-sama…”

Miyu nodded, working it into her graceful dance. “Yes, it must mean the outside assailants, the Throne, as Goddess Taṇhā called them.” The explosions and sounds of battle from outside had largely died down, and Miyu was not worried. After all, we have a genuine Goddess on our side, no matter how limited she is to act. Hinata-san too. She is as I am now. I feel closer to her.

One of the red-clad executives glanced at the two of them with a wry expression, before switching to English, knowing they understood. “There is no point, Mr Kuwahara. The die has been cast, and it came up not in our favour. Talking your way out of this…”

“But we did nothing!” Kuwahara-san insisted. “We…”

“They blocked the Second Worm. Even now…” He twitched his fingers. “…I am unable to exercise it, and my fellow is likewise blocked. A cruel trick.”

Miyu exchanged a glance with Michiru, and they both understood. Believing the words of the enemy is foolish. If they say they are weak where we can hear, they are likely strong.

“But…” Kuwahara-san was sweating. “…all our hard work and planning. It can’t end here. No, we can… we can talk it out.”

“Hardly.” The man in red snorted. “After all, Miss Fujiwara has been listening all along. And I believe she has suspicions. It would be hard not to have them…”

“But…” Kuwahara-san repeated like a broken record, before his expression changed, to one of callous cruelty. “…it’s still not too late to salvage something. Fujiwara Miyu-sama is here, only guarded by one bodyguard. If she were to… well, these outsiders could be blamed, yes? And then one part of our goal…”

I thought so. Uncle Hidemasa-sama, you would dare sell Japan to foreigners, just to overthrow grandfather, your own father?

“Be my guest.” The Ruby Group Chosen suggested. “Though she is one with powers. You think she is dancing for the joy of it? Can’t you taste the darkness in the air? I suspect the moment we act as her enemy…”

Miyu raised an eyebrow, impressed at his perception. Of course, neither her nor Michiru were foolish enough to speak and confirm his guess.

“Then what do we do? Whoever wins outside we lose, unless they both wipe each other out!” Kuwahara-san grumbled. “Everything was going so well! All my brother’s careful planning… we were going to replace Takatsukasa house, and with Hidemasa-sama’s support…”

As expected. All the pieces fit, if one assumes the plan is made by a fool. Even with all the upper nobility here slain, there are those such as Tsumura-sama who would resist. Though… the addition of these Sānchóng, they offered the possibility of lessening the suspicion. And Goddess Taṇhā claimed there was a second foe, with powers I do not know… no, perhaps the scheme is not as weak as I surmised. Although…

“It’s a new world, Mr Kuwahara.” The Chosen agreed. “Well, your scheme is on the verge of collapse. Unless you have a solution to Miss Fujiwara here?” His tone seemed mocking, though Kuwahara-san didn’t seem to notice.

“I… I do.” He fumbled in the pocket of his suit and brought out a gun. It looked strange, perhaps made of porcelain or plastic, but was unmistakably a weapon. “One shot. If… if she dies, you can do something, yes?”

The Chosen clasped his hands, interest in his expression. “Oh my, how bold. But… there is two of them? Do you think you can?”

“I… I… I took marksmanship lessons in America. I can…”

“Michiru!” Miyu commanded, and she acted without hesitation. She surged towards the traitor to the nobility, and panicked, he cried out, raising his gun. A bullet hissed out, but Michiru was already moving, keeping out of the line of fire. The first bullet slammed the floor, striking sparks, and there was no time for a second, as suddenly he screamed, the darkness of Dusk surging in on him now his actions had declared him an enemy. Flesh blackened and burned, and he vomited dark blood, blue sparks mixed within. A second later, Michiru slammed her palm into his neck, and with a strangled squawk he dropped, unconscious. Despite that, now he had acted against them, the Dusk savaged him, and he would surely die soon.

I thought I would feel more at that. I was so terrified, but… I realise I was only frightened of my own suffering, my own pain, my own loss. I am not a lovable woman. It surprises me why Michiru is so devoted to me, and why Hinata-san and Akio-san reached out to me, why their friends accept me…

“I may not be able to dodge bullets, but I am most certainly fast enough to avoid being aimed at, especially now!” Michiru tossed her scarf proudly, though even if she was shot, so long as it hit her body, the under-armour should be enough to prevent any appreciable injury. “Though…” Michiru looked down at her foe sadly. “…I had thought to take him alive, to face Fujiwara-sama’s judgement.”

“No such luck.” The Chosen chuckled. “Oh well, his brother had all the brains in his family anyway. Though it seems he did give up a rather lovely fiancée for this scheme. But then, if he rose to head of the great and mighty Kuwahara house, with our backing… a hundred women of equal quality wasn’t impossible. Alas… it seems he overreached.”

“A hundred? You are not Akio-san.” Miyu laughed, still dancing. “As for overreaching… you grasped at what you should not as well. Leaving here alive would be the most you can hope for.”

“You think so, little miss?” His tone and address was more informal, almost teasing now. “No, unlike the poor dying idiot your bodyguard left for dead, we already claimed the rewards for our efforts. As for dying…”

Yes, excellent. Just like that… Michiru had used the excuse of attacking Kuwahara-san to close in on the red-suited Chosen, who seemed to be the leader. It was folly to hope she could handle their greater numbers and strength, but Michiru had many hidden weapons, a number of them enhanced by Akio-san’s Mortal Engineers. …capture or disable him and…

“…I fear it is not today.” the man grinned, and Miyu suddenly staggered, feeling a sharp pain. Michiru collapsed, clutching at her chest, and the surging darkness element around the Tengokusentou shattered. As Miyu tried to regain her balance, dark eyes showing her puzzlement, the Chosen clapped, and it was as if Miyu’s eyes were suddenly unclouded. He had blood on his face, and he looked rather injured, but his smile was still teasing.

