CH.591 Launching the Factory
CH.591 Launching the Factory
Yeah. It is time. Well, time for the first limited test run, at least.
Because today I’m at the Dragon’s coast setting up their Factory Guide Post. Yeah, not the greatest name, but it does describe the functionality of the device.
I already talked about the device when we tested it on HomeBase, but it is just a guide that helps dragons get to the Factory, and return from the Factory. It can only be used by those who know how to use Soul Magic, so it is for dragons only.
Honestly speaking, both the Internet and the Factory are ready for widespread use. I’m just releasing the Factory to the dragons for a bit, while I get the locations where I can set up the Factory VR for people. Yes, I kept the name despite the massive number of improvements to the Factory VR. The current Factory VR isn’t just a 2.0, but more like a 3.2 version compared to the original 1.0, or maybe 1.3.2 version that was used on HomeBase. HomeBase now uses a 3.1-heavy version, by the way, which doesn’t rely on me being at the admin seat. The reason it isn’t 3.2 is because I wanted to make more sturdy versions of the devices, and the 3.2’s life support system was too streamlined to be turned into the -heavy version.
The -heavy versions were never meant for anything but HomeBase use, by the way. And as said, they were designed to be used by high leveled people, and people who aren’t human looking. You know, centaurs and other such races that can’t fit into regular Factory VR pods.
So sadly, because of the production costs, the Factory VR pods outside of HomeBase won’t fit people who are too large. I’ll eventually make them, but I’ll roll out the regular ones first, as something like 98% of people can use the regular ones. Maybe only 96%, but whatever.
But back to the Factory Guide Post. I set it up and after I did, multiple dragons entered the Factory. I did feel them go, but like tested, I only barely felt it.
I then took my stupidly underused duel gazer out of Storage and set it over my left eye so I could keep an eye on the Factory, while also watching over the dragons that were following the Guide Post there.
It is a bit disorienting to look into the Factory because of the time difference, but luckily I can use Time Magic, so I increased my own ability to perceive things, so I could keep an eye on things.
I watched as my enforcer squad waited at the Factory Guide Post located in the Factory. One by one dragons began to appear there. They didn’t act too rowdy, probably because of said enforcer squad, and then the Tour Guides I had standing by were able to guide the dragons where they wanted to go.
And no, it isn’t just Tour Guide From the Underworld doing that job. She is just the one I mentioned.
Also, I don’t think I need to tell you what the dragons did in the Factory. Yeah, they fought every monster there. Okay, not quite, but still.
I just spent some time with Janina while I waited for the first returns, and after they successfully returned, I headed back to HomeBase so I could prepare for the first installation of Factory VR pods.
The first place I’m installing them in is the Ruiso Royal Capital. I have the best connections there, and despite Hiro’s attempts, I got myself a nice building in the Ruiso Capital before I got one in Crystal City.
The building was a noble’s manor that was for sale. It belonged to an Earl who was in money trouble, so he had to sell it. It is not quite what I was thinking of when I planned this, but it will work.
I paid for it out of pocket, because of course I did. Even if Elias said he would pay for it. But the fact is, I don’t own a manor in the Capital, and maybe I should. And now I do.
Sure this building is way beyond what an honorary baron should own, but it will also be a business, so I shouldn’t get that much hate.
I inspected the place with all of my detection skills on, and even summoned some Spirit monsters, since they can just fly through the walls to see things that I can’t see. The building was in pretty nice shape, but it needed cleaning and the yard needed some TLC, since the building had been empty for a few months.
Luckily I have apprentice maids and butlers I can call. I brought my entire apprentice dragon maid/butler squad over, and they would take care of the inside of the house, while I summoned some Plant-monsters for yard care.
Once the outside was done, I headed in to inspect the damage the dragons probably inflicted on the house. Yeah, they still do that sometimes. Especially here, since HomeBase is built more sturdy than usual houses.
Luckily the damage wasn’t as bad as I predicted. There weren’t any broken walls but a few doors will have to be replaced. As well as some chandeliers and other attached decorations.
The building had like none, by the way. As I should have expected from a house that was sold due to lack of money. Only things you can’t really rip out without lowering the sale value were left there.
