The Protagonist System

281 Intermission: That Happened

281 Intermission: That Happened

It was one of the longest bathroom breaks ever recorded from Miss Yamanaka's class and not one single person commented on it. I made it back to class and worked for only twenty minutes before the bell rang for lunch. I apologized again for missing so much and promised to make it up to the teacher somehow. That earned a cute laugh from her and Miss Yamanaka told me I had already done that.

I thanked her for being so understanding and went with my class to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, I wasn't asked to buy their lunches again, even if every single girl gave me a knowing look as they paid for their own. It made me chuckle and I wondered if I could get away with ordering out for lunch the next time.

The lunch period passed fairly quickly while I was engaged with a few of their conversations. Apparently, being called out about being single had gained me a lot more interest from the rest of the girls in class. It was usually the opposite, because if you were taken, that meant you were worth it to be in a relationship with. Yeah, it only makes sense if you consider that they want what they can't have.

We went back to class when the bell rang and I helped with the afternoon classes. Both the students and the teacher seemed a lot more relaxed and less stressed about learning, which made it a win in my book. The funny part happened during the last class of the day when a member of the Student Council delivered a handful of transfer requests from other classes.

Miss Yamanaka glanced at the few empty seats in the class and saw that she had more transfers than seats available. “Does anyone want to switch homeroom classes with...”

“NO!” All the girls shouted.

“Yes!” The two other boys in the class exclaimed. My previously perverted cohorts had been eerily silent for a while and now I knew why. I was the sole object of attention and the girls in the class completely ignored them so much that they stopped acting up.

Miss Yamanaka counted the requests and the two new seats, nodded, and signed the slips. She waved the two boys up to her desk and handed them two of the slips. “I assume you want to stay in a class together.”

Both boys nodded and left before she said anything else.

Miss Yamanaka handed the three remaining slips back to Tsubasa Yura, Sona's Rook. “You can send them here now or they can wait until tomorrow morning. The school day is almost over.”

Tsubasa nodded and left with a swish of her skirt. I intentionally didn't look, which all of the girls noticed and seemed pleased about. No, I didn't ask why or poked their minds to find out. I assumed it was because it had been a blatant attempt to show that I hadn't changed my perverted ways and I would take any opportunity to look at a girl's panties when given a chance, and I hadn't taken it.

The three girls showed up at the same time the two girls replacing the two boys did, so they all introduced themselves to our class and that finished out the day. We all went to our lockers to drop off our things and nearly all of the girls said goodbye to me. I responded of course, and left the school with a large group of happy girls that split up outside the gate.

As soon as I was out of their sight, I changed to my best suit and stepped from there to Grayfia's office. She handed me the receipt for the money transfer into my account, completing the contract with Venelana, and I felt a small rush of power.

I checked with my clairvoyance power and saw Venelana drop to her knees from the power rush and her maid gasped when she squirted onto the floor. I touched Grayfia and shared the vision with her, so she would know the deal was completed.

“She is definitely regretting increasing the rift between you and the Gremory Clan.” Grayfia said with a smile.

“How much do you want to bet she's going to try and come up with some way to make another deal with me?” I asked her.

“It doesn't matter, because I have to refuse any request that isn't family related.” Grayfia said. “I almost didn't tell you about the last one.”

I reached over and laid a hand on her shoulder. “I wouldn't have objected if you did. I trust your judgment, just like I did back when we first met and you accepted the blame for Rias' behavior on her behalf.”

Grayfia sighed. “She's going to be very upset when she finds out about this.”

I thought about that and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Maybe we should set up a few extra barriers around the ORC clubroom or the whole building, just in case.”

“That's not a bad idea. We might need to pull out the other members temporarily as well.” Grayfia suggested. That was easier said than done, though.

“Should we leak the details to her and arrange the time when she'll throw her tantrum?” I asked.

Grayfia shook her head. “If I know Zeoticus, and I do, he'll send her a missive as soon as possible about changing the heirship to Venelana's pregnancy and will remove all the future power of the clan out of Rias' hands, since she's proven herself to be unreliable.”

I tried to not frown at hearing that. “I thought she didn't want the responsibility of being the heiress?”

“She doesn't.” Grayfia said with a sigh. “It's the prestige she won't want to give up.”

I knew what she meant and had to agree. That was probably why the heirship hadn't been transferred to her son Millicas when he was born, despite being the only male Gremory child previously. By the look on Grayfia's face, I was sure she was relieved her son wasn't caught up in any of that mess anymore.

“Let's get to work.” Grayfia said and stood.

I took her hand and stepped us to behind the Occult Research Club building and we both set out wards and spells to stop anything from passing through, especially demonic energy. I set one wardstone to act as a magic sinkhole, too. It wouldn't last long, not against the Power of Destruction; but, it should last long enough to not let it damage the wards or escape.

