CH.592 Galactic Overlord
CH.592 Galactic Overlord
Today there was a surprise for all the Factory visitors, and I realized I may have ignored a few facts when I made the Factory public. Mainly our System Supports and the fact that a few System Agents visit the Factory from time to time.
Today’s surprise was the second. Aulis had come to the Factory to tell me about an up and coming fissure and he was surprised to see so many people there.
Because despite the early morning hour, there were already 12 people in the Factory, who had come in using the Factory VR. And 6 dragons who came following the Guide Post.
And because of the early morning hour, most of them were still making their way to where they were heading in the Factory.
“You’ve been busy.” Aulis commented.
“Well, you know how it goes. It's been a while since the last [fissure] miasma blob, so I had to come up with something fun on my own.” I told him.
“Including a malfunctioning expurgating system?” Aulis asked.
“So it worked? Good to know. I actually hadn’t tested it out yet.” I told him.
“No, it didn't work. While it was dampened, I heard what you said under the cover words.” Aulis responded.
“It doesn’t work on you because you know the truth.” I explained. “But the visitors should hear the F word as miasma blob, which is what I’ve been telling them.”
“I see. Then I suppose it mostly worked. The filtering could do with some improvements.”
“Yeah, I’ll look into it.” I promised. “Let’s get to a private room. This isn’t a talk for the public.”
As we walked, Aulis got some attention. I don’t know why, but for some reason the Factory visitors are able to tell System Supports, or in this case System Agents, apart from my monsters. I did try to fix it, but I couldn’t find the root cause, so I couldn’t figure it out.
The same goes for Fantasia. Everyone just knows she isn’t a Pack Opener monster. I would comment about Tahlia, but only a few of the sages have seen her, since they are the only ones she shows herself to. And even then it is only to play boardgames with them.
… Actually, I may have just realized the root cause. I think it is Fantasia. She doesn’t want to reduce herself, her family and her extended family to be the same as my monsters. So she probably gave her family some strange aura I can’t feel. But the visitors can. Maybe. I’ll ask her, but she’ll probably lie if that is the case.
I got the info about the next fissure from Aulis and then I compared it to the data coming in from the miasma dosimeters. And as I was comparing the data, I noticed a place different than the place Aulis indicated having abnormal miasma readings.
They weren’t stable, and were instead jumping up and down on the daily. One day there is too much miasma and the next there is too little. The change wasn’t large enough to trigger an alert, so I didn’t notice it before, but that really isn’t normal.
Low miasma readings have never led to a fissure, while high levels might. But there has never been this back and forth before. I’m honestly not sure what it means.
Maybe it could mean that a monster evolved and drew in a lot of miasma to fuel the evolution? And as the monster is pulling the miasma, the sensors keep picking it up, but then the levels drop again? Or something like that.
I wrote a report about the abnormal miasma level in that area and shared it with the guild communicator, recommending that the guild in that area investigate what might be wrong.
As I was typing the report, Unika read it from over my shoulder and said she’d go take care of it. I then asked her if she’d rather come with me to deal with a fissure or do the investigation, but after some thought, Unika said she’d do the investigation. In her words, fissures are more common and less exciting.
Since I didn’t get Unika, I instead took Cailie and Mothra with me to the fissure. No, I wasn’t going to fight with Mothra. I was actually using her as a test subject. And Cailie was honestly a ‘just in case’, since her unique skill can purify miasma.
I don’t want what happened with Gojira to happen to Mothra. She, being a Giant Rainbow Butterfly, has higher natural miasma resistance than most monsters. There is a reason they are seen as ‘good monsters’. So she already has a better chance at surviving the miasma.
And Mothra does have an accessory that should protect her from miasma, which I designed for the Wild Pack and their tamed monsters. As well as all of ours, but I only really designed it after we started our partnership with the Wild Pack.
