Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.587 Internet and Factory improvements

CH.587 Internet and Factory improvements

As it turns out, the two Virtual World monsters I got last time helped my Internet project a ton. Honestly speaking, it was almost ready to roll out. It just needs to be tested now.

… And I need to improve the smartphones a bit more. I expected that I could just go with the design I already had, but the new stuff Nyannyan and Lulu helped me with need a more powerful processor on the phones, so I’ll need to upgrade them before I ever even release them.


But that redesign won’t take too long, and thanks to Nyannyan and Lulu, I was able to analyze more microprocessors in my monsters. And then turn those processors into something you can run on mana. 

Also, there is a cool thing I added to the phones because of Nyannyan and Lulu. They used to have regular old touchscreen displays, but now they have hologram projector screens instead. That means the size of the screen can be adjusted, and you can use the smartphone as a projector. It does have a maximum size of about 22 inches, but that is still pretty good.

And that way I can sell actual projectors as an add-on. 

The two Virtual World monsters, and Janina, also helped with a different project. Making a Factory access point for the Dragon coast. 

I don’t let the dragons from the coast come into the Factory, even though Janina could show them the route there, because having a new dragon invade my personal dimension causes some strange feelings. Eventually I’ll get used to it, but with hundreds of dragons, I don’t want to get used to all of them coming and going however and whenever they want.

So instead, I’m making an access point that won’t cause me that feeling. Essentially a P2P tunnel. Okay, it isn’t exactly peer to peer, but more like a port forward system. But you get the point.

If I make the dragons a dedicated tunnel they can use to get to the Factory, it won’t be such a pain. And if I can do that, I should be able to make remote Factory access devices. Similar to the Factory VR, but without having to have me sit in the ‘admin’ chair.

I’ve already worked on something that could do the second part, just so I don’t have to be the server for the entire Turbo Duel tournament I plan to host at some point. But if all of this works, I can make Factory VR stations away from HomeBase so that those who are interested can practice riding duels.

And honestly speaking, the Factory offers so much nowadays that keeping it all to myself is just stupid. People can learn plenty of skills and magic from my monsters, so as long as we can check who can access the place, and considering it is the Factory, we can, it is a good thing for everyone.

Sure there will have to be some costs involved. I will need to buy or rent the places that hold the Factory VR devices. And those places will also need guards, as the VR devices do have some expensive materials, mainly some orichalcum.

But enough about logistics, let’s get to the dragons P2P device. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to make. Janina did most of the basic magic research, basically just making a new spell she called Soul Guidance. It does what it sounds like. It guides souls.

I then turned that spell into something we could write into a magic device. Not too bad with all the Spellcaster monsters that have shown me how to do it.

I then sent that to my quality control team, which meant that a bunch of my Factory monsters would look over it and optimize the device further.

Then we did quality control. Which was just a bunch of Factory tests. The products will always come out perfect if we make them with the True Core, so that isn’t an issue. And even if they somehow don’t, if I just take it into Storage, Tahlia can scan the thing and she will spot any issues.

After the Factory tests, it is time for the real life test. Luckily HomeBase has 8 dragons who are willing to be test subjects. … okay, who I made to be test subjects.

No, not Janina or Agunan. I’m too used to the two of them. But instead our 8 dragon maid/butler students.

Speaking of them, before we get to the test, let me talk a bit about how their training has been going.

It started off with them getting their asses kicked by my Combined Dragonmaids. This was to take them down a peg and remind them that they aren’t that amazing on HomeBase. Not all of them needed the reminder, but a few of them did.


From there, their first job was to learn how to not accidentally break stuff. Dragon strength, even though their human form does lower it, breaks stuff easily. Plates, brooms, dusters, door handles and decoration pieces are all things that will break if you don’t control your strength. And yes, I’ve crushed my share of door handles and coffee cups when I’ve been frustrated.

And sadly, these dragon maids can’t just magic back everything they break. This world’s magic isn’t that convenient.


Anyway, let’s get to the test, or more specifically, the test results. You wouldn’t enjoy the test anyway. It was just boring nothingness.

Janina kept an eye on the dragons on the outside while I was in the Factory feeling for anything strange. I did feel when the dragons came in, but it felt really similar to Janina coming in, but at a massively reduced level. 