Grayfia asked me for writing supplies and I made a desk and chair appear as well. She sat and wrote out three messages, one each to Koneko, Akeno, and Yuuto. I used a tiny portal to deliver them and felt the three of them leave the places inside the building where they were. Koneko was in the kitchen, Akeno was making tea, and Yuuto was in a side room that was his practice area.

Was it luck that had them all away from Rias or where they trying to give her some space? I asked myself as the three of them exited the building and moved towards us. It was perfect timing, because both Grayfia and I felt a teleportation circle activate inside the wards. I touched Grayfia to let her watch as a letter was left behind and Rias went to pick it up.

“We were in time.” Grayfia said with relief.

“What's this about?” Akeno asked when she stopped in front of the desk Grayfia sat behind.

“Your King is about to receive some bad news.” I said and she looked surprised, then she turned around to run back into the building. I caught her and the other two with telekinesis and held them. “We can't let her tantrum endanger you.”

“Let... me... GO!” Akeno yelled and lightning sparked along her hands. “Rias needs me!”

“Do you want her to regret hurting you or perhaps killing you when her magic goes out of control?” Grayfia asked.

Akeno stopped struggling and looked sad. “But, she needs...”

Her words were cut off when a whoosh sound came from the building and we all turned to look as a large ball of black energy grew out from the main clubroom and consumed most of that side of the building. There wasn't a yell or a scream of anguish, either. There was only utter destruction left behind when the energy faded away and the hasty wards had barely held.

“That could have been you.” I whispered as I let them go from my telekinetic hold.

Akeno ignored me and ran over to where Rias was floating in the large empty space that used to be their clubhouse. Rias had her wings deployed and had a look of fury on her face and a mostly disintegrated letter in her hands.

“Rias?” Akeno asked as she deployed her own wings and flew up to her friend. “What is it?”

“I'm nothing.” Rias said as tears came to her eyes.

“What do you mean?” Akeno asked and floated next to her to hug her with one arm.

“My father... he demoted me. I'm... I'm not...” Rias tried to hand her the letter and it crumbled to ash. “I'm not the Gremory Heiress anymore.”

“No!” Akeno gasped and pulled her into a full hug. “How? Why?”

Rias didn't verbally respond as she turned and pointed right at me.

I couldn't reveal the details of the contract, just like the other deals I had agreed to, so I shrugged. “I was made an offer I couldn't in good conscience refuse.” I told them and took out my cell phone to send a quick message to Sona.

Grayfia nodded and stood up. “I helped broker the deal as well.”

Neither of us told them we didn't want to break the economy of their lands. Even after spending so much money, the Gremory Clan would recover their liquid assets relatively quickly, thanks to their large population and their higher standard of living. Things would just be a little tight for the Gremorys until they announced Venelana's pregnancy.

That should bring them back into the public eye in a positive way after all of the negative press. Having a male heir would make the whole population happy, especially since it meant a future marriage that would bring in more people to the clan and they wouldn't be losing a member like they would with the Phenex Clan deal.

“Why would you do that to her?” Yuuto asked and used his sacred gear to form a sword out of the ground at his feet. “Do you hate her that much for pushing you away?”

I put my phone away and sighed at seeing him brandish his blade towards me and Koneko took a hostile stance to fight me as well. “I don't hate her and I didn't do that to her.”

“Yes, you did!” Rias spat and flew down to land in front of us, as did Akeno. “You gave my baby to my mother and now she's pregnant!”

Akeno, Yuuto, and Koneko gasped in shock.

“Is that really so surprising? I warned you I would give the heir to someone else.” I said and all she did was glare at me. “You didn't try to make any kind of offer or deal to get him back, or bothered to apologize, or did anything at all where I was concerned, except complain to your mother about everything.”

“Once he learned of it, did you really think your father wouldn't do everything he could to get control of the Gremory Heir back as soon as possible?” Grayfia asked and Rias didn't dare glare at her ex-sister-in-law. “However, I was shocked he wanted Venelana to carry the child herself and not his Queen, Bishop, or even one of his many mistresses.”

Rias blushed and turned away from us. Everyone knew how much of a philanderer her father was.

“I suspect he wanted to keep the child within the family's main line and not be considered a child from a secondary branch or perhaps a bastard.” I said, trying to puzzle the reason out. “As Venelana's, he can take full control of the family and no one can fight against it or claim he isn't a pureblood Gremory.”

“My SON is going to become my UNCLE!” Rias shouted loudly.

“Okay, he's going to be a really pure pureblood and even the members of the Old Satan Faction are going to love that.” I commented and tried to not laugh at Grayfia's response.

“It might even ease some of the tensions between the New Satans and the Old Satans.” Grayfia said.

