The Protagonist System

279 Clearing Out The Deadwood Part One

279 Clearing Out The Deadwood Part One

Yasaka tried to not blush as the handsome young man gently held her hand, made a small cut on her fingertip, and used her blood to bind the dimension's protection wards to her through the magical book. His apology about yesterday was both a surprise and a welcome distraction, because he was sincere and wasn't only saying it because he had been ordered to by his boss, the Foreign Affairs Minister.

She would never admit that how he had stood up to her the day before, over her reaction to his veiled threat against her daughter, kind of turned her on. He had been the only one in recent memory to not cower away from her when she was angered and he had called her out on her mistake. She hadn't really understood much of what he was explaining at the time and she had been shocked at him telling her to shut up.

Yasaka felt her finger heal and also felt herself grow wet at remembering what they had done in bed the day before. She had already checked herself and with one of the medical personnel to confirm she really was pregnant with a male of her species, the very rare nine-tailed fox. She suspected Issei was as strong as her, maybe even stronger, and now she was pregnant with his baby, just like Grayfia was.

That had been a bout of jealousy and envy that she couldn't fight against and she couldn't let the opportunity pass her by. A guaranteed pregnancy that was verified by Ajuka Beezelbub himself to become a full member of the mother's race? She absolutely had to have one for herself!

“And done.” Issei said and handed her the book. “Your family are now the guardians of the Youkai Dimension and control who and what can exist within its confines.”

Yasaka nodded and hugged the book to her breasts.

“Have you made a decision about the solution I've come up with?” Issei asked her.

Yasaka knew she should refuse and show trust in her fellow youkai, even if they did have plans to attack her and her family. Could she just shunt them off into a sub-dimension and let them live away from her influence?

“You still have overall control of everything, since they will be attached to one of the three main lay lines under your territory.” Issei said and tapped a fingertip on the book without touching her breasts, even though they had spread out and almost covered the thing. “The first page will split to show each piece of the dimension and you can add or remove names as you see fit.”

Yasaka didn't balk at having that much control over where her people lived, since she was well used to making much harder decisions in her life. “Can you do just the one village for the Oni and some of the surrounding area as a test? I don't want to shove off everyone in each species if it's only a few malcontents causing trouble.”

Issei nodded and stood up. “I had thought they would like their own spaces; but, a test to see how it works with one part is a better idea. If it works as well as I think it will, perhaps another deal can be worked out to make the other two spaces. Maybe you could offer them up like a reward for good service?”

Yasaka didn't visibly show her surprise at his suggestion of having the separation actually be seen as a reward and not as a punishment to keep the more violent faction of the youkai away from the rest of the population. That was a wonderful way to twist the idea, though. She also had a few hundred miles of extra territory that she didn't really know what to do with, so losing some of that wouldn't impact her plans much.

“I will take that under advisement, Assistant Hyoudou.” Yasaka said and couldn't keep the pleased tone out of her voice. “Please proceed to create the agreed upon space and I will let the displaced youkai know their homes will be returned to them soon.”

“Yes, your highness.” Issei said and had a blank look for a moment, then he disappeared without a flash of light or a sound.

I wonder if he will tell me how he does that? Yasaka asked herself and called for an attendant to let them pass the word about the new sub-dimension and to gather those that lived in that village.

Issei had explained to her that the village would disappear completely from the dimension it was currently in and wouldn't take anything with it, since the new sub-dimension would create what was needed, like air, dirt, and trees, for the inhabitants to survive.

That was fantastic to know and Yasaka couldn't wait for... she gasped when she felt one of her ley lines be tapped and there was a slight drain of energy until the sub-dimension stabilized. She opened the book and the bottom third of the page had a line on it and she could add in the names to allow them to enter that space.

That had been a surprise to learn as well. Yasaka could add and subtract names, fully controlling who and what could be inside her domain. It was a heady feeling, knowing she had such fine control over her people. All she needed to do was write a name and then scratch it out to banish someone from her home and her wetness increased at the thought.