I would have preferred feeling nothing at all, but this was also fine. 

The return trip had minor issues. Mainly that the dragons didn’t know how to leave the Factory. So Janina came in and helped them out.

Then we worked on a return guidance device, and with what we already had, and just the usual Factory bullshit, we made one in no time at all.

We then tested both devices again and were happy with them.

I then made a larger, more robust version of the device. After testing that, and making a return device in the Factory that will return the dragons to the coast instead of HomeBase, I teleported to the coast and installed the device. I let Janina pick the location for it, and she’d also be responsible for its safety.

From there, it was to redesign the thing to work with people. People are both harder and easier than dragons. Mainly because every dragon on the coast knows Soul Magic, humans don’t. So human souls must be guided all the way, both ways. Instead of us just making a path for them to follow.

It is like comparing a roller coaster to a hiking trail. Sure one is easier to make, but there is no chance no one will go missing in a roller coaster. Unless a safety feature massively fucks up. But I’ve made sure that can’t happen after Cailie’s spirit adventure.

Or at least it can’t happen unless someone even stronger than Janina decides to nab a soul. Yes, I had Janina attempt to do that, but even her true body couldn’t do it. And no, the spirits can’t do it anymore either. Haven’t tested with demons, but I doubt even that Demon God Hope mentioned could do it.

Since I was getting closer to releasing the Factory, smartphones and the Internet to the world, I next decided to work on a little guide video about the Factory. While also making sure the Factory would have its security increased massively. 

There wasn’t much in the Factory I didn’t want people to access. The main places were the control platform, as it can literally control some of my skills, and Tahlia’s room in the Goblin Bank, as you can get access to Storage with it.

Luckily the Goblin Bank was stupidly secure because of all of my Goblin monsters. If you even think about taking something from there, you will be surrounded by an army of goblins. They will pile on you to the point where they can even kill a Divine-Beast. You don’t want to mess with them.

But the control platform was protected only by Factory rules. In theory, no one without permission can get to the platform, but that is in theory. I won’t rely on theory for that.

So I moved the control platform to a dedicated space that isn’t even physically connected to the main Factory. That you can only get to by teleportation. 

I then added a nice little ‘Control Platform’ door to a false control platform I made. The false platform, which I named the Surveillance Platform, is where the real one was, but it is more of a surveillance station, as the name would imply. It has access to all of the Factory cameras, except the restricted areas. And it can control the Factory, but only so much. It can do things like teleport people (not to the real control room or Tahlia’s room) and ban people from the Factory. And it can be used to make minor modifications to the Factory rooms as well.

I then made a team of Factory overseers. A group of monsters that have access to the Surveillance Platform. They will be in charge of banning people from the Factory and making sure the Factory stays safe.

That team consisted of two halves. First was the Surveillance Platform workers. It has plenty of ‘weaker’ monsters, generally ranging from level 3 to 6. Then there are the enforcers. They are high level monsters who can take down problematic people, and dragons. 

And if any trouble gets too large for the regular enforcers, I have the special enforcers. They go by Armityle, Emptiness and Frigg.


Just Frigg’s tokens should be enough for anything short of Janina, but if a Janina level problem does arise, I’m prepared for it.


Now, one more fun thing. The ‘Control Platform’ door on the Surveillance Platform. I had some fun with the stuff that is behind it. 

That door, if you do somehow get access to it, leads you to the most trapped corridor probably ever made. I used as many Trap Cards as I realistically could to stop someone from going through the corridor, while still making it technically possible.

And with a number of Compulsory Evacuation Devices that send you to the start, Trap Hole cards that are just deadly, Level Limit cards that force high or low level people to take different paths.


And even if you somehow figure out the path, you will just end up in a room that is under constant Skill Drain, has a DNA Surgery turning everyone in the room into Insect-type and a Insect Barrier preventing you from moving forward, or backwards. 


So if you do get there, the only thing you will be able to do in the Factory is be stuck in that room as a skill-less insect. Just so you can think about what you’ve done.

And an even more of a fun fact. If a person who doesn’t know Soul Magic gets stuck in that room, they won’t be able to escape the Factory unless I or one of the Surveillance Platform monsters teleport them out of the room. Because the Factory isn’t a video game. You can’t just pull out a menu and hit the log out button. You have to get to the log out area and log out there.

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