“You're lucky this is happening after school or everyone would be witnessing this.” Sona said as she flew over with her whole Peerage behind her. “I've already dismissed the other clubs and none of them saw the building be destroyed.”

Rias looked embarrassed. “It... it's still standing.”

Sona glanced at the large building that had a large round scoop taken out of the side of it. “You dissolved part of the roof, most of the floor and walls on this side, and half of Gasper's apartment.”

“GASPER!” Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Yuuto yelled.

Before anyone could stop them, they flew over and into the hole Rias had made in the building. Sona and Grayfia gave me a questioning look, as if daring me to not go, so I sighed and deployed my devil wings.

Sona caught her breath at seeing the 12 bat wings spring from my back. “That's why I felt a rush of power when I signed the contract and completed it!”

I didn't want to tell her I hadn't felt anything, so I lifted off and flew over to the hole in the building. Sona deployed her 2 wings and Grayfia deployed her 8 wings to follow me. We landed inside what was left of Gasper's apartment and saw Rias cradling the torso and legs of Gasper and crying over them.

I looked over to the hole and saw his computer desk was by the outside wall and the ball of destruction Rias released had taken his head, shoulders, and arms. At least it was quick. I thought and didn't say that, because it would be insensitive. I also felt a little guilty about forgetting about him. What I said next shocked everyone. “Everyone step back and I can save him.”

“Stop lying!” Rias shouted and hugged the body tighter. “I won't let you give me hope and then take it away again! I can't! I CAN'T!”

I glanced at Grayfia and she looked surprised. “Shall I knock her out or do you want to do it?”

Grayfia's face changed to a blank one. “She won't let you anywhere near her.”

“Good point.” I said and motioned for her to go ahead.

Grayfia walked over to her and Rias glared at her, something the young woman had never done before, and Grayfia sighed and cast a sleep spell on her. She picked her up and handed her to Akeno, then ushered her, Koneko, and Yuuto out of the way.

“Thank you.” I said and knelt beside the body. I could tell it had been dragged from the knocked over chair and put the chair back with a wave of my hand and then levitated the body back into place.

I hadn't done this technique before; but, I knew how it was done and how to do it. I wasn't going to restore the building, though. They needed the reminder to never use their powers without considering the consequences. Then again, they would probably have the place fixed by the morning to cover the whole thing up.

I closed my eyes and let my chronomancy power cover the remains. I was glad I didn't have to touch it, because I was sure Gasper was going to freak out about his apartment and safe haven being destroyed. That should get Rias and her Peerage to realize he was back among the living, though.

I glanced over at Grayfia and nodded, letting her know to wake Rias. I activated the power and rewound time for Gasper. Or tried to. It didn't work and I frowned at it.

“You see! I TOLD YOU!” Rias yelled. “He's a liar and a bastard!”

“Shut up, you spoiled little princess!” A harsh voice spat at her and everyone made sounds of surprise. They all turned around and there was Rebecca Brown glaring at the redhead. “Go ahead, Atlas. Show them what you can do if you arrive in time.”

I gave her a very sad look. “I'm sorry it's so limited and I missed by hours and not minutes.”

“I know.” Rebecca said and put an arm over Sona's shoulders and her other hand went to the pendant on her necklace. “I know you did what you could to give me everything I could ever want.”

Sona blushed and didn't say anything as she leaned slightly into the embrace.

I nodded and cast a diagnostic spell. There were two problems with Gasper's body. One, it was no longer alive and had activated the vampire part of the Dhampir's physiology. Two, the remains of the time stopping sacred gear he used to have, flooded the body with chronoton particles and it was interfering with my power.

So, a quick purging of the particles solved one part, and I would have to keep purging it as I reversed time for it, then a quick transfiguration and overhaul power use changed the body back to 'normal'. I activated the chronomancy power again and nothing interfered with it, so I continued.

Instead of the quick resurrection it was supposed to be, it took nearly a whole minute to keep purging the chronoton particles and restore Gasper to the moment before he was hit with the Power of Destruction. Thankfully, the gasps from everyone watching Gasper's head and arms grew back, didn't distract me.

I finished putting him back to what he was before, with two exceptions. He didn't have his sacred gear and he also wasn't Rias' Bishop anymore. I didn't tell them about it, since I figured they should figure it out for themselves after what happened to me after I died.

Then again, maybe I should whisper it to Grayfia and she could make sure they knew and could ask him if he wanted to become a member of the club again.

Gasper sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes were huge as he stared out the hole of the wall at the large group of people staring back at him.

“GASPER!” Koneko and Akeno yelled and they tackled the poor boy before they covered his face with kisses and tried to hug the stuffing out of him.

Rias just stood there with shock on her face and didn't seem to believe it.

I walked over to Grayfia and whispered in her ear about the circumstances and then stepped away to end up back in her office. I could get some work done while she was dealing with the fallout of Rias' tantrum.

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