Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.589 Cocoon of Ultra Evolution

CH.589 Cocoon of Ultra Evolution

To start off today, I decided to look into Big Evolution Pill, and all the other ‘evolution’ cards I have. So I hit ‘evolution’ into the name search function of Collection and checked what came out.

I got 11 hits, but out of them, 5 were R‘evolution’ cards. Huh. Never realized revolution needed some evolution. But I guess that checks out.

But the actual ‘evolution’ cards I have are Evolutionary Bridge; Evolution Burst; Unstable Evolution; Cocoon of Evolution; Big Evolution Pill and Ultra Evolution Pill.


Out of the six, I can pretty confidently write off Evolutionary Bridge and Evolution Burst. Evolutionary Bridge is a resurrection card and Evolution Burst is a card based on the Japanese name of Cyber Dragon’s attack. Neither of them will help.

Unstable Evolution seems great at first, but it is very risky. It is called Unstable Evolution for a reason. And I’d rather have stable results.

But Cocoon of Evolution and the two Evolution Pills seem extremely promising. Sure they won’t work on everyone. Cocoon of Evolution will likely only work on Insect-folk, Spider-folk, etc. while the Evolution Pills will likely only work on Lizard-folk. 

And I think I’ll need test subjects, non-humanoid test subjects, for both of these cards before I even think about using them on people. And I think tamed monsters will be perfect for that.

So I grabbed Unika and we headed out to find some. Yes, I could feed Aoi Koiru Evolution Pills, but I’d rather not have her evolve into some sort of monstrous dinosaur thing. I like her being a snake and I want to keep her being a snake. 

And I didn’t want to use HomeBase monsters for two reasons. One, dungeon monsters are more difficult to tame because they have more miasma in their bodies and two, HomeBase has basically only high level monsters, C-rank or higher.

I’d rather start with a F, E or D-rank monster, just so I can get a clue on how powerful these evolution cards can really be.

Besides, low level monsters are basically everywhere. And I have surveillance drones. So it won’t take us long to find an insect monster and a reptile monster I can tame.

Luckily for me, Unika knew plenty of locations that are known for specific types of monsters. She has been reading the guild communicator networks messages for a long time, and has been updating her personal monster map based on the information, as well as her own sorties. What do you mean her flights aren’t sorties? Sure they are. HomeBase is clearly a military force.

So first we headed for an area Unika told me was known for forest larva. They are pretty close to Larvae Moth in appearance and size, move really slowly, and aren’t really that dangerous for humans. Except that they eat most plants, so they need to be kept away from crops, or they will eat entire fields.


Yes, technically Petit Moth is a caterpillar, but caterpillars are a type of moth larvae, so any larva should work for Cocoon of Evolution. I think a silk moth larva would be the best, but what do I know?

Now, as for why these forest larva picked this area to live in? Well, it is simple. It also hosts plenty of plant monsters for them to feed on. In short, forest larva eat the plant monsters, so they don’t get out of control, and at the same time, the plant monsters fight the forest larva so there aren’t too many of them. It is a crazy balance where a small problem could likely turn the struggle in one teams favor, but so be it. It is currently in balance and that is all that matters.

Unika and I scouted from the air and found a sufficient forest larva for the experiment. I jumped out of the ship, flew down, took a hold of the larva and used Teleport to Seal to get back into B.E.S. Big Core MK-3.


I then just tamed the insect, which was no issue. It is a low ranked monster for a reason. I threw it some food and we headed for the next location.

The next location we headed to was on the Empire and Ruiso Kingdom border. It was a mountainous region with a valley called the Reptile Valley. Yeah, it is basically a home to a massive number of different reptile monsters, so it is perfect for us. It is also a common hunting spot for those wanting reptile leather. You just need to bait out some of the reptiles and then deal with them. 

There have been offers from high ranked adventurers to clear away the monsters in the valley, but considering that they rarely leave the valley, and that they are a great source of high quality hides, those offers have been refused. And those offers were also costly. 

So why pay a lot of money for something that isn’t a problem and is actually good for the closest cities?

Also, the valley is actually on the Empire’s side of the border, but some monsters do come over to Ruiso Kingdom's side. And the Empire has allowed limited hunting of the lizards in the valley. It was one of the pacts Elias re-signed during my first visit to Crystal city.

For us, none of that really mattered. We just checked the monsters from the air. I picked out a quadrupedal lizard monster, a forest lizard, from amongst them. I teleported next to said lizard with Short Teleport, a short range teleportation spell that can basically teleport you to anywhere you can see. No, it does not work through screens. 

I grabbed a hold of the lizard and teleported to the seal I set on the ship while carrying it. And then I tamed the monster, and we could head home.

On the way home, I named my two monsters. They got the names Gojira and Mothra for no reason whatsoever. Not like I’m trying to turn them into a Godzilla or Mothra.

I’m just expecting that they might turn into Godzilla and Mothra. I mean, Ultimate Tyranno is basically Godzilla and Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth is Mothra.


And what cards do you use to summon those two monsters? That’s right. Cocoon of Evolution and Ultra Evolution Pill. Which are the cards I’m planning on using on these two.

Once we were back on HomeBase, I took Mothra to floor 1 of HomeBase. It is already filled with Insect monsters, so what is one more?

I then equipped the Cocoon of Evolution onto Mothra and watched as a huge amount of silk thread formed a protective shell around Mothra.


… I guess that is that. Now this is a waiting game. Hopefully the other insects on this floor don’t eat Mothra, but if they do, I’ll just recreate the experiment in the Factory.

Then it was Gojira’s turn. I took him to one of the treant floors of HomeBase, just in case he grows huge, before feeding him an Ultra Evolution Pill.


And the pill worked, as Gojira began growing. Quickly. He started off as a quadrupedal lizard, around one and a half meters long from head to tip of the tail, but he grew bigger.

