Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.585 Winds of Gusto

CH.585 Winds of Gusto

Alright. I know you are done with me getting new shit, but sadly, there is more of it coming. 

Thankfully not too much. Just four more rewards.

Two of them are for the new flower beds I planted in the Empire, while two are for dhampirs cured with the Vampire’s Cure cards I gave out during the curings.

So let me just quickly list them so we can get to something else.

1. + +

I got a main set. Sure the Hidden Arsenal sets are tiny, but they are still Pack token sets, so they count as main sets. And they always have cards I don’t yet have, so they are cool.

The other two are promo trades, and with a quick glance, it doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything from them. Laura will get me copies of all of the cards anyway, so if I am missing stuff, it will be added to the Collection.

2. + +

Well, Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird is somehow new. I assumed I had it already, but apparently not. There are also Masked HERO Acid and Masked HERO Dian. The structure deck also has Lightpulsar Dragon; Darkflare Dragon and Eclipse Wyvern.


3. + + +

Okay. So the 5a and 5b from last time weren’t enough. Now I have 6, 6a and 6b. Great. And 6 has all of two cards. At least it is a promo trade and not a Reprint set.

Xyz Symphony is at least simple. And it has Xyz monsters, so I can advance the challenge.

4. + + +

Oh! I got Battle Pack: Epic Dawn! I remember that! It was a pack designed for sealed play. Basically a format where you open some number of packs and use the cards you get from them to make a deck and duel others. 

It is a lot of fun. Sure it is somewhat luck based, but I might have to make a tournament like that at some point. And using Epic Dawn as the blueprint for the packs wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I’ll probably do one as a release tournament when/if I end up releasing Yugioh cards to the people. Just the playing cards, not the summoning variants.

The promo trades are there. They have some new stuff, but nothing really worth note.

Now, before I forget, I got new Xyz monsters, so let’s summon them and get that stuff out of the way.

As it turned out, I have 8 new Xyz monsters.

Gagagigo the Risen; Thunder End Dragon; Gachi Gachi Gantetsu; Grenosaurus; Maestroke the Symphony Djinn; Melomelody the Brass Djinn; Muzurhythm the String Djinn; Temtempo the Percussion Djinn.


That got my total summoned to 71, and I got two rewards.

65 was my new fluffy friend. Epurrely Happiness and Purrely Happy Memory.


For 70, I got Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons and Wonder Xyz. 


Man, that thing is nightmare fuel. But whatever. It is on my side. I won’t run into it in a dark dungeon. I can make someone else run into it. Wonder Xyz isn’t all that good, but whatever. It is a card.

Summon unique Xyz Monsters
Unique Xyz Monsters summoned: 73
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram; Dhampir Vampire Sheridan; The Zombie Vampire; Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon; Number 71: Rebarian Shark; Number 39: Utopia Double; Number 39: Utopia; Number S39: Utopia the Lightning; Number S39: Utopia Prime; Number C39: Utopia Ray; Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon; Number C101: Silent Honor DARK; Number C102: Archfiend Seraph; Number C103: Ragnafinity; Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade; Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus; Number C106: Giant Red Hand; Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon; Number 39: Utopia Beyond; Number 39: Utopia Rising; Number 93: Utopia Kaiser; Number 99: Utopia Dragonar; Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray; Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray; Infernal Flame Banshee; The Phantom Knights of Break Sword; Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon; Number 101: Silent Honor ARK; Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry; Number 103: Ragnazero; Number 104: Masquerade; Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus; Number 106: Giant Hand; Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon; Heroic Champion - Excalibur; Galaxy Stealth Dragon; Wind-Up Zenmaister; Leviair the Sea Dragon; Submersible Carrier Aero Shark; Black Ray Lancer; Number 20: Giga-Brilliant; Number 10: Illumiknight; Evolzar Laggia; Baby Tiragon; Blaze, Supreme Ruler of all Dragons; Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon; Number 17: Leviathan Dragon; Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon; Number 34: Terror-Byte; Steelswarm Roach; Tiras, Keeper of Genesis; Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon; Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon; Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon; Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction; Number 16: Shock Master; Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max; Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings; Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo; Ebon Illusion Magician; Evolzar Solda; Number 76: Harmonizer Gradielle; Dark Anthelion Dragon; Gagagigo the Risen; Thunder End Dragon; Gachi Gachi Gantetsu; Grenosaurus; Maestroke the Symphony Djinn; Melomelody the Brass Djinn; Muzurhythm the String Djinn; Temtempo the Percussion Djinn; Epurrely Happiness; Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons
Next Reward is given at 75 unique Xyz Monsters
Next Reward: Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon + Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon + Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon + Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon

And the 75 reward will be a bunch more Galaxy-Eyes Xyz monsters. After I get these four, I must have all, or at least almost all of them. And I’m getting Doesn’t Matter Dragon. Which I really like. Mainly because of the name.