“Yes, this is not a game, and the young often overestimate themselves.” He brushed off his suit, the red of his own blood darker stains on the crimson cloth. “I do admit it was quite painful, using the Second Worm, despite your delightful dancing. My brethren here, he specialises in… obfuscation. And synergises delightfully with me. Now… sadly you are my insurance. Don’t worry, we are not barbarians. You won’t be ill-treated while a hostage.”

Several of the red-clad men came towards her, while another headed for the fallen, gasping Michiru. Suddenly panicked, Miyu forced herself to remember her lessons. She was unable to use her ability, as the Sānchóng, in addition to sending blazing pain through her heart, making it beat irregularly, close to failing, disrupted her Chakra network and capillaries in the heart and surrounding areas. But…

“The woman I look up to most… is Motoko-san!” Miyu declared, groaning out the words. Her beautiful fans swung, and they discharged the wind element the bluesteel within them held. Miyu’s control of the wind was disrupted badly, as the heart Chakra mediated it, so their clashing powers seemed unfavourable, but fortunately the fans were not merely a repository, but masterpiece weapons and works of art in their own rights, and the artfully designed wires and columns of metal that formed the bones of the fan purposefully designed to focus and amplify wind, which was an element she had learned herself, with support and assistance from others, of course.

Jade blades of focussed, vibrating winds swept out in two fan-shapes, even in pain Miyu’s motions graceful and elegant, and the red-suited men tried to dodge, their movements inhumanly fast and agile, though not to the extent of a Chosen, perhaps rivalling Michiru. Cultivators, yes? But…

Against accelerated and enhanced wind element, which blew with speeds rivalling a hurricane, they were caught, blood blossoming, bodies sliced apart as though they were caught in a whirlwind full of blades. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the man bending down towards Michiru rear back in agony, a needle buried in his eye. Michiru had managed to stab him with a hidden weapon, and the poison was starting to act, a lethal concoction of Japanese Yew extract and other similar native plant and animal poisons. I do not really feel comfortable with her having such deadly weapons, what if she scratches herself? But she insists Koga-san taught her well…

“Surprising…” the Chosen complained, only to suddenly jump backwards, a blast of flame narrowly missing him. Miyu winced as the priceless tile floor was burnt, but such could be replaced. Michiru could not be.

“Oh, it’s Motoko you look up to is it?” Hinata-san’s cheerful voice sounded. “I’m a little hurt you don’t praise me more, Miyu!”

Turning to the newcomers, the effort painful, her muscles burning and her heart labouring, Miyu could see Hinata-san had come, followed by Goddess Taṇhā, Kazumi, Nozomi-san, Arisa-san, and oddly enough Mayumi-sama and her bodyguard Katana. The latter two looked rather shamefaced. Wait, what is that sword Hinata-san is wielding? I do not remember that in the cases? Just looking at it Miyu could feel the grandeur of it, it seemed wonderfully antique.

Forcing a smile, Miyu shook her head. “Of course I respect you, Hinata-san. You showed me that nobility is not just in the blood, but in the actions, the ambition. But… Motoko-san…”

“I get it.” Hinata-san giggled, though her humour vanished when she saw her enemies. “I love Motoko too. She really shines when she’s doing what she loves. I bet she’s sorry she’s missing out on the battle here. Anyway… we were worried when your Dance cut off… luckily it seems we are in time.”

“Seems like our uninvited guests came off worse.” The red-clad Chosen sneered. “I can at least hope it was costly for you?”

“I’ll say it was.” Hinata-san complained. “The grounds are obliterated. Nozomi-san and Arisa-chan nearly burst into tears!” She was about to say more, but Goddess Taṇhā’s hand fell on her shoulder, and with a grimace she fell silent, while the Goddess turned her beautiful crimson eyes towards the equally red-clad men who survived.

“I see you did not heed our warnings.” Her voice was cold. “You shrugged off Abrogation faster than I anticipated. But…” Her tongue darted out, licking her cracked and dry lips. “…now I thirst for what you know. Surrender and perhaps you can survive.”

“Oh? I think you are nearly spent.” The man declared. “And the Second Worm should be affecting you all any moment…” Blood bloomed, and he fell, his head pierced by a shining lance of almost burning light.

“Spent? Yes…” Goddess Taṇhā agreed, her skin lightening, from rich creamy chocolate brown to Shiro’s pale white, her hair turning silver, eyes returning to black. “…but I have enough for that. Yes… if nothing else comes from my journey to this backwater world, learning that attack was worthwhile.”

“Cool laser, Tan.” Shiro grinned. “We… kinda wanted him alive, but… guess it’s not worth risking those damn Worms.”

Miyu felt her clenching heart start to recover, as Shiro walked over, placing a hand on her back. “Ether Healing… I’m not great at Healing others, but for something like this…” Her aether started purging the effect of the Sānchóng. “Oh… Nozomi, Arisa… sorry about the floor. Don’t worry, Aki’s loaded, he’ll fix it! But enough of that… as your Adamant commanders, Hinata and I order you…”

“Take them down!” Hinata grinned, giving the two girls a thumbs up. “Mayumi, Katana, watch and be envious!”

Nozomi-san actually saluted, which surprised Miyu greatly. She had glanced at the fallen Kuwahara-san, her eyes slightly moist, before she raised her gun. Arisa-san was behind her, and as the enemies raced forwards, also armed, an exchange of gunshots echoed. Nozomi-san winced, and Arisa-san stepped in front of her.

