The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 87: The Sanguine Butcher

After grabbing Samantha we walked around for a while. The city we were in, although large was surprisingly calming. The streets were clean and the greenery was plentiful. Sophia, Samantha and I were currently sitting on a park bench just admiring the scenery.

It felt nice to look out and see something other than barren, molten terrain and lifeforms other than the hive. To my left my shoulder suddenly felt heavier. Looking down Samantha had fallen asleep, her mouth already beginning to drool.

"Don't mind her my sweet, She has been running almost 28 hours a rotation since we knew you were coming. She probably just felt at peace with you nearby." Sophia said while placing her head upon my other shoulder.

"Its fine honestly I don't mind at all. Remind me again though the planet uses a 24 hour system because its standard Ecumenopolis 1 time? , but the planets rotation is how long 30 hours?" I ask. "32 my sweet, and the working times are all the same. Its just some weeks a worker will wake up to a nice sunrise before they head of to work and others its still as black as the void.

Your species is quite adaptable my love, If they were not prey and did not fight internally amongst themselves all the time they would be a formidable adversary."

"Hmm." I let my thoughts just fly by for a few hours before I told Sophia to call our ride. It arrived no less than two minutes later just outside the park. Samantha was still fast asleep so I decided to carry her to the vehicle.

The woman weighed a lot more than she looked. Even without my Gyrokinesis I could still lift her, It was just her mutations had made her muscles and bones denser and stronger therefore the increased weight.

After placing Samantha in the vehicle, the flight back to my new home was relatively peaceful. Samantha woke up halfway and grew a deep shade of red upon realising I had carried her, to which I had fun in teasing her about all the drool upon my shoulder.

Once we landed outside the club, the sun was close to setting and people were already entering the establishment. Our driver opened the vehicle door and with a hearty smile bade us a good night. 'Well would you look at that, a non prick.'

Entering the club my stomach started growling because a certain creature ate half of my midday breakfast. "Hey Soph, you said the bar will serve food for another two hours before its solely drink city? I fancy a bite do you want anything?" "Nothing for now my sweet, I have a little bit of business to take care of and will join you shortly. Make sure to use my booth if you wish not to be disturbed.

My staff have already been informed."

With that we parted ways temporarily. Sophia kept her smile up until she was inside the elevator and out of vision from Apollo, then her smile quickly faded and was replaced by a cold façade . "Did Keyla complete her task?" "Yes Mother, 3 hours ahead of schedule as well. She said it would have been 4 but she stopped for a bite to eat and had to clean up some evidence."

Sophia sighed. "That girl will always be trouble, but she is good at her job." Sophia and Samantha made there way to a decently sized room. Inside the room was Keyla sitting on a chair. Around her were numerous people ball gagged and tied up. ranging from children to the elderly.

Upon seeing the Door open Keyla yelled "Apollo~ oh its just you two. Hey." Sophia ignored the blatant disrespect towards her. Keyla was already damaged before she became a part of the hive, a parasite was not going to fix anything. "How many lifeforms Keyla?" Sophia questioned. "Quite a small all things considering.

90, 91 if you consider the main quest over there." Keyla nodded her head in a certain direction. There was a man who was tied up like the rest, only he had a bag over his head blocking his identity.

"Well Keyla, since It was your group that acted in this operation, Its only fair I let you see it Through fully." Sophia's response made Keyla's eyes go wide in excitement. "Oh Mother, I swear that was the second best nut I've had today with how happy you have just made me!"

Keyla clapped loudly making the quivering hostages jump in fright. "Hello, hello everyone are we having a good time tonight?" "You fine ladies and gentlemen may not know me personally but you may know my moniker if you are familiar with outer planetary news. 'The Sanguine Butcher.'

Around 9 people began to wriggle in fear as they knew exactly what the name meant. "YAY!!!! It seems I'm still famous. From age 8 to 18 I had 782 confirmed murders ,and a few more the authorities never found, and luckily for you, your names wont be added to my monikers tally."

Getting back on track, Keyla, who's everyone's eyes were stuck to like glue began skipping over towards the man with a bag on his head. Removing the bag Some of the crowd recognised him immediately, such as his fiancée who began screaming into her ball gag, while others had no recognition of the man.

"Oh I can see confusion on your deliciously terrified faces. Don't worry, your new Bestie will tell you everything! This man here is called Kaeso Vibus. He made the big mistake of offending someone he should not have. Each and every one of you here is related to this man in some way or another and because of him, you shall share his fate. Horary for you!"

Kaeso began looking around the room now that he had his vision. He eyed over every single person in this room. All of them either begging or shouting profanities through their gags. However when Kaeso recognised who was standing at the edge of the room his heart almost escaped his chest.

"Oh does the bad man want to speak? here ya go champ, don't say I did not treat you right." Keyla said as she took the gag out of his mouth. He did not even take a second to breath in before Kaeso screamed. "Lady Sophia I'm sorry! I meant no offence I was trying to protect you from a man following you! It is my job please let me go My fiancée and child do not deserve this please!"

Sophia said nothing just continued to watch with indifference. "Oooh, sorry to tell you champ, look heeeere While I tell you. "Keyla moved Kaeso's head and with a vice like grip had it stuck in place as he was now facing his Fiancée. "Your baby, I think the name was Layla correct? Beautiful name, Who knows I may name my child after it, well she is dead."

Kaeso's heart shattered in an instant. looking at his partners face he could tell those words were not some sick joke. "Oh by the way, you must have been feeding her some top level baby formula or your partners got super tits, but she sure tasted delicious."

Kaeso's fiancée began screaming as if living the horror all over again. Kaeso was about to fly into a verbal rage before a gag was put back into his mouth. "Nuh-uh-uh, I'm a sensitive little flower. No mean words."@@novelbin@@

"Now here's how its going to go." Keyla suddenly brought a small knife out from between her cleavage, it was only a two inch blade. "I am going to sing a song and every so often as I'm walking around the room, someone is going to get a stab fun right? Lets start!"

The muffled screams of the strangers began once more as Keyla began walking around the room. "♪ Oh little butcher had a farm, Keyla was her name-O." as Keyla passed by an individual she would brush her knife across the person making them flinch. "♪ And on that farm She had some PIGS!" She yelled and spun as if addressing the room.

"♪ With a..." A cold look shone through Keyla's eyes at the teen in front of her. "♪ Stab-stab here-" Before moving onto the next leaving the muffled screams of the teen behind. "♪ And a stab-stab there." this time an old woman. Just before her favourite part, the frenzy. "♪ Here a stab, there a stab. Everywhere!

A stab-stab" 3 more victims in short succession Before Keyla finished her song.

"♪ Oh little butcher had a farm, Keyla was her name-O." Letting out a satisfied sigh Keyla said. "Well wasn't that fun how are my stabees fairing?" The victims were squirming on the ground writing in pain. The old woman went into shock and had a heart attack and died fairly quickly. Keyla walked up to her and grabbed her by the hair. With fake tears in her eyed Keyla sobbed out.

"Why did you leave so soon grandma? The fun was just starting."

Walking over to the last victim Keyla's fake tears vanished replaced by her cold yet joyful appearance and started her ritual again.

"♪Oh little butcher had a farm, Keyla was her name-O."

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