The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 88: Far Sight

Sat inside Sophia's VIP suite, I shovelled a third burger into my mouth. "Fuck me, why are they so good!" The burgers were massive half pounders and I could not stop consuming them.@@novelbin@@

Sitting on the other side of the room, was Ronnie. I found him carrying cleaning supplies when I went to go and order my second and forcefully made him accompany me. "Ronnie, remind me to tell Sophia that her bar chef needs a raise." I say incomprehensible as my mouth is perpetually full.

"Of course Apollo, Is there anything else you need of me?" Ronnie said while eyeing the door. Catching onto his body language I ask." Am I keeping you from something Ronnie? Its ok to leave if you have something you need to do."

Ronnie jolted at being caught. "A-are you sure?" "Sure I just wanted some company for a bit, but if you have work you need to do don't let me stop you." Ronnie gave an abundance of thanks and apologues and just as he was about to leave I asked for one more thing. "Hey Ronnie can you do me one last thing before you go?" Turning around he replied.

"Of course Apollo what do you need?" "Can you get me a refill? Eating so much leaves you with a thirst."

Ronnie took the glass from my hand and went to the bar. "Hey Ronnie what can I do for you? The bartender asked. "Refill for Lady Sophia's Guest." "Oh the human food hoover? Sure thing." The bartender filled the glass with a 'very manly' pink carbonated drink.

"So tell me, you're part of Lady Sophia's underground crew right? You must know some dirt on the mystery man? Who is he? The whole bar team have a wager going."

Ronnie was a kind soul, even to outsiders. And considering this outsider worked for his Mother, he gave him a piece of advice. "Look Max, It would be in your best interest to stop the wager and never ever bring it up again. Apollo Is the most important person in this club, even more so than Mo- Lady Sophia.

If she heard you talking rumours about the man in the suite..." Ronnie left the implication hanging. Most of the staff who have worked here long enough know just how dangerous the hot piece of ass who runs the establishment is.

"Ok, OK. No need to try and make me shit a brick I get it. Just go and take him his drink, My girls keep acting distracted whenever they bring him something." Ronnie nodded and gave a half smile as he picked up the drink that radiated 'macho' energy and brought it back to Apollo.

Downing my drink that tasted like half apple and half strawberry, I sat back on the couch and rubbed my stomach in satisfaction. "That hit the spot." Sitting there for a few moments I suddenly realised that for the first time in quite a while I was alone.

Orchid was undergoing some external modifications so she would be comfortable on this floating rock, Onyx had exited my mind at some point today, I assume to do something nefarious, and Jewel and the rest of the hive were far, far away. I had a feeling my enmeshment was causing me to feel saddened, however this was exactly the reason I had decided to leave.

Deciding to cheat as I wanted to see my mate, I activated the the imprint Jewel had left in my eye and looked around the room. My eye became transfixed in the corner just to the left of the door. "There is my love." I could feel her so far away and I could even tell she was looking at me now. Although not visually, We could feel each others general presence through all the space between us.

"I want to see her." I vocalised to the room, not expecting a reply. But something did.

My Origin had been bursting at the seams for some time now. It had no spark to create another Psionic ability. I had been in no fights nor conflicts. I had been content, therefore It had no reason to imbue another gift. Now however, My desire and by extent My Origins desire to See Jewel had finally managed to spark a new Ability.

Looking at the corner of the room still, A crack had begun to form in the air not too far from my face. I felt the sudden compulsion to concentrate on the crack and I even relayed a decent amount of my Psionic energy into the crack.

After a sufficient amount of energy was given, the crack began to widen and a familiar image way displayed before me. A large pentagonal head with chitin plating where eyes would be and two tentacles that caressed the side of her head like hair. "Jewel." My eyes grew heavy upon seeing the large frame of the hive queen. It had only been a few weeks and yet I miss her so much.

Jewel was basking in the feeling of being watched by Apollo from such a large distance. Although she knew he could not see her, She was attempting to pose in a way her large gangly body would be appealing while placing more processing power into her warfronts to make herself seem busy.

Because of this it took the movement of her guards to realise a large psionic tear had appeared before her. She was curious as to why she did not sense it, that was until she felt the familiarity of the energy being used.

Looking through the special tear, Jewel saw the sight of her every want and desire. "Apollo." From her brief time in front of the tear, Jewel had managed to understand a few things about it. Firstly, no sound could get through as it seemed to be a window through the very fabric of space. Secondly It would drain Apollo of his Psionic energy quickly as he currently was.

Thirdly under normal circumstances, nothing would be able to pass through the tear.

Jewel however did not fall under normal circumstances. Taking one of her tendrils, She placed it up against the tear and began to flex. Even with the strength she had it was a colossal struggle to pierce through the Barrier in front of her that prevented her from touching her mate. She knew she did not have long so she began with everything she had.

Watching Jewels tentacle press up against the tear, I knew from the information my Origin imprinted into my mind that the tear was an extension of my desire of vision. As such other sensations such as sound, smell and touch cannot be used upon it or through it.

At least that was what was supposed to be the case as A tentacle managed to, by the looks of it with great difficulty, make it through the crack.

The tentacle seemed weak as it finally passed through, Deciding to meet it instead of it making itself to me I got up and strode over to it. Reaching out to touch it, A wave of Euphoria and peace washed over every part of my body. The tentacle wrapped itself up my arm and began to caress my face.

Although communication was still not possible, I could tell from Jewel's twitches that she was feeling the same way. It was then I could feel my grip on the crack began to fade as my energy was almost depleted. I tried to encourage Jewel to take her tentacle back, but she seemed adamant on not letting go.

Feeling the stubbornness of her tentacle I held and stroked it in comfort until the tear ceased from existence and Jewels tentacle was severed clean off.

Sitting down inside the VIP suite with a noodle the size of my body wrapped around me, I decided to wait for Sophia to come find me before I make any movements, as I'm sure a man carrying a giant tentacle around a club would raise suspicion.

Meanwhile Jewel already had a fleet of warriors and drones bringing the best of the best biomass to her for healing. She did not care about the severing of her tentacle, what Apollo had done for her had given her a much needed feeling of peace and clarity. A severed tentacle was of no issue to her. In fact she was so proud of Apollo that he wielded an ability that could actually cause harm to her.

This meant he was becoming stronger and may return home, to her, sooner.

If that was the price to pay she would sever a thousand tentacles without a second thought. Alas, as Jewel began to feast as she wrapped herself in the pleasure she felt to touch Apollo again.

After consuming enough biomass, her tentacle regrew itself in an instant. She flexed her new tentacle in strange enthusiasm. She could not recall the last time her main body was injured. Maybe when she was still a little thing only a few centimetres long still fighting for the very planet she now ruled.

A smile, that was rather terrifying when she was in this form, blossomed on her face as she began reminiscing her ancient history.

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