It is currently untested against high amounts of miasma. And even with Mothra’s resistance to miasma, I’m not 100% sure she will be able to stand up against the pure power of a dimensional fissure without going crazy. Thus Cailie is here as an insurance.
I was going to deal with the fissure monster with Himeśaila. Because of her, or more like thanks to her, I got the Prism-Ice Magic skill. I’ve tested it a bit, but now I really want to take it for a spin against an opponent. And Himeśaila also wanted to test her evolved power.
I summoned the ice dragon at the same time as I called Exodia.
Then it was just open the fissure and deal with whatever monster comes from the inside. This isn’t the first time. You know the deal.
The monster this time was an SS-rank dinosaur monster that looked quite a lot like the real Godzilla, like it was trying to taunt me that I had to kill Gojira. … okay, I didn’t need to kill him. I killed him because it was easier and I really didn’t have a close connection with the lizard yet. And to make things worse, this things racial name is The Great Zilla, for some reason. Fricking Japanese reincarnation or something.
But an SS-rank made for a good target for Himeśaila, so I just supported her however she needed. I mainly made some basic ice constructs with Prism-Ice Magic, which Himeśaila then used to attack the Great Zilla.
Prism-Ice Magic is really good for making ice constructs. It makes them with a crystal structure that is as clear as a prism, as you might have figured out from the name. But that crystal structure is also fairly durable. In terms of hardness, it can match up to very hard gems like rubies and sapphires, while being more tough than the gems.
Taking down the Great Zilla was a lot of work and it took a while, so long in fact that Exodia had already closed the fissure by the time Himeśaila managed to finish off the beast.
During that time, a few B-rank monsters had also spawned because of the fissure, but luckily Cailie and Mothra had dealt with them.
We then spent a bit of time clearing out all the ice littering the ground before we headed back home.
And naturally dealing with a fissure rewarded me with a new set. .
And the new set means packs. 10 of them in fact.
Constellar Belt is pretty nice, securing plays with Light attribute monsters. And it should help with Light attribute spells as well.
Evoltile Lagosucho is pretty nice. Special summoning from the deck is always great.
Nimble Manta isn’t the best Nimble monster, but I guess it can flood the field with Mantas.
Hieratic Dragon of Su is pretty good. Hieratic Dragons aren’t my favorite dragons, but Su is a really good Hieratic Dragon.
Berserk Scales is pretty bad. A 1000 attack boost is fine enough, but then the monster loses 2000 during the end phase, making Berserk Scales not worth it. I have better attack boosting Quick-Play Spells.
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet is about as good as Su. Both do Hieratic Dragon things.
Inzektor Earwig is pretty good for an Inzektor deck. A 1000 attack and defense boost is always nice.
Phantom Bounzer is okay. Sadly it searches things. If it special summoned stuff, it would be broken.
And Lightray Gearfried is a powerful Warrior with a good effect. The summoning condition does require a bit of set up, but nothing that bad. I might use him, or maybe I’ll give a copy to someone.
Next pack.
Butterflyoke is just … why? Battle position changing isn’t good.
Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King is terrible in the TCG. It is just way too slow. But for me, it is actually quite nice. I can get all the Hieratic main deck monsters with it.
Sealing Ceremony of Raiton sucks. There are cards that banish more stuff without you having to return a monster into the deck.
Blade Bounzer can double attack if you discard a card. Not bad, but with only 1800 attack, not amazing either.
Doom Donuts is going to be a snack for me. I’ll fry it up on the Mystik Wok and eat it.
Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord is actually a really interesting design for a card. You wouldn’t think a level 8 dragon would have 0/0 stats, but it fits the Hieratic archetype so well.
And Lightray Sorcerer clearly goes together with Lightray Gearfried. And Lightray Sorcerer is about as good as Lightray Gearfried. So decent enough for use, but I may not use either, as I just have better stuff.
Next pack.
Moonlit Papillon is great, since it can summon Butterspy monsters from the deck.
