274 Baby Boomers Part Two
274 Baby Boomers Part Two
After a lot of fun negotiations, that we both benefited from, we cleaned up, showered, and dressed. Grayfia then watched as I did a proper scientific procedure to produce and secure a clean sperm sample from myself.
Once I had it inside a sterilized container with no contaminates, I made a bit of a show about it and made it glow as I used some Karma Points to take it from a normal sample with a high chance of pregnancy, since I was no longer a devil with an abysmal fertilization chance, and made it guaranteed.
She stayed quiet as she watched the glow, almost grading its intensity, and it didn't fade for nearly ten minutes. When it 'finished' and I stopped making it glow, I cast a preservation charm on it to keep it fresh, then I created another container and used telekinesis to pull out a single sperm and a minuscule drop of clear fluid. I used the refilling charm on the fluid to keep the single sperm suspended and sealed the new container.
Grayfia trembled when I held the second container out to her. “Issei, you can't just give...”
I smiled and placed it into her hand. “I know Ajuka is going to want to examine it. He might find something interesting or he might discover that it's just a normal single sperm.”
What I didn't tell her was that I had removed any special qualities that I might have imparted, except for magic and a random ability. I was going to keep the Kryptonite and Divine heritage aspects a secret for now.
Grayfia gave me an incredulous look. “You can't be serious.”
“With what? Handing one over to you or that it's only a single sperm out of millions?” I asked.
Grayfia's expression didn't change. “That it only takes a single sperm to guarantee pregnancy!”
“It always only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.” I said and she caught her breath. “The rest are usually wasted when it happens, since the usual method of delivery is a little inefficient and ridiculously enjoyable.”
Grayfia opened and closed her mouth several times before she sighed. “And you're trusting me with the most priceless item the devil race could ever have? A guaranteed child?”
I put the full container into my inventory. “I would give you more, except we only negotiated for one test sample and I won't give up the ruse that I'm needed to do the procedure to ensure the pregnancy.”
Grayfia sighed and tucked the container into her suit coat's pocket. “You know Ajuka has done in-vitro fertilization before.”
“Yes, and he has to roll the dice each time for the sperm sample, again for a viable egg, and then again if it works after impregnation, with each subsequent roll reducing the odds. There are a lot of factors that my method completely removes, including the sex of the baby.” I said and patted her pocket. “That one's random and could be a boy or a girl.”
Grayfia gave me a pointed look. “If anyone knew you could make them this easily...”
“You are the only one that's seen me do this, so if anyone besides myself and you know about it, then it's because you told them about it.” I said and gave her a pointed look back.
Grayfia closed her mouth and nodded.
“I suspect Ajuka is going to... ahem... use that sample when he's done examining it. Whatever he uses it on, be sure he doesn't waste it on an animal egg or something, because it won't work.”
“Why would he...” Grayfia stopped talking when she realized the man's resources might not include a supply of ready eggs from a woman's ovaries. “I'll tell him.”
I smiled and stepped back. “If you need my help with anything before you file the paperwork for me becoming your assistant, including what we discussed about Satan Lucifer, you know my number.”
Grayfia nodded and cast the teleportation spell. She disappeared in a flash of light and I left my room and went downstairs for supper. Miki had it ready and looked both happy and content. I kissed her cheek and set the table for us, she served the food, and we sat down together to enjoy a nice meal. We had the whole evening to ourselves and we were going to enjoy it.
The Underworld was still reeling as the news of Satan Serafall Leviathan made its way through the various castes of devil society. Then the news was released that Satan Lucifer had decided to take a lengthy sabbatical to come to grips over his wife replacing his good friend and having to dissolve his marriage because of the various laws and policies the government had in place.
That actually reassured everyone that the Satans respected their society and were adhering to the law and not just doing whatever they wanted. On the positive side, there would be no interruption of services from either the Domestic Affairs office or the Foreign Affairs office. There would barely be any transition time at all as Lady Lucifuge assumed Serafall's duties and was sworn in as the new Satan Leviathan.
No one was surprised by the appointment, either. Grayfia had been up for the job when it was first created and had only barely lost the fight against Serafall and she had become the first Foreign Affairs Minister. It was fitting that she was taking over as soon as Serafall was killed.
The investigation over such a prominent devil's death was also quite quick. The murderer had already been sentenced to death and the sentence carried out, so it was done and over with. This also let most of the devil population relax about the changes, since quick and decisive decisions to handle things like that was exactly why they had accepted the Satans in the first place.
“This... this isn't possible.” Zeoticus Gremory said as he stared at the death certificate for his estranged son. When Sirzechs had become a Satan, he had to abdicate the heirship for the Gremory Clan, causing a rift between them, and the position had fallen to his sister, Rias.
“Does it say what happened?” Venelana asked.
“Yes, and it doesn't make sense.” Zeoticus said and tossed his wife the paperwork the certificate came with.