I then began to plan how I’d use the building. Or mainly how I’d set up the Factory VR pods. I’ll set up multiple in the great hall of the building. I won’t be holding parties here anyway, so I don’t need it for that. Those will be the cheap pods.
Then I’ll use the private rooms for a small number of pods, so that more influential people can lend them, and still do something like keeping a security team guarding their bodies.
Not that the pods aren’t secure and not like I won’t secure this building, but nobles might not trust me with their safety.
By the end of the day, I had the manor mapped out for how I wanted everything set up. It would probably take about a week to get it all done, but luckily none of that needed me, so I could focus on a multitude of things. … mainly airships. The manufacturing of them still needs me pretty actively.
After asking, Alice agreed to watch over this project.
And when I returned a few days later, I found out that Alice hadn’t just watched over the project, but she had gone above and beyond. She had acquired an entire staff for the mansion, had assigned the servants rooms and outbuildings for them to live in, made a shift schedule and everything.
She even planted a mana flower bed, so we could get mana for the Factory VR pods.
In short, she made sure that as soon as I installed everything, we could open this place for business. She even got a large sign made that will be placed near the gate leading to the manor.
This manor will get a total of 14 Factory VR pods. For now. I do think I’ll add a few more, but 14 to start with is more than enough. I do hope they will be used, but as I’ve said, or at least implied, they aren’t free. This is a business and while I don’t need to make money on it, I do want it to keep even in the books at least. Otherwise someone will ask how I fund this stuff. … actually, they probably will anyway when my airship leasing service is launched, which is soon. As soon as I get the next two airships finished. I'll have a total of five of them then, and I’ll lease out four, keeping one in Storage in case one of the ships breaks and has to be replaced.
Just two days after I installed the Factory VR pods, we opened the Factory VR service. And thanks to Alice’s hard work … okay, the work Alice did put in, because apparently it wasn’t that difficult, we had a few customers.
Mainly the entire Royal Family, except Nevelle. Nevelle can access the Factory with her alternative half living on HomeBase whenever she wants. By the way, speaking of Nevelle, she has advanced with her control over Soul Magic, and thus her unique skill. She can now freely transfer memories and knowledge between her two selves, similar to how Janina does it between her real body and the scale copy.
Alice made sure we had private rooms set up for the Royal family, and we gave them the best service possible. Our employees were more than a little taken back by our first customers, and sadly for them, the same continued for the rest of the day.
Maybe because we are in the nobles district, or maybe because of who Alice advertised to, all of our opening day customers were nobles.
My job, outside of greeting our customers, was keeping an eye on everything. Just to make sure everything would work perfectly. Luckily it did and I didn’t have to call Janina so we could go searching for a lost soul.
Also, the human customers were a lot easier on the Factory side than the dragons. They didn’t cause any problems. Not that the dragons caused many, but they were more rowdy.
In the next few days, I set up two more Factory VR buildings. One in the Hero’s country, specifically in the Sage’s tower. They supplied me with a room, and since the Sage’s tower already had mana flower beds that could fuel the pods, all I had to do was set them up.
And since the tower provides security and personnel, I didn’t have to worry about that.
The sages became frequent visitors of the Factory, spending time learning from my Spellcaster monsters, as well as reading books in the Factory library. I had copied most of the Sage’s tower library there, and since the Factory has time dilation, it is better to read the books there.
I got some flack from the sages since I’d placed restricted books in unrestricted areas of the Factory, and I had to work with Tahlia to fix that. I also had to make an authentication system because of that, so that the sages could get access to the ‘sage only’ library.
The third Factory VR station rose in the Empire. Yeah, Hiro made sure he had one he could use, so he got me a building and even renovated it to my needs. He really goes too far sometimes, but it is useful for me, so I won’t complain.
The Empire’s VR station also had the highest number of pods with a total of 21. And one of them was always ready for use by the Crystal people, mainly Hiro. His sister did sometimes also visit the Factory, but Hiro was the most frequent visitor.
Honestly speaking, getting the Factory VR stations up and running felt good. The Factory has been such a ‘me’ space, but now it feels more … used. Lived in. Sure my monsters populate the area, but they are in the end my monsters. My servants. Having real people there feels better.
Sadly real people being there also led to people discovering the number of System Support avatars that live there, which lead to them figuring out just how many of us have a System Support, but that isn’t too big of an issue.
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