Now, you know the rules. I got a new main set. That means I have to open ten packs of it. That is what the rules say.

What rules do you ask? Well, I actually don’t know. But I feel like that is the rule, so I will follow it to the best of my ability.

So ten packs of coming up. Hopefully we can stop the Steelswarm Invasion from taking over the Factory.


Vylon Charger is a decent attack boost for Light monsters, as long as I equip plenty of equip spells to it. 

Gusto Egul summons other Gusto monsters. I might see what I can get with that.

Vylon Cube searches Equip Spells when used as a Synchro material.

Gem-Knight Garnet is just a Garnet. Or more like The Garnet. I mean, it has 1900 attack, which is nice, but that is all.

And Caam, Serenity of Gusto can make Pack tokens.

Next pack.


Gishki Shadow is just a good Gishki monster. 

Gem-Enhancement is a sucky Monster Reborn replacement. Except that it really isn’t even that.

And Lavalval Dragon is okay. Bouncing cards isn’t nearly as good for me as it is in the TCG. I’d rather just destroy things.

Next pack.


Gishki Abyss is another okay Gishki monster. Good if you are running a Gishki deck in the TCG, but nearly useless for me.

Steelswarm Caller can special summon from the deck. Nothing else really matters.

Laval Forest Sprite is fine. A small, well I suppose it could be a large, attack boost for the turn isn’t bad.

And Evigishki Soul Ogre is good. The effect is nice and 2800/2800 is a good statline.

Next pack.


Aquamirror Meditation is an interesting recovery card. I wish it was a spell, but what can you do.

Molten Whirlwind Wall is great. Attack boosts based on what is in my GY are great.

Vylon Soldier is pretty meh.

And Contact with Gusto is good enough.

Next pack.


Gishki Ariel is fine. Searching, even if it is with a flip effect, is always nice.

Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith I love. I don’t have enough Blacksmith monsters, so having even just one more is amazing. I feel like they will find their home in the HomeBase Foundry.

And Steelswarm Gatekeeper gives you an extra normal summon. Which I have an unlimited number of. So I don’t need it.

Next pack.


Steelswarm Cell is a free summon. But I don’t need one, so for me, it is just a limiter.

Gem-Knight Tourmaline is a Gem-Knight normal monster. Aka. nothing special

Laval Warrior can just deal some extra burn damage.

And Gishki Aquamirror is great. Sure it is just a Ritual Spell, but I’ll need it for the Gishki rituals.

Next pack.


Gishki Vanity just makes sure all of your Gishki ritual summons go through. Which is decent, but not something I really need.

Also, can I get a secret rare other than Caam? Sure she is pretty, but this is the third one I’ve gotten. I don’t need more of her.

Next pack.


Laval Miller is another monster that will likely get a job in the Foundry. Actually, maybe the Foundry will just be the Laval area. But outside of that, Miller isn’t that good.

Gem-Knight Fusion is no Brilliant Fusion, but I’ll take it.

And Contact with Gusto. Really Caam? You got mad that I didn’t want more copies of you, so you made sure I got a spell that had a picture of you? What are you, a clingy ex?

Next pack.


Gusto Thunbolt seems really good. It can special summon random Wind Psychic-Type monsters with 1500 or less defense. I’ll need to look into Gustos more. I’m pretty sure I got one a while back that also allowed random special summoning. I should play with them and see what they can give me.

And Vylon Material is fine. 600 attack boost isn’t that much, but it does search another Vylon Equip Spell when it is destroyed.

Next, and last, pack.


Sadly the last pack has nothing new.

Also, I have to say, the set name just straight up lies. This set isn’t a Steelswarm Invasion. It is more of a ‘Mirror of Gishki’ or ‘Winds of Gusto’. I even checked. There are 8 Steelswarm cards in this set, 9 Gishki cards and 10 Gusto cards. So I’m renaming Hidden Arsenal 5. It shall now be known as ‘Hidden Arsenal 5: Winds of Gusto’.

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