And bigger.

And even bigger.

When he stopped growing, he was standing on just his hind-legs, but did have a somewhat hunched over posture. From head to tail, he was just over 20 meters, so he grew to be over 13 times larger than he was. Sadly looked more like the 1998 ‘fakezilla’ than Godzilla, but whatever.

I have a tamed dinosaur.

As I was looking over the evolved Gojira, I had Laura identify the species. It was called Destruction Lizard, an A-rank monster. A pretty impressive evolution with just one card.

Sadly, as I was focused on looking Gojira over physically, I didn’t think to look him over magically. Mainly in terms of his miasma amounts. 

And Gojira quickly reminded me why that was a bad idea, because as I was floating around him, I found his tail coming towards me at high speeds.

Luckily I have my set cards ready, so Negate Attack protected me, but it also messed with my head a bit. Negate Attack only activates if the attack means actual harm to me. That means that Gojira, a monster I tamed, is actually trying to kill me. 

I quickly took on a combat stance. I should be able to take on an A-rank monster, and all I really need to do is find out why Gojira is going crazy and stop that. So I used both Mana Vision and Miasma Vision. With those skills, I quickly spotted the issue.

Gojira had an overload of miasma in his body. I suppose I should have predicted that. He did just evolve from an E-rank to A-rank. That is a huge increase and that sort of boost takes a lot of miasma. 

Gojira must not have been able to take that miasma boost.

Things then got even more dire, as I noticed that the taming bond between me and Gojira snapped because of all of the miasma. Yes, I can see taming bonds with Mana Vision.

So now Gojira is a non-tamed monster loaded with excess miasma. … Yeah. I guess I could get Cailie or Lua down here to deal with the miasma and re-tame Gojira, but at the same time, do I really want to? He isn’t even a real Godzilla, but a fakezilla. So let’s just kill him and get this over with. That way I don’t have to worry about feeding him.

So I brought out Errelitea, released as much of Overpowering Aura as I could to stun Gojira. 

“Space, rend my opponent to pieces, Spacial Rend!” I quickly chanted a powerful Space Magic spell that went would cut the target a few hundred times in an instant, and watched as deep grooves formed in Gojira’s body. I was honestly expecting Gojira to go down with the single attack, but with the miasma and mana still overloading his body, he healed from the cuts and attacked me again. 

I defended myself with Errelitea, cutting of Gojira’s tail, hand, leaving a deep groove on the side of his head, and so on, but none of them were doing much. So I decided to go on the offensive again. This time with a spell I made myself. … okay, I had some help from my monsters, but it was still my idea.

“Oh mighty star that vanishes from the sky. Allow me to borrow the might of your supernova. Collapsing Star Cannon!” I fired off a massive beam of magic. It was actually a mix of Space and Time Magic, making it technically a Gravity Magic spell, despite the fact that I don’t have the Gravity Magic skill, yet. Also, since it is my original spell, the chant isn’t hyper-optimized, thus it not having ‘Gravity’, ‘Time’ or ‘Space’ as the opening statement like the more optimized spells have.

The spell also took a stupid amount of mana, nearly 7000. And like some other spells that fire a beam of magic, I can put as much mana into the spell as I want, which will just increase how long it lasts and how much damage it does.

I put a little extra into the spell, just to make sure I wouldn’t have to kill Gojira a third time, and when the spell let out, I saw my temporary dinosaur with a huge hole in his body. 

I flew over and made sure to get the corpse into Storage before it could hit the ground, just to show at least a little respect to the monster. Sorry I killed you, but at the same time, you went crazy. Yes, it is my fault that you went crazy, but you are also a monster. 

I then made sure my ‘little spell’ didn’t damage HomeBase, but luckily the dungeon stood up to it. I expected it to, considering that it took an attack from a 9k Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon no problem. But I wanted to make sure.

It took a little over a week for Mothra to emerge from his … actually I don’t know if Mothra is male or female. But it took them that long to emerge from the silk cocoon. I had to move the cocoon after Gojira, because I was legitimately afraid how large Mothra would be after the evolution. And there was also a chance Mothra would go crazy, so I had mentally prepared myself to cull the insect as well.

As Mothra hatched, it extended large rainbow-colored moth wings. They were nearly 20 meters from tip to tip, so I was glad I had moved Mothra, as floor 1 might have been a bit thigh for the moth.

I was already using both Mana and Miasma Vision, because I don’t want to get tail slapped again. But it seems like Mothra’s mana levels are much more reasonable. They are a bit high, like is to be expected after a monster evolution, but they are nowhere near where Gojira’s were. My taming bond with Mothra was also still there, and seemed perfectly stable. 

Laura then told me that Mothra had evolved into a Giant Rainbow Butterfly. A rare monster that is usually non-aggressive to humans and is actually seen as a good luck charm of sorts. Seeing a Giant Rainbow Butterfly means that the area is safe from monsters, or so the legends from the books in the Factory library say.

Giant Rainbow Butterflies are also interesting in the way they feed. Because they technically don’t need to feed. They can survive on just sunlight and water. Though they do like things like honey and nectar. 

I gave Mothra some orders, just to confirm she would listen to me. Yes, I checked her gender. She has an egg sack, she is a female.

I then warned the rest of HomeBase with the HomeBase PA system, as I was going to teleport Mothra to the surface. … and then I teleported us. 

I flew a round around the citadel with the giant Butterfly, before I realized that I really don’t have a good home for her. She is a moth, so a giant tree would be best, I think?

So I asked Cailie to come over, so she could summon Hegemone. We needed a giant tree, and if anyone can make one, the superior spirit of Nature would.

And so, in no time at all, we had a huge tree on the outskirts of the citadel for Mothra to call her home. 

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