“Shoot my sister would you? Wreck our precious Tengokusentou?” She pulled the trigger, emptying a load of elementally enchanted rounds into an oncoming Cultivator, felling him, before she snatched out a long, narrow blade, bluesteel enchanted with wind-elemental batteries. The sword was wreathed with wind and she darted out with surprising speed.

Hóng lóng zītài - Wàn kē jiān yá!” Her red-suited opponent adopted a martial arts stance, crying out in Chinese, with ‘Dragon’ and ‘thousand’ the only words Miyu recognised. Qi was surging, Miyu having trained enough under Matriarch Daiyu to understand that, but whatever attack he was going to deliver was cut off as Arisa-san’s blade of vibrating wind accelerated, severing him near in two. Blood splattered, and Nozomi-san cried out, but she didn’t stop firing either, despite the pain of her bruised flesh. Thankfully it seems her under-armour held, though her pretty dress is ruined. No, all of our clothing has seen better days.

“My turn!” Kazumi engaged another opponent, who cried the same words and adopted another similar pose. This time the attack was unleashed, arms moving in numerous snakelike patterns, yet each strike was as if a great beast was biting, sharp as knives.

“Damn it, I wish I was stronger…” Blood bloomed as Kazumi’s cheek was laid bare to the bone and her shoulder was crushed by another hit. Blows struck her body, but other than suffering fractures, again her custom armour held. “…but I have to prove I’m worth their effort!” With her remaining hand Kazumi threw out a small device, attached to a wire. The soda-can sized spindle unwound, and darted to the left in a flash of green, the sharp, vibrating wire, a smaller variant of Shaeula’s Pinwheels, slicing through the upraised arm and then the neck of the surprised Cultivator, who then toppled headless to the ground, drenching Kazumi just as Arisa-san was.

“It works. Though…” Moments later the spindle sagged, wind element exhausted. “…it certainly needs improvements. But Ixitt will be happy with the test data.”

“Going somewhere?” Hinata-san snorted, seeing the remaining few red-clad members of the Ruby Group, no, Ruby Serpent, eyeing the windows of the Heavenly Blossom Chamber.

“No you can’t!” Arisa-san screamed, rushing at the nearest one. “Those windows were installed hundreds of years ago! They’re priceless!”

Seeing her younger sister go berserk, Nozomi-san smiled helplessly, reloading calmly, the brutal drills she had endured in the Boundary bearing fruit. Moments later Michiru surged up, still pale and shaking, the effects of the Sānchóng lingering. With a malicious grin, she pulled out some more needles from under her skirt, and managed to hurl them at the nearest enemy. He blocked most of them, but was still pricked several times, stiffening.

“I know you… no, we Cultivators… are resistant to poison because of Qi, but… that contains modified blowfish toxins. Ordinarily it would be fatal, but for you… perhaps just paralysis. If you are fortunate.”

“As for you…” Hinata-san charged. Her sword flashed, and even though the strike was clumsy, her Chosen-granted stats, as well as those she shared from Akio-san, made her too fast and strong, and her opponent was disarmed. Literally. Hinata then booted the stunned, armless Cultivator in the groin with relish, folding him up, and as he fell, she called out a little flame element to cauterise the stumps, the smell of seared flesh unpleasant. “…hey, we can pump this one for info!”

“I want this one!” Shiro cried, relying on her stats, as she charged the last man standing. He reacted faster than expected, so was likely the other Chosen. As Shiro approached, she suddenly blinked, slowing, as if she lost sight of him. “What… where…”

Miyu opened her mouth to cry out as the man raced for her, drawing a blade to stab, only for Shiro’s eyes to burn crimson. “A tolerable attempt. Obfuscation, is it? My eyes may not be as keen as his, but…” Goddess Taṇhā declared with a cold smirk, and Shiro took over.

“…well, Tan’s got a reservation for an upgrade, so it’s all cool! Anyway, eat this! Shirohime knockout fist!” As Hinata-san rolled her eyes at Shiro’s embarrassing behaviour as she dragged her victim over, Miyu was wobbling on unsteady legs over to Michiru. Shiro’s punch landed, and the Chosen was knocked out, the impact making Shiro wince and shake her hand, knuckles bloody. “Shit, that damn well hurt! But…” She stamped down on him callously. “…Tan thinks this one isn’t that dangerous on his own. No point wasting either his information or his Favour!”

“So, we… we won?” Mayumi-sama asked, looking around. She seemed calmer now, and oddly unworried by the dead. Oh. Yes, poor Mayumi-sama was kidnapped while in South Africa, and saw some carnage.

Her bodyguard, Ohta, who Mayumi-sama insisted on calling Katana, looked jealous, and Miyu understood. It is hard, seeing others perform better in our own roles. It is why I used to envy and fear my cousin Honoka-san, who was better than me at everything despite being younger. Sakura-sama too, she was well-liked and popular, and of course Mayumi-sama, who had pride and presence to spare. Now… Now if I feel jealousy, I understand the way to defeat it is to push myself to excel.

“Seems so…” Shiro looked around, still shaking her hands. “Huh, here it is.” The podium where the speeches had been delivered cracked as Shiro booted it, revealing the horrifying sight of a large bomb, as well as what likely was a portable jammer, hence the lack of signal over the Tengokusentou and the grounds. “…oops. Guess these idiots came prepared.”

“I am shocked honoured father would miss this.” Michiru grumbled as Miyu helped her up. “Such carelessness!”

“I think it’s probably thanks to that Chosen.” Shiro shrugged. “He probably did something to the podium, made it look normal. Anyway… boom!” Everyone flinched as Shiro’s flames swept across the jammer and the bomb mechanism. “It’s fine. This one looks like standard high explosives. Everyone knows they don’t get set off by heat, right? Needs the detonator.”