The horny nine-tailed fox woman picked up the list of Oni and other youkai that had lived in and around that one village and started adding their names into the new section. She wasn't sure when she started smiling while she wrote and it didn't really matter. These youkai had their future in her hands and she couldn't have been happier that she had so much control over her potential enemies.

Almost as an afterthought, thanks to Issei's idea of making it a reward and not a punishment, she added the names of the other youkai that had been shunted out of her dimension, including the two that had complained to Grayfia about their treatment and not her, as if to establish that they had a right to contact an outside agency without her permission.

Going behind her back like that had cemented in her mind that Issei's wards really did work to protect her, so she would have to give him a little something as a thank you. He did seem to like playing with her breasts and she was sure he would appreciate getting to play with them before he left.


I didn't question why Yasaka was horny and offered her breasts up for me to fondle and suckle. I had heard her thoughts about being thankful about the protection wards actually working and didn't only cause her trouble for no reason. They let her know exactly who was against her and she was quite grateful about that. The blowjob was a nice bonus, too.

Of course, her attendant grabbed me as soon as I left Yasaka's office and dragged me off to her room to pet her tail and scratch her ears. I had to add silencing charms to her room to stop her howls of pleasure as I showed her just how well I could scratch her itch. It was almost funny listening to her thoughts and how happy she was about having sex with her queen's consort.

I thanked her for allowing me to pet her tail, kissed her goodbye, and teleported to my room. I had a shower in the bathroom, dressed in my suit again, and stepped back to Grayfia's office. The pleased look on her face let me know she had already heard from Yasaka and the report I handed to her was superfluous. She still took it and filed it with the previous contract, since it was also an amendment to the agreed clauses.

I also let her know about Lord Gremory contacting her about me rendering Rias free of her pregnancy. Grayfia didn't look shocked, so she knew some of it. What she didn't know was how I had done it or if I had killed the bundle of cells that would grow into a baby. Instead of trying to explain, I took out the container of amniotic fluid and showed her the cells were intact.

“If you give me permission, I will negotiate a deal on your behalf.” Grayfia said.

I thought about it for a minute. “You are the Foreign Affairs Minister and I do technically have the future Gremory heir as a hostage, even if he is my own son.” I told her and she nodded. “I'll hold onto the container until you work something out that won't compromise your personal beliefs or the office you hold.”

Grayfia smiled at me and nodded. “I'll let you know after the Gremory Clan contacts me.”

“Thank you.” I said and checked the time. I only had a short time left before I had to leave.

“It's fine. You can leave early.” Grayfia said and waved me away from her desk. “You did a lot of good work today to salvage that whole mess without any incidents or looking like you were grovelling.”

“You expected me to?” I asked with a chuckle.

“I thought you would do anything, including grovelling, to get her to forgive you.” Grayfia answered. “I did not expect her to respect you standing up to her.”

“Ha, me either. I would have done a lot to smooth things over.” I admitted.

“Then go home and enjoy your evening.” Grayfia ordered.

“I will, thank you.” I said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “If you need anything, call.”

Grayfia nodded and I stepped away from her desk and appeared just inside the door of the house.

“Mom! I'm home!” I said and stored my suit and equipped some casual clothes.

“We're in the living room, dear.” Miki responded.

We? I asked myself and walked in to see Serafall and Sona sitting on the couch drinking tea. I checked the house wards and mentally sighed at them being altered to add Serafall and Sona to the exceptions, which also hid their magical signatures. Sneaksy devilses!

“It was my idea to show up here like this.” Serafall said and accepted all the blame.

Sona sighed and put her tea down. “I warned her you wouldn't like us dropping in uninvited and she wouldn't listen.”

“After hearing your offer, I couldn't wait to see what you could do to change my looks.” Serafall said and gave me a very pointed look. “What exactly were you going to do to make me unrecognizable?”

I thought about lying and maybe playing a prank on her, like making her a man like I had made Mil-Tan into a woman, then chose to do the smart thing. “I was going to change your appearance so you could pass as High Angel Gabriel's near identical twin.”