Morpho Butterspy just lowers the attack and defense of a monster that changes its battle position by 1000. Not that great.
Cameraclops is kind of cool. The effect is already decent, but I’m more interested in his uses outside of combat. He’ll really help whenever I need to film a video. He will be the dedicated cameraman from now on.
Lightray Daedalus is fine. The other two Lightray monsters are a bit better, but Daedalus isn’t bad.
I already had Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon, I got it as a reward for the Xyz challenge. But it is cool to pull one from the pack, and I even pulled the ghost rare variant.
And Gagaga Gardna is a pretty good defensive monster.
Next pack.
Aquamirror Cycle is okay recovery.
That Wacky Magic! is a Raigeki with extra steps. It really should inflict burn damage or something as well. Though it was made during a time when Raigeki was banned.
Mini-Guts is actually quite good. Not only does it reduce the attack of a monster to 0, but you also get to inflict burn damage to your opponent equal to that monster's attack in thy GY. And that can be a lot.
Xyz Wrath is just a monster effect negate. I have better cards for that.
Nitwit Outwit is just a worse Mini-Guts.
And Inzektor Crossbow - Zektarrow is a nice equip spell. I really need to look into what tech I can learn from the crossbow.
Next pack.
Hieratic Seal of Supremacy isn’t needed. It isn’t a bad card for TCG use, but I can normal summon high level monsters for free, so I don’t need it.
Return would be overpowered if it was a Continuous Trap. But it isn’t one, so it is kind of mid.
Hieratic Dragon of Nuit just special summons dragons. For free. I love it.
Hieratic Dragon of Eset is just ‘would you like to Xyz summon?’ as a monster.
Falling Current can modulate levels, which is useful, but not all that useful.
Nomadic Force is really meh.
And Dimension Slice banishes a monster. Useful enough, but a bit situational.
Next pack.
Swallowtail Butterspy is okay-ish.
Buten seems like it wants to be bacon. … okay, maybe not. But Buten really isn’t that good.
Evolsaur Darwino is okay. Just okay.
Inzektor Firefly is an okay Inzektor.
Overlay Owl removes overlay units. I really wish it could add them instead. Would be more useful.
And Hieratic Seal of Banishment just banishes a monster, but you have to tribute a monster to activate it. Not worth.
Next pack.
Gamushara is way too situational.
Bright Star Dragon is fine enough.
And Evo-Price is okay.
Next pack.
Commander of Swords wouldn’t work in this world, so I don’t need it.
And Influence Dragon can just make a non-dragon into a dragon for the turn. Potentially useful, but I can just summon an actual dragon.
Next pack.
Inzektor Gauntlet is a decent defense boost, and the ‘cannot be destroyed by card effects’ is always nice.
And Absorbing Jar is pretty bad.
Next, and last, pack.
Wattaildragon is fine. But what is that lore on it? “IMPORTANT: Capturing the "Wattaildragon" is forbidden by the Ancient Rules and is a Level 6 offense, the minimum sentence for which is imprisonment for no less than 2500 heliocycles.” Really? That is what you came up with?
Flame Tiger is fine. You can special summon it from the GY. Though you do have to give up your draw for that.
And Hieratic Seal of Convocation is great for TCG use. And even for my use, it is fine enough.
After I was done with my pack opening, I got a report from Laura that something strange was going on in the area the Card Beasts went to investigate.
(... and why didn’t you tell me as soon as I was done with the fissure?) I asked.
(I knew you wanted to open the new packs. And besides, it doesn’t seem to be anything bad, just strange.) Laura defended herself.
(... okay. Just tell me what is going on.)
(Of course. First of all …)
As Laura was about to explain things to me, my phone rang. I picked it up and noticed that Eline had added me to a conference call between herself, Einar and Unika.
Convenient timing, I have to say. Now I can hear everything directly from them. I answered the call to hear what they had to say.
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