“I’m not sure I’d be risking it.” Hinata-san chuckled nervously. “Anyway, can Taṇhā check if there are any more enemies… what the hell?”

As soon as the jammer broke, everyone’s phones began ringing non-stop, messages and alerts pinging in. As Hinata opened hers, her face paled. “Oh no, it’s… I can’t even say! The shrine, our estate, Hanafubuki, all over Japan, no, the world! This is bad, super, super bad!”

Miyu nodded, helping Michiru over to Shiro for Ether Healing. “But… we must remain calm. Just as we endured here, we can only have faith in the others.”

Mayumi-sama gave her an appraising look. “You have certainly changed, Miyu-san. You were never so calm, it was all a front before. I wonder if this is the Akio-kun effect?”

“Perhaps.” Miyu shrugged, and Michiru denied it, claiming it was all Miyu’s own hard work. That made Miyu smile, despite her deep weariness and the terrible situation unfolding outside. “No…” Miyu continued. “…I suppose it is, but… if you want to change, you also need to have the will, Mayumi-sama. Nobody can do it for you, only point the way and support us.”

“Drop the -sama. It feels wrong. After all, you were rather impressive.”

As Miyu nodded, their few surviving prisoners were secured, and moments later a division of soldiers from the JSDF entered, along with emergency medical staff and firefighters, and they were all ushered out for their own safety…


Third – Takatsukasa Sakura, Hanafubuki Private Academy, Tokyo

“This is horrible.”  Uekusa Sayuri, Sakura’s bodyguard ever since childhood, muttered, having seen the horrific injuries of Takakura Mizuki-san as she was brought into the emergency shelter. Her older sister Katsuki-san was clearly distraught, but Mizuki-san was managing to keep her calm, though even forming words pained her, blood bubbling from her pale lips.

“This… this shouldn’t be happening!” Sayuri continued. She was quite slender for a bodyguard, with her light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and her pale brown eyes full of worry and confusion. The Uekusa family had served Takatsukasa house for many, many generations, providing bodyguards. Few noble houses had such remaining now, even Fujiwara house hadn’t retained their bodyguard lineages over the centuries. It was a point of pride for her. Was. Yes, the right way to phrase it.

Fortunately Honoka-sama’s class had now reached the shelter, though that had brought this tragedy to light, and it was known that not every girl in her class had survived. “Quiet, Sayuri.” Sakura hissed, the awful day growing worse and worse, though she felt terribly selfish to dwell on her own troubles when her fellow schoolmates were dead, and the fate of other middle school classes that hadn’t reached the shelter were unknown. After all, my life might have come crashing down, but I still live at least. For now, anyway.

The cold chill of dread was creeping into her battered heart, and Sayuri watched on helpless, understanding her master’s mood. Sakura stepped forwards, speaking to Honoka-sama, asking for clarification of the situation, but before she could answer, a noble daughter from a family under Fujiwara house’s umbrella, one who was from a minor house and obviously held jealousy, laughed meanly. “No need to answer the bastard, Honoka-sama. You will dirty your mouth talking to the whore’s daughter.”

Several other girls giggled, taking pleasure and distracting themselves from their fear by spite, and Sakura felt her heart break. I am not a whore’s daughter! My birth mother… it was just a mistake, father being reckless. It is true though… I am not my mother’s daughter.  

Sakura had known of course. Not for her whole life, but the last few years. She had a particularly vicious great-aunt, who had divorced and returned to Takatsukasa house because of her vile behaviour and temper, a great shame to the family, and since Takatsukasa house had declined, she was vocal in claiming she should have been in charge, rather than grandfather Itsuki. One event, she had become drunk and called out the truth, that Sakura was bastard born. Worse, Sakura knew cousin Hinata-san at the very least suspected, if not outright knew. It’s why she pushes at me so, and why I have to… I have to… no, it all seems so pointless now. I… I wish she was here.

Yes, Sakura had been harsh with her cousin, and perhaps… perhaps some of that was pushing her own shame onto her, but mostly, she just wanted Hinata-san to behave like a true daughter of their family, because… she is, just as much as I am. No, more so now. Sakura didn’t know what to do with her life. Her younger brother Minoru-kun had entirely given up inheriting the house, content to be what he called a ‘superhero’, while Hinata-san was excelling, and had already made connections with Tsumura house, and even Fujiwara house, technically. Sakura knew she couldn’t win, Hinata-san was Oshiro-san’s fiancée, and he had the support of all the three grandfathers, her own included.

I had considered marriage out, but now… who will have me? I am worthless. She clenched her fists at the insulting laughter, nails biting into her skin and drawing blood.

“Do not insult Sakura-sama!” Sayuri cried, but she was shouted down by others, a bodyguard with no right to speak to her betters. It was then Honoka-sama spoke up.

“I think this very foolish. Is now the time for this? Besides, I have always looked up to Sakura-sama as a senior.”

“But she’s just a false, tainted…” another daughter began, only for her to recoil back, shocked, as a handprint was on her cheek, where the near-hysterical Katsuki-san had slapped her. As she stared on, wide-eyed, Katsuki-san cried out.

“My sister is dying! Motoko-san and Natsumi-san… they… they could be dead too! If they are… if it’s just us… and you are wasting time on stupid stuff that doesn’t matter… who cares who her mother is! Are you insane?”

Several girls shot back, claiming she was low born, only at Hanafubuki through odd circumstances, and Sakura had enough. Who cares what they think of me? Their opinion can’t sink any lower, can it? “She’s right! And show some compassion. If you are the best of us, as you suggest, I would rather not be noble. Many of the Three-Hundred are behaving better! Her sister is gravely wounded, and… some of us have sisters who have not returned…”

Panicked nods agreed with her, and Honoka-sama nodded. “Well said. Though… we must hope that Motoko-san and Natsumi can win out. But…” She glanced at Kozue, who was also hurt.