Sona gasped and Serafall's teacup dropped to the floor. It didn't break, thanks to me casting impervious spells on everything in the house.

“You're joking.” Serafall whispered.

“No, my joke would be gender-swapping you like I did to Mil-Tan.” I corrected her.

“Oh! That reminds me.” Sona said and pulled out an envelope. “Here is a copy of the first deposit of Mil-Tan's contract with you that went into your bank account.”

I accepted the envelope and opened it. Inside was a piece of paper with the amount on it. I laughed at the ridiculous amount on it and handed it to my mother.

Miki giggled like a little girl at the amount of money I now had. “I guess I should stop giving you an allowance and spending money.”

“Don't you dare.” I said without any heat and knelt beside her to hug her. “You do that because you care about me and I love that I don't have to worry about not having enough when I buy things.”

Miki gave my cheek a kiss. “You say the sweetest things.”

“It's the truth.” I said and kissed her cheek back. “Being rich shouldn't change who we are.”

Miki nodded and I let her go before I stood up and looked at Serafall.

“You don't have to accept my idea about how to alter your appearance. Do you have any other ideas about what you want to look like?” I asked her.

Serafall glanced at her sister and back to me. “What about making me look like Sona?”

I shook my head. “Her Queen Tsubaki is her with longer hair and larger breasts. She doesn't need another one hanging around as a reminder.”

Serafall pouted and Sona blushed. Neither of them denied my observation, though.

“I know you don't want to look like some random woman off the street.” I commented.

Serafall huffed and crossed her arms under her breasts to push them up. “I'm too special to be some nobody that no one will recognize.”

I thought about that and all of the women I had met in my travels. Since I was sure Serafall wouldn't want to be anyone that people would confuse with the real person, there were not a lot of options for her. The height thing would be a detriment, unless I picked one of the two options that would make her stand out.

“Okay, I have two ideas you might like.” I said and waved a hand and created two mannequins wearing a business suit and skirt. One was a 6 foot tall Latina woman that looked around 18 years old (Alexandria from Worm) and the other was a 7 foot tall woman with light blue skin that looked about 25 years old (Narwhal from Worm).

The three women in the room stared at the two quite tall and well dressed objects.

“You want to be recognized? The first will make you stand out for the height alone. The skin tone could be adjusted if you want.” I said and pointed at the second one. “This one would be more appropriate if you want to embrace showing off your ice powers without being associated with the Sitri Clan.”

No one spoke or did anything except stare at the two examples.

I left the living room and went to the kitchen to see supper was simmering on the stove and helped myself to a bowl of stew and added a plate of rice. Since I didn't want to eat alone a the kitchen table, I did up bowls and plates for my mom, Serafall, and Sona, then brought them all into the living room to pass them out.

The three of them accepted the food without looking and ate absently. They barely paid any attention to anything else but the mannequins and I didn't try to engage them in conversation. I also didn't prod them mentally to see what they were thinking, either. Whatever they were imagining as they stared at the two choices, I didn't really need or want to know.

“Despite how tempting the blue one is, the height and the color are too distinctive and would make me stand out too much.” Serafall said and didn't look at Sona to see what she thought. “If the choice is between the two, then the Latina woman is the one I pick.”

“Agreed.” Sona said right away and Miki, Serafall, and I looked at her. “She's attractive.”

I did not need to hear Serafall's thoughts to see the brief elation on her face before she could hide it. Apparently, she had made the right choice and was eager to become her new self. We finished eating and I thanked my mom for it, making her briefly blush, and I brought Sona and Serafall up to the spare room.

I asked Serafall to strip, because her clothes were not going to fit her when she gained nearly a foot in height and her body changed shape so significantly. Neither of us missed Sona's reaction to the order, either.

Unlike what I thought she would do, Serafall didn't tear her clothes off or made it into a striptease or something. She just casually took off her clothing, as if she was alone, and then she laid down on the bed without a concern that she had just stripped naked in front of her sister and a relative stranger.