Venelana read through it quickly and her face paled. “How did this happen?” She asked and looked up from the unbelievable report to look at her husband's face.
“I don't know.” Zeoticus said and frowned. “I will contact Rias and ask her what really happened.”
Venelana put a hand on his arm and stopped him from standing. “I'll handle it, dear. She might be a little distraught after her brother... after he was... disposed of.”
Zeoticus gave her a searching look and nodded. “Then I will visit Grayfia to see why she agreed to breaking her vows to her husband and to our family.”
Venelana caught her breath. “Dear, don't you think I should...”
“No.” Zeoticus said and stood, easily shaking off her hand. “I will have words with her to find out why she tossed our family aside after everything we've done for her.”
Venelana didn't say anything as he strode from the room. She went to the door and shut it, cast a detection spell to make sure she was alone and teleported to Grayfia's office. It was empty and she cursed under her breath, because she had teleported to her old office and not to Satan Leviathan's. She teleported again and saw the silver-haired beauty behind her desk as she went over piles of paperwork.
“My husband will be coming to find out the truth about Sirzechs.” Venelana said without greeting her first. “And about why you discarded your family.”
Grayfia looked surprised. “Why? The report was the same comprehensive one that I filed for the other Satans. There's nothing else to say about it.” She said and then frowned. “What do you mean I tossed my family aside? My son is a Gremory and lives at the Gremory mansion, as he always had.”
Venelena blushed at forgetting about that. “You dissolved the marriage that bound you to our clan.”
Grayfia lost the frown and gave her a blank face. “My marriage did not bind me to the Gremorys, Venelana. I married Satan Lucifer, which is why it had to be dissolved before I could assume my title of Satan Leviathan officially.”
Venelana gasped and her eyes widened. “B-but, you just said that your son is a Gremory!”
“It's the family name Sirzechs and I wanted his son to have, because we are proud of your family. He might have had to stand aside politically because he was a Satan; but, he did everything he could to stay as close to the Gremory clan as he could, as did I.” Grayfia explained and stood. “Is that what's wrong? You think I'm going to take my son away from the only family he's ever known because my political marriage had to end?”
Venelana looked embarrassed and didn't answer.
“I see.” Grayfia said. “I did not know that you and your husband thought so little of me.”
“That... that's not...” Venelana stammered.
“You have forgotten that I have stated numerous times that family means everything to me. You accepted me into yours, despite knowing I was an enemy during the war and switched sides to help your son win, because I hated what my own family stood for. Sirzechs and I were married to stabilize the aftermath and to bring the two sides of the conflict closer together.”
Venelana closed her mouth and didn't know what to say.
“I believe I now have to do what you thought I was going to do, even though it would have happened already if I was going to do it. I wouldn't want you to keep my only son as a hostage to control how I vote in the government, would I?” Grayfia asked and Venelana winced. “I would appreciate you gathering up my son and his things and let him know I had no choice but to do this.”
Venelana sighed and cast the teleportation circle.
“I will be by before bedtime to collect him.” Grayfia said and the women she respected disappeared in a flash of light. A knock on her office door had her sit down and compose herself. “Enter.”
The door opened and Serafall's secretary was there and looked nervous. “My Lady, Lord Gremory is here without an appointment and insists he see you.”
“Normally, I would refuse and ask him to make an appointment; but, I know what this is about. Send him in and leave the door open.” Grayfia ordered.
“Y-yes, my Lady.” The secretary said and left.
A moment later, an angry Zeoticus Gremory entered the office as if he owned the place.
“I absolutely refuse to be interrogated by the man that is holding my son hostage.” Grayfia said loudly and a soft gasp came from the secretary in the outer office.
Zeoticus looked shocked at the accusation. “I am not...”
“I will collect him from your clan's custody later this evening. Once I have him safely away from your influence, I will be willing to talk to you tomorrow and will answer your questions while I am no longer under duress or threat.” Grayfia told the arrogant devil. “Will there be anything else not family related, even if I doubt you have any official business to conduct with the Foreign Affairs office.”
Zeoticus shook his head.
“Then you can see yourself out.” Grayfia said dismissively and went back to working on the paperwork on her desk. “Sarah? Can you add Lord Gremory in for the first appointment in the morning.”
“Y-yes, my lady.” The secretary said and did so.
Zeoticus stood there for a few moments before he realized he had been told to leave, as if he wasn't a Duke and the head of one of the more prominent Pillar Families. He held in his anger as he tried to glare at the woman behind the desk, only it didn't work. He let out a huff as she ignored his efforts and he turned and left the office at a brisk walk.
Grayfia only waited a moment before she stood and went to the door to look at her secretary. “Have you made a decision yet about wanting to stay in the office?”
The secretary glanced over at the elevator where an angry Lord Gremory had just left. “I think I'd like to stay.”