“If there are what they call Chosen, then I fear they shall be defeated. Even the assassins are a dangerous threat.” Kozue explained.

“But we’re safe here, aren’t we?” one girl asked, and Kozue shook her head.

“No. They are well-prepared. Even without Chosen, they have explosives and likely poison gas and worse. The security here is stronger than the emergency blast doors in the classrooms, but in time they can break it. Worse…”

“Help will be slow to come.” Honoka-sama warned. “This is obviously prepared.”

As everyone argued, Sakura sighed. Motoko-san, Natsumi… I… I wonder… Sakura had attended the training camp at Shirohebizumi shrine only a handful of times. It didn’t appeal to her, and she always felt an outsider, as it was Hinata-san’s territory. Despite that, she still had a basic understanding of what went on there, Hinata-san always made sure of that. I had thought it her attempts to taunt me, but perhaps I did her a disservice.

Sakura clapped her hands, drawing attention to herself, which she had been avoiding studiously since the news about her birth was spread by clearly malicious hands, the timing of which now seemed awfully coincidental. As eyes both curious and unkind focussed on her, she floundered for a moment, before coughing. “I’ve seen some of you at the training school. Any of you who can fight, we should make ready. We can’t simply rely on Motoko-san and Natsumi saving us!”

“Who are you to…” one of the girls who had tormented her unmercifully began, only for one girl from the Three-Hundred, a popular, sporty girl whose father was head of a very important accounting firm, raised a hand.

“I think you should be quiet.” The other girl protested, but the first girl, Hazuki-san, Sakura believed her name was, merely glared, and Sakura actually felt the pressure. “I said shut up! Anyway… I… ah…. It’s a little embarrassing. I’m not really supposed to say, but… Watari-san, Ishisaka-san…” She addressed two other members of the Three-Hundred. “…I know, you as well.” She made a gesture, placing her two hands together in a diamond shape. Faces flushed, the two girls returned the gesture.

“It’s time.” Hazuki-san declared. “…for Adamant to step up. Sorry, Sakura-sama… I can call you Sakura, can’t I?”

At her kind tone, Sakura nodded, surprised, and Hazuki-san continued explaining. “Well, you are high commander Hinata-sama’s cousin, and… she honestly would want us to look out for you. I should have been kinder, and stood up for you. But it’s hard… we of the Three-Hundred… we’re looked down on.” There were nods around the shelter at that, and Sakura listened on, dumbfounded. High commander? Hinata-san?

“That’s why… Hinata-sama has been recruiting us. Honestly…we look up to her! She transcended! Natsumi-sama too!” There were giggles from the three girls, and even some of the other upper nobles who had had Chirurgery, but like Sakura seldom did any active training or participated in anything, nodded.

“We want to be someone!” Watari-san nodded. She was a bookish sort, all cute black braids and black-rimmed glasses, and wracking her brains, Sakura remembered her family ran a traditional pottery studio that was considered a historical and cultural treasure. “And…” She blushed. “I want to be more like Natsumi-sama and Motoko-sama… honestly I’m jealous of Akio-sama! He gets them both!” Her blush deepened and Sakura realised Watari-san had a deep admiration for the two of them, in the way a lot of girls in Hanafubuki did for other classmates.

“In that case…” Sakura coughed. “Those of us who can, gather up. Sayuri, you too. Honoka-sama…”

“I can fight too.” Honoka-sama surprised everyone. “I admit, I must not risk myself needlessly, but I can be the final defence. Else we shall all die anyway.” she reasoned, and even Kozue didn’t interfere.

“In that case…” It felt good to take charge. It wasn’t her place perhaps, but… it seems my cousin is a high commander. Quite laughable, but she has changed a great deal these last few months. For the better, I suppose. If she was here, there wouldn’t be panic. She would know what to say. But… if I no longer have Takatsukasa house, if I am dismissed from Hanafubuki as bastard born and a disgrace to my family… I suppose I could always…

Giving orders, she arrayed everyone in position. The three from Adamant had some minor weapons with them, small but better than nothing, and they only regretted that they weren’t high enough rank to have proper Material uniforms and weapons. “Perhaps you should bother Hinata-san when you see her next.” Sakura surprised herself as she made a joke, though the tension was escalating the longer they were trapped in the shelter. The teachers weren’t of much use, as this situation was well beyond them, and they were content to follow, not lead.  

“No way!” Ishizaka-san, a rather tall girl with short hair and a cute, heart-shaped face shook her head. Her family was in the brewing business, apparently. “The high commanders are kind, but also a little scary. They’d give it us in a heartbeat, but they’d…” she blushed. “…I agreed to the oaths, but I’m not going to force the issue! I’m too shy!”

The other two laughed, and Sakura frowned, before understanding. “She wouldn’t do that. I don’t think?”

“No, but Shaeula definitely would!” Watari-san giggled. “It’s almost worth it, maybe Motoko-sama and Natsumi-sama would notice me then…”

“Ah.” Sakura was no expert, but even she understood that strange non-human girl’s proclivities. “Yes. I see. I was pestered myself by her. But…” She left unsaid that she felt herself above Oshiro-san. After all she was the daughter of Takatsukasa. All a cruel joke. Hinata-san was right. It’s all wrong. She just knew it first, her and Motoko-san. If I die today… I’ll only regret I wasn’t less strict. You win, my cousin. You win.