“This may tingle a little and feel a lot weird.” I said and knelt beside the bed and placed a hand on her forehead.

Serafall gave me a deadpan look. “You're not going to molest me, are you?”

I chuckled at her misunderstanding my warning. “No, I meant this.” I said and activated Panacea's power and started to change and alter her outward appearance. It was easier to make the cosmetic changes first and then I could get into the changes needed to be done to her bones, tendons, and muscles to increase her height.

Serafall shivered a little as the power changed her looks and her body almost fought against the changes. Her magic liked its current container and was resistant to let it change, because it was comfortable where it was.

“It really does feel a lot weird.” Serafall told us.

“Hold on, here comes the tingly part.” I said and started in on the necessary changes to her base form that held the bones together and worked up from there.

Serafall's eyes widened at how it felt, thanks to her magic that permeated her physical existence. I knew she would feel it a lot more, since she was so powerful and had been in her current body for over half a millennium. Any change would give her some feedback over how wrong it felt and she realized how big of a change it was going to be.

When I had finished all of the alterations, I gave her one more warning. “I need to reset you for the changes to become permanent and it's going to hurt everywhere for a brief second.”

Serafall frowned slightly. “Didn't you numb my body already?”

I shook my head. “Numbing it won't work. I'm going to literally tear your atoms apart and put you back together in the blink of an eye, so your mind and body can accept this is what you look like. It will hurt and you're probably going to curse me for it, since your magic is so strong and its been fighting the changes the whole time.”

Serafall sighed. “Do it.”

I nodded and used Overhaul's power.

“GAH!” Serafall gasped as her body flickered and then she stared at me as her magic settled. “It actually worked?”

“It's funny, isn't it?” I asked and she nodded. “You're going to need a new name, too.”

Serafall sat up and she didn't waver or lose her balance from the new distance her head was above the bed. She glanced down at her long legs and the much nicer thighs she had. The caramel color of her skin made her thoughts run wild as she imagined Sona having a lot of fun caressing her all over.

“My chest is a lot smaller.” Serafall said, a little disappointed.

“No, you are a foot taller and your previously oversized breasts on your tiny body now match your new larger body.” I said and patted her shoulder. “Your ass is larger as well, so you need to be more mindful when you're swinging it around.”

“Really?” Serafall asked and hopped out of bed and turned around, then she tried to half-turn her upper body to look at her ass. She easily saw Sona staring at her much larger and caramel colored cheeks.

I knew she couldn't resist teasing her sister and watched with amusement as Serafall bent way over to rest her chest on the bed and stuck her ass high up in the air.

“I hope you didn't change anything else, Issei. I had a beautiful pussy and it would be such a shame if you ruined it!” Serafall said as she spread her legs and one of her hands reached back and rubbed it briefly and then spread her damp outer lips with her fingers. “Oh, what a relief! It's still the same.”

Sona made a soft keening sound, as if she was being wounded. Serafall blushed deeply at hearing her sister make that sound and she let her hand slowly move away from her opening.

“Rebecca Brown might be a good name for you to adopt and should hide you completely from anyone ever finding out who you really are.” I suggested and put a hand behind Sona and gently pushed her forward and her face was right next to Serafall's opening that dripped like a leaky faucet. “Only Sona will ever be part of the sin of seeing you like this.”

“Only Sona?” Serafall asked and looked back over her shoulder to see the desire on Sona's face. “Y-yes, only Sona can see me like this. I promised to always be here for her, didn't I?”

“You did.” I said and leaned in to whisper in Sona's ear. “Only you can have her like this, because she's yours and always will be.”

Sona made that noise again and grabbed both cheeks firmly with her hands and buried her face between them. Serafall moaned and came hard enough that it splashed over Sona's face and glasses, not that either of them cared about that. I stepped out of the room and shut the door to let them indulge in sin and went back downstairs to spend the evening with my mother, whom had a smug look on her face.

I sat down with her on the couch and we didn't discuss what was loudly going on upstairs. We just turned the television up a little and enjoyed spending some time relaxing together.

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