Grayfia nodded and then surprised the secretary by smiling at her. “Thank you, Sarah. Keeping you will be quite helpful as I settle into my new and unfamiliar duties.”
“You're quite welcome, my Lady.” Sarah said with a blush. She hadn't realized how beautiful Grayfia could become with a smile on her face. She was so different from Serafall's behavior that it left the secretary wondering what else was going to happen.
Grayfia closed the office door and went back to her desk. She glanced at tomorrow's schedule and nodded. She had a meeting with the Youkai tomorrow afternoon and she was sure there was going to be a lot of tension between her and Yasaka, despite how much they respected each other.
Perhaps Issei could join me for his first assignment as my assistant. Grayfia thought and smiled. Having the handsome young man under her, in more ways than one, made her heart beat fast and her stomach flutter. We could even enjoy a meal afterwards.
Her plans set, Grayfia pushed confronting her ex-father-in-law aside and wouldn't worry about it until tonight when she went to the Gremory Mansion to retrieve her son.
How dare they assume I would do that to them after everything they had done for me? Grayfia asked herself as she continued to wade through the mountain of paperwork Serafall had somehow foisted off to be done later, only to never actually do any of it. The entire office was a mess and there was no rhyme or reason to her filing system.
She had no choice but to do as they thought she would, because she couldn't leave her son in that kind of environment. The distrust alone would shatter the young boy's view of his grandmother and all of the kind words and deeds would fade away as he saw the things they did in a new light.
Grayfia's thoughts would perplex her for the rest of the evening as she worked to restructure the entire office setup to made it more manageable.
Ajuka Beelzebub was shocked at the thing Grayfia had handed to him. How did something so small and innocuous become the most valuable item in the entire history of the devil race? A single sperm. Just one. And it was guaranteed to impregnate any female devil it was given to. It was unheard of!
A massive battery of tests, spells, and experiments later, Ajuka had to admit the truth. There was no possible way he could think of for a single sperm to survive long enough to do what Issei claimed it would do. Was there a special delivery system? Did he teleport it into the egg? Was there some kind of hidden homing signal or something magical to let it find the egg?
The only experiment left to do was to fertilize an egg with it to see if t would produce a viable pregnancy and he couldn't conduct it. Grayfia had warned him that he needed an actual woman's egg and not any other kind of substitute for it to work, like a lab rat or a mouse. Grayfia did mention the in-vitro fertilization technique and he pondered that.
It was a lot more work to go to the human world to find a needy couple and replacing one of their many treatments, just to conduct a simple experiment. It would be easier to find a woman locally and paying her to be a guinea pig. Ajuka jerked upright and suppressed a laugh. Yes, he could actually do that!
There were hundreds of thousands of needy devils in the Underworld and it would be easy to pick one of them and promise a life of luxury to let him conduct the final experiment. It was both an investment and also would prove the single sperm really could be used to make a woman pregnant.
Ajuka left his lab and walked to the elevator. He stepped in and rode it down to the ground floor as his mind made all the preparations and a whole lot of assumptions about exactly how much he could get away with. Well, he was a Satan, so he could pretty much do anything he wanted anyway.
As luck would have it, as soon as Ajuka stepped out onto the street, his eyes caught sight of a lady of the night. He smiled brightly at finding someone so soon and crossed the street, regardless of the traffic that he ignored the honking horns of, and walked over to where she stood.
“You're either an idiot or powerful enough to not worry about getting run over.” The female devil with shaggy blonde hair said as she craned her neck back and looked way up at his face. “If your cock is anywhere near relative to your height, I just might give you a discount.”
Ajuka mentally shrugged at that, since spending money had never been a huge concern of his. “I'll give you a million devil dollars to let me impregnate you and another million if you hand over the child when it's born.”
The female devil was shocked speechless for only a moment before she spoke. “Eh, I've had weirder requests.” She said and shrugged. “I'll take the deal, as long as you fuck me good first.”
Ajuka tilted his head slightly. “You don't only want the money?”
The female devil laughed. “With how low our birthrates are, do you really think men put in a whole lot of effort during sex?”
Ajuka smiled at that question. “I believe you'll receive a bonus for adding more valuable research material to my experiments.”
The female devil laughed. “Yeah, okay.” She said and opened her top to show off her spectacular breasts. “How much bigger are these going to get if you knock me up?”
Ajuka's smile grew. “Yes, another million should be enough for all the data you provide.”
“Damn.” She said and took his arm to turn him back to the building he came from as his elbow nestled between her breasts. “Next you're going to offer to let me move in with you to keep me close.” She said, clearly sarcastically.
“I thought that was understood?” Ajuka asked her, slightly confused.
She gave him a surprised look, then she laughed. “All right then, I will.” She said and led him back across the street. “Just make sure to keep the sex good and I'll do whatever you want.”
“Excellent.” Ajuka said and was quite happy to have found a willing participant so quickly.
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