The banter continued, cutting through the nerves, and under the first aid of the teachers, and the emergency supplies in the shelter, Mizuki-san and the other injured were stabilised. It was then that the cameras that monitored the outside picked up several figures in tight black leather rushing forwards, and moments later the cameras winked out, and a faint hissing noise could be picked up by those who had received Chirurgery.

“Prepare!” Sakura declared, palms sweating, heart beating fast. For a moment she could hardly believe what she was doing, but at a nod from Honoka-sama, she took a deep breath. What do I have to lose, anyway? I… I am free? Suddenly the pain in her chest vanished. It was true. Her cousin was taking Takatsukasa house, and if she was outcast…

She glanced at the three girls from Adamant, who were nervously chanting “No backwards steps!”, while clutching small daggers. I could do worse. Hinata-san might mock me, but…

The thick metal door was glowing, First red, like a dull cherry, then through orange, yellow, and finally a bluish white, the edge of the door smoking and molten metal dribbling. A wide hole was forming, and one of the more scientifically minded girls cried out that it was thermite. Panic was spreading, and Sakura knew there was little they could do if poison gas or bombs were tossed in. But they were as ready as they could be. Those that had Chirurgery were at the front, the three from Adamant leading, Sakura with then, alongside Sayuri, Kozue and other bodyguards. Then came the rest of the bodyguards in the shelter, then the younger, more fit female teachers. Honoka-sama was then there, and the rest of the students were hiding in the back.

Sweat was beading on her brow, and not just from the heat, as the hole widened. Soon the locking mechanism had melted, and the heavy doors were now useless. Moments later a dull boom sounded, a wave of pressure pouring through the holes in the door, and the iron tilted, ripping free now the locks and other points of connection had been destroyed by the thermite.

“Back up!” came the cry, and everyone retreated frantically, as the door slammed down with an ear-splitting crash. Cries of fear filled the air, and Sakura could suddenly smell urine. At least it’s not mine. I am terrified though. But…

Moments later, several figures leapt in. I count six. This is bad. The only mercy was that bombs weren’t indiscriminately tossed in. Perhaps it doesn’t suit their needs. Perhaps they need our bodies more… intact?

“Now!” Sakura cried, setting aside such grizzly thoughts.

“No backwards step!” Hazuki-san cried, raising her dagger and moving with great speed, her aptitude with sport further enhanced by Chirurgery. Her blade was parried lazily though, a slender, womanly form in black leather blocking it with a long, curved blade.

“Nice effort.” she spoke in perfect Japanese, her face hidden behind a black veil apart from her eyes and ears. “But your blood shall be dedicated to Iblis this day!” The other black-clad figures had darted in and were engaging, and while their movements were slower than the girls facing them, they were far more skilled, and the front line was quickly pushed back, injuries accumulating.

Exchanges in what sounded like Arabic were flowing casually between the assailants, and they even seemed to have the leisure to taunt idly. Sakura, desperately swinging her makeshift weapon, a metal chair leg, cried out as it was dodged and a blade tore through the shoulder of her elegant uniform, ripping it open along with her flesh. Tears blossomed in her eyes, as pain the like she had never felt before in her pampered life rocked her. Sayuri cried out in anger, and exchanged a handful of blows with the man, and actually managed to slice his veil, before he kicked her in the stomach as shreds of black cloth fluttered down, revealing a dusky, slightly olive-skinned face, his ears and nose filled with multiple piercings, studs glittering.

“That was well done. I am surprised.” The man even had the time to lick his blade menacingly, enjoying the frozen moment of fear. “This is more enjoyable than anticipated. We must finish, before Son Husam decides to stop being lazy and does his work.” He then plunged down his blade. Sakura leapt backwards, taking a cut to her back, cloth and flesh again parting. She darted at the attacker, and with a grin he flipped his knife, stabbing Sakura instead of the helpless Sayuri, who screamed out in horror and terror.

“No backwards steps!” Hazuki-san cried out again, and her attacker paused for a moment.

“How… amusing. You parrot our own words, but… do you know what it means?” Hazuki-san fell, her limp hand bloody and no longer able to hold her dagger. Kozue launched an attack with hidden weapons, but it was parried by another foe.

“It means to walk the path of carnage, to slay who must be slain, to reap the toll that Iblis demands. Weak little girls are useless. He glanced over at the woman who had injured Sakura first. “Isn’t that right, Sixteenth?”

Enough. Just kill them, Twelfth, do not be like the others, who must be playing with their prey. It would have been easier…” Blade flashed, and Sakura screamed. The man Twelfth also twisted his blade, enjoying her cries, even as he stomped down on the floored Sayuri.

“…if we did not have to use our blades. But… the damn Book-Watchers want the disgrace of the high and mighty, this land, to see their beautiful young maidens scored by blades, see the horror. Bombs and poison is too… impersonal.”

“Enough chatter.” a powerful man cried, as he cut down a bodyguard who had received Chirurgery. The wound wasn’t immediately fatal, but with stomach pierced, death would follow quickly without emergency first aid. “Everything is a test!”

“Everything is a test!” they chanted back by rote.

“Come on, Fourth.” The man, Twelfth grinned, his smile wicked, as he finally tore the knife out, and engaged with another desperate girl. It was heart breaking to see, as Sakura’s vision darkened, her blood leaking out from her, that even outnumbering the enemy so badly, they were no match for trained killers.

“You know…” the man drawled. “…the others are enjoying themselves. I might myself. These are some pretty girls…” Shivers went around the room as the pale-faced and huddling masses of the ordinary students heard his threat, deliberately in Japanese. The teachers cried out for them to stop, but obviously they wouldn’t, Sakura knew. On her knees now, she felt calm, at peace, despite the agonising pain.

“You disgust me. Ibn al Kalb! You dog’s son, Twelfth!” the woman Sixteenth cursed. “May your manhood rot like your cursed soul!”

“Don’t be like that. I’ll still have time to ride you later…” he called back, deflecting the efforts of the enraged Sayuri, enjoying peeling her clothing with gentle slashes that also drew shallow lines of blood. “…why blame me? The others, they must be doing the same. I bet Son Husam is pounding away even as…”

There was a frozen moment, everyone stopping what they were doing. The rearmost two attackers were suddenly impaled, steel running through their bodies, and Twelfth had halted, a severed head, still wearing a veil, bouncing off him. He looked down idly, almost unable to calculate what had happened.

“Motoko-sama! Natsumi-sama!” Watari-san gushed. She looked terrible, only standing because of her stats, her shirt and skirt soaked with her blood, and she was gasping heavily, but her eyes brightened as she beheld her idols, even as she took in their awful state. Sakura could see it too, and relief died in her heart.

They are… hurt worse than I am. It’s… a miracle they are still standing. Indeed, both of them were favouring one arm, and one of Motoko-san’s was so brutally twisted and broken it was starting to turn black. Despite that, her blade had pierced her opponent, and she wrenched it free, a grimace on her blood-covered face. Natsumi was in slightly better shape, but only just, dragging one leg, her clothing little more than scraps of cloth, rather indecent. But her blade too had cut down a foe. It seemed she had thrown the head as well, saving Sayuri, at least for the moment.

“I see you.” Motoko raised her katana one-handed, the blade crimson. “You have fought hard, Watari-san. I am proud of you.”

As the silly girl squealed in delight, Natsumi managed a tired laugh. “That goes for all of you. It isn’t easy to fight for your life and others… Sakura-sama… you’re hurt…”

“Yes.” she admitted, barely able to see. “But… I am glad… you….” Unable to finish, Sakura collapsed, lying in a pool of her own blood.

Meanwhile, Twelfth was cursing. “Useless fool. Killed by a pair of useless women. Iblis will flay his soul for a thousand years for this disgrace! Where are the others?”

“If you mean your Chosen…” Motoko-san was saying, her blade flashing, only to be parried by the one called Fourth, only for him to dart backwards as Natsumi attacked him as well. “…I fear you will be waiting a while. Until we kill you. You can see him in Yomi!”

“You are bluffing! Son Husam’s ice was both impenetrable shield and deadly weapon…” the woman whose name, or rather designation, she supposed, as everyone was using numbers now, Sakura didn’t know, cried out. “Unless…”

She dropped to the ground, slain, watery bullets leaving Natsumi’s hand, intercepting her as she swung her blade. There were only a scattering, but striking the head was enough to be fatal. “Yeah, we’re Chosen too!” Natsumi declared, and Sakura, even as she bled out, thought that was a lie. I would know, otherwise. I’m sure of it…

“Not as powerful as Son Husam, it seems.” Fourth grunted. “Twelfth, with me. Sixteenth, keep everyone else occupied.”

“That is going to be difficult. But… I shall not retreat, not one step. Everything… is a test.”

“Everything is a test.” Fourth responded, but Twelfth merely grinned.

“If this is a test, Son Husam failed it. The others too. But…”

“Seventeen plus your foolish so-called Son…” Motoko-san warned. “Our blades took their lives. We can… manage a handful more.”

“Damn it. They shame Iblis and the name Hasan al-Sabbah!” Twelfth spat in Motoko-san’s face, and she made no effort to avoid it, or perhaps couldn’t. She only grimaced in disgust as it struck her bloody cheek.

“The only shame is what you have done here.” Motoko-san declared coldly. “But we shall have… vengeance!” Motoko-san rushed him, and blades clashed. She was pushed back, while Fourth attacked Natsumi, on alert for more water bullets.

Sixteenth was now under pressure, the remaining Chirurgery-enhanced students taking it in turns to attack her in pairs, even Honoka-sama stepping up. Kozue swung her scarf as a distraction, and Sixteenth went to bat it aside, only for the weights inside it to swing around and wrench her dagger free. Then Kozue threw a small ball, which exploded, showering her with some sort of burning powder. Honoka-sama threw her weapon, which was batted aside, but then Katsuki-san was there, expression twisted with hatred, and she had grabbed Hazuki-san’s fallen blade and drove it into the throat of her opponent, who seemed surprised, as her own knife was now piercing Katsuki-san.

“That’s… for Mizuki!” she cried, mixed anguish and pain making her scream hoarse.

“Everything… is… a… test…” Sixteenth coughed blood, sagging, and the pair of them collapsed, Honoka-sama and another girl rushing to hold Katsuki-san up.

“Truly, truly shameful…” Twelfth grunted. “It seems we are not to succeed in our mission.” He barked a laugh then. “Even when we kill these annoying pair, if I have to stab to death every woman here, even with your help…”

Fourth nodded. “Yes. The bombs it is. But…”

“That’s right. Most of them are on the other…” He realised too late, gasping in horror.

“Quite.” Motoko-san agreed, releasing her katana. Twelfth blocked it, and the suddenly unarmed Motoko-san should have been an easy kill only for him to panic as a bomb flew at him.

“If it detonates here, you will die too…” he cried, momentarily flustered.

“Yes…” Motoko-san’s katana spun suddenly, catching Twelfth by surprise, slashing his throat open. “That is why we disarmed it. It was merely a distraction…” Exhausted by using her last aether, she staggered, nearly falling. “I am forever grateful that Akio’s Aether Statistic is suitably grandiose. It seems… larger than even it should, recently. It makes me wonder…”

“Don’t die, Sakura! Please!” Despite Natsumi’s battle with Fourth, Sayuri was kneeling beside her, lifting Sakura up, heedless of the blood soaking the floor and her own injuries. Now that there was simply one opponent, the dead and dying girls were taken to safety by others, and Kozue was able to attack from the rear, aiding Natsumi.

“This test… was it ours, or yours?” Fourth asked suddenly. Natsumi had slowed, certainly, but still had the speed and skills to exceed Fourth, even with her loss of blood and many wounds. “We were told… there would be no Jinni here. We are the Children of Iblis! Descendants of Hasan al-Sabbah! Even were we to face a thousand ordinary people, the twenty of us should have been able to triumph, and Son Husam could have faced such alone! Brave, strong men who guarded this place were but lambs to the slaughter!”

He attacked wildly, forcing Natsumi to use her bad leg to brace, and she stumbled, but at her sudden grin, Fourth hesitated, fearing a trick like which had undone Twelfth, only to stagger as Kozue cut his hamstring and he now was the one favouring a leg.

“Yes, but we’re not ordinary! Not anymore.” Natsumi’s cry echoed out as she threw her katana as well. Fourth spun to block it, weight on one leg, but that leg too was crippled by Kozue, he had no way of defending against attacks in his blind spot when Natsumi was so fast and determined, and he collapsed. Natsumi leapt, grabbing the airborne katana, and with a slash, the abnormally sharp metal decapitated him.

“Thanks all the Gods, it should be over…” Natsumi gasped, collapsing. “I was running on only adrenaline and spite…”

“Do not forget love. We must live to see the others, to see Akio again.” Motoko smiled, and Sakura thought it truly beautiful.

“Good.” she managed. “I wanted… to see you both. Thank you for… saving us… at the cost of… your own wounds and… conscience.”

Motoko-san limped over. “Our conscience is clear. It would be selfishness itself to practice Tsumura Arts merely for the sake of it, and worse… we trained to kill. For honourable reasons, in defence of our country and our loved ones. No… the brave are you all…” She held Sakura’s hand, and Natsumi took up her words.

“Yes, while fighting back is smarter than cowering like trapped rats, waiting for death… it still takes guts.” Natsumi looked sad at the only current fatality here, a dead bodyguard, though there were many gravely injured girls, including Sakura herself, the Adamant trio, and Katsuki-san.

“Are… are you sure we are safe?” a teacher asked, and Natsumi shook her head.

“Sure? We never can be certain. But… once we said we had killed seventeen of them, hope evaporated from their eyes.” Motoko-san nodded, agreeing. “So if there are any left, it must be just one or two. Give… give us some time to rest and we can handle them. But for now…”

“First aid!” Motoko-san ordered. Her hand was warm, even against Sakura’s cooling skin. “And Sakura-sama…”

“Yes?” she managed, feeling at peace. No more worrying about the fate of Takatsukasa house, or the truth of my birth. It will be… peaceful…

“Do not give in. The wounds are grave yes, but… you are made of sterner stuff. Your blood is Hinata’s blood. Besides…” she looked Sakura over. “…none are individually mortal, though some are close, and Chirurgery makes you durable. If you stubbornly resist death…”

“…that goes for all of you!” Natsumi cried.

“…then when we recover some aether, if we are not attacked, we can do basic field Ether Healing. It is far feebler than  what Akio or Shaeula can manage with their ability to sense and see inside your bodies, but… all we need is to buy time. Now… can someone volunteer to reach the teacher’s lounge and contact help? Though I imagine some should be on route regardless.” Motoko-san asked, and after a while, a fearful pair of teachers slipped out past the collapsed door.

Sakura coughed, a dribble of red running down her chin. Resist? Why…

“None of that.” Motoko-san actually slapped Sakura gently, making her lips curl into an annoyed pout. “I know you are hurt, and grief-stricken, but… many would be sad were you to die. Let me make it plain!” Motoko-san glared at everyone, and Natsumi backed her up, equally grim, and seeing the pair of them so, after seeing and hearing of their brutal heroics, everyone watched, cowed.

“Sakura-sama… the rumours, true or not… I do not care. The slander stops now. Sakura-sama… no, Sakura, is our family, for she is Hinata’s. She may be overly prideful and stubborn, but she is someone many looked up to, as both a student here and a daughter of nobility. She is who she was yesterday, and the day before, and a week before that, or a month ago…”

“If you think she’s changed, then don’t blame us for not being kind!” Natsumi warned. “We didn’t bleed and nearly die a half dozen times to save such ingrates.”

“Besides… it is all so very foolish. Hinata is Hinata, whether Takatsukasa or Fukumoto, or even Oshiro. Why should Sakura be different?” Motoko grinned. “So… Sakura…”

“Yes?” she managed, wetness on her face that wasn’t merely blood. Sayuri watched on, also teary-eyed and grateful.

“You will need to recover fast, if you are to join the Pilgrimage. It should be profitable, in terms of power. And… also quite fun. It is Shaeula’s birthday, amongst other entertaining diversions. Hinata will be upset if you are not there.”

Pilgrimage? Power? I didn’t care before, but now… entertaining sounds delightful…

Her eyes slid shut, and Sayuri cried out, thinking she had died, but Sakura waved a hand weakly, signalling she was still alive, as she resisted her injuries with all her might. Hinata… I want to talk. Honestly. I want… what do I want? I’m not sure, but… to find out, I have to survive…

She lay there, both hands held, by Motoko-san and Sayuri, until emergency services stormed into the broken shelter, accompanied by the classes of missing students, who mercifully had few casualties, Motoko-san and Natsumi having slain the intruders before most of them